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“For what it’s worth,” Jackson continued, “it was an accident. I slipped on some algae and then something stung my toe.” A sandal-clad foot sporting a bright red welt came into Corbin’s field of vision. “Want to kiss it and make it better?”

“Not really. I could piss on it. That might help.”

“That’s for jelly fish stings.”

Corbin looked up and narrowed his eyes at Jackson. “How do you know it wasn’t a jelly fish. Did you see it?”

“Jelly fish don’t live in fresh water.”

With a shrug, Corbin stood. The move brought him almost nose to nose with Jackson. They weren’t touching, but he was close enough to feel the heat coming of the man’s sun-warmed shoulders and catch a drift of his musky scent.

“Why are you here, Jackson?” Corbin asked again, but he sounded tired instead of angry. “Is this some kind of game you’re playing? Because if it is, I’m not interested.”

For a long moment, Jackson stared into his eyes. “It’s not a game, Cor.” He turned to walk away, then glanced over his shoulder. “I meant what I said before. You can share my tent if you like.”

Corbin felt his resistance fading, but he wasn’t going down without a fight. “Maybe.”

Jackson smiled. “Bring your stuff.” His eyes flicked to the pile of dry clothing. “All your stuff, and I’ll see if I can…fit you in.”

Shaking his head, Corbin watched Jackson walk away.

Corbin didn’t last much past dinner before his exhaustion took over, and Jackson waved him towards the two-toned blue tent at the end of the row but didn’t follow him as Corbin had anticipated. Aware that he was mildly disappointed, Corbin slipped inside and stripped off his shorts. As he crawled under the thin top-sheet, he was aware that Jackson had fully opened and spread his sleeping bag across two camp pads. The tent was set up for two people. Was it possible he was wrong, and it was a coincidence they booked the same trip? Had Jackson intended to do this trip with another person?

Too tired to give it much consideration, Corbin drifted off almost immediately and didn’t wake until morning. The first thing he saw when he opened his eyes was Jackson’s stunning face. They were nose to nose again, but this time they were both lying down. Jackson’s right leg had drifted against Corbin’s during the night, and one of them had entwined their ankles. Corbin couldn’t move without disturbing Jackson, so he lay quietly and watched the man sleep while his mind replayed what had happened in his office during the party.

Corbin had never been a hook-up kind of guy, but it was difficult to sustain a relationship when you worked most nights from five in the evening until three in the morning. The choice was usually limited to customers or coworkers, and Corbin had had enough of those encounters backfire as he was coming up in the business to steer clear. When he’d opened Prowl, his personal policy was to keep business business and relationships relationships. Trouble was, he hadn’t had time for a relationship, and then Jackson had come to work for him, and Corbin found he wasn’t interested in anyone else. Any fun and games had come from the occasional play party at Eros or Catalyst and a willing sub.

“Now who’s the creepy stalker,” Jackson said. He was smiling, but Corbin’s face flushed in embarrassment at having been caught out. When he started to roll away, Jackson tightened the link between their legs and held on. “Don’t run.”

“I’m not the one who does that.”

Jackson sighed, and Corbin closed his eyes. How could the man’s breath smell so sexy first thing in the morning? It reminded him of the way Jackson’s mouth had tasted when they kissed, and that reminded him of Jackson gazing up at him with Corbin’s cock in his mouth, and well, shit, now Corbin was hard, and it obviously wasn’t because he’d just woken up.

He tried moving away, but Jackson didn’t let him. Instead, the man rolled on top of him and pinned him in place.

“Talk to me, Cor.”


“Either talk to me or kiss me. Your choice. Which one is it going to be?”

Corbin tried glaring at the man, but all he got in response was a shit-eating grin and the intoxicating feel of Jackson’s erection rubbing against his own.

“Talk…” Jackson whispered as he leaned closer, “…or kiss.”

With a hopeless groan, Corbin reached up and took hold of Jackson’s face. He closed the distance between them and brought their mouths together.

At the touch of their lips, a flame ignited in Corbin’s body. He moaned, his hips rising to meet Jackson’s, to get more friction on his dick. Thank God! Both of them were wearing briefs. The thin material let him feel all of Jackson rub against him, their bare legs twining around each other trying to get as much contact as they could. Corbin stripped Jackson’s shirt from his body, impatiently shoving it up and over his head, practically ripping it when Jackson’s arms got caught in the sleeves. They laughed into each other’s mouths as Jackson tried to hold himself up on one arm so he could get Corbin’s shirt off, and Corbin wriggled beneath him trying to help.

“Oh, God. Oh, God,” Jackson gasped as their chests came together in a blaze of heat. He pushed himself up, hips still pinning Corbin to the sleeping bag. “Stop. Stop.”

It took Corbin a second to realize that someone was walking past the tent, their shoes crunching on the gravel. He stilled but took advantage of having Jackson’s throat suspended above him to lick and suck and nip at the taut flesh. Jackson closed his eyes, lips moving in silent supplication as he fought for control over his body. His arms trembled, and he whimpered. He fucking whimpered, and Corbin gasped, having to grab hold of his cock to stave off his climax. No one had ever turned him on this much. No one.

As soon as the person was gone, Jackson glared down at Corbin. “You are going to pay for that,” he said. “Take me out. I want to choke you with my dick.”

Corbin gave his erection another squeeze before doing as Jackson had ordered. He groaned deep in his throat as his hand closed around the very substantial length and girth hidden in Jackson’s briefs. Stroking Jackson with one hand, Corbin worked the other beneath the elastic and drew the briefs over the perfect roundness of Jackson’s ass. As soon as those muscular globes were free, he grabbed hold and squeezed, then pinched. Hard.

“Ow!” Jackson stared at Corbin. “What was that for?”
