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When Jake held out his hand to help him up, Micah thought he’d die, the moment was so sweet, so perfect. He didn’t need Jake’s help to stand—his balance was perfect, and he could run across this log with his eyes closed—but it had already been too long since Jake had touched him, and he wanted to feel the warmth of Jake’s hand.

The view of Jake’s body as Micah rose to his feet was… Damn, he almost stayed on his knees so he could stare at Jake’s cock, maybe take him in his mouth, but Jake pulled him all the way up until they stood face-to-face.

Jake was several inches taller than him, and for the span of a few heartbeats, Micah wondered if he should rise up on his toes and kiss him. In the time it took for the thought to form, Jake had already gotten the top buttons of his shirt undone. His fingers ghosted along Micah’s collarbone, thumbs resting at the base of his throat. When Micah swallowed hard, Jake sighed. He pulled his fingers back just like he had when he’d touched Micah’s cheek, and rubbed them before undoing the remaining buttons.

“May I?” Jake asked, reaching toward Micah’s pants, and Micah nearly swooned.

“Can we do this over there?” Micah nodded toward the ground. “I’ll feel ridiculous if I fall over right now.”

When they were standing on the small sandy patch where they’d left their shoes, Jake again reached for Micah’s pants and asked permission to undo them. Micah nodded, then held his breath as Jake’s fingers touched the skin of his now bare stomach. He closed his eyes and let himself feel the downward tug of his zipper, then the slide of fabric over his hips, his ass. His cock was hard as steel as Jake freed it from its confines, and Micah opened his eyes as he felt Jake’s hands trail down his thighs. Jake knelt before him, grinning.

“Can I taste you?” he asked, and Micah nodded mutely.

When Jake huffed a breath over his sensitive skin, Micah groaned, mesmerized by everything he saw, every sensation he felt. The tip of Jake’s tongue lapped at the bead of precum glistening on the tip of his dick, and Micah cried out.

Jake stood, took him by the hand, and led him forward. The sand underfoot gave way to cobble and silt as they waded into the cool water, the temperature having nothing to do with the small tremors running through his body.

When the water was up to their thighs, Jake let go of Micah’s hand and dived in headfirst. He resurfaced a few feet away and made his way toward the diving platform with quick, sure strokes. The moonlight glinted off Jake’s sleek body and the waves he created, and the cool water lapped at Micah’s balls, making him shiver again. His cock was hard and leaking. He took himself in hand, slid a finger through the liquid at his slit. Jake had touched him, tasted him. It wasn’t something Micah had ever considered before, but he brought his fingers to his mouth. The taste was both salty and sour, but not unpleasant.

“Come on, Micah.” Jake had reached the platform and was sitting on the edge, waving his arm.

Micah took a breath and dived into the water. The coolness on his dick was startling. As he swam, the water’s movement over him was like thousands of tiny fingers touching him at once. It was intoxicating and arousing. By the time he reached the platform, he was so turned on, he thought he might come, so he stayed in the water while he calmed down.

Jake sat with his feet over the edge, leaning back on his elbows. Micah tried hard not to stare at his cock, but given the way Jake was smirking, Micah knew he was failing miserably. It was a beautiful cock, Micah thought, then felt foolish for thinking it.

“I don’t know how you live in this humidity,” Jake said.

“I guess I’m used to it. Also, air conditioning.” He pulled himself up so he could rest his arms on the edge of the platform but tread water with his legs. He was about a foot from Jake and wished he were brave enough to touch him.

“Air conditioning helps.” Abruptly, Jake stood and walked to the edge where Micah rested. He grinned, then launched himself into the air and did a somersault over Micah’s head, landing a few feet away from him with a gigantic splash. He surfaced right next to Micah, who was sputtering to get the water out of his mouth and eyes.

Jake reached out, wiped his hand over Micah’s face, let his fingers linger on Micah’s lips. “Better?”


Micah was sure he stopped breathing when Jake crowded against him, his body flush against Micah’s back. Jake’s body was muscular, his chest smooth, and his cock nestled perfectly into the crack of Micah’s ass.

“Turn around, Mi,” Jake whispered in his ear. “Put your arms around my neck.”

He didn’t want to. He wanted to stay like this, letting the subtle motion of the waves rock his body against Jake’s, feeling Jake’s erection grow harder against his ass as his strong legs churned the water beneath them.

“Turn, Mi. I promise it will be better.”

Micah shivered from Jake’s warm breath against the cool skin of his neck, then let his head fall back on Jake’s shoulder as he felt a warm tongue lapping its way from his shoulder to his ear.

“Turn.” Jake’s command was husky and deep.

Micah did as told, then wrapped his arms around Jake’s neck as Jake caged him in, hands holding firm on the platform. On impulse, Micah raised his legs and encircled Jake’s hips, and Jake groaned as their cocks rubbed against each other, both of them hard as steel now. It was a feeling unlike anything Micah had ever experienced. He thought he should be embarrassed, then wondered why, deciding it felt too good to care.

Jake tried to hold on to the platform with one hand so he could use his other on their cocks, but it wasn’t working. He kept losing his grip.

“There’s a ladder on the other side,” Micah said. “It might make things easier.”

They floated away from the platform, Jake’s legs treading the water powerfully beneath them, his arms steering them. Micah kept his arms wrapped around Jake’s neck, letting himself be towed along, loving the feel of Jake’s body against his. Tentatively, he tasted Jake’s skin at the juncture of his neck and shoulder, feeling the powerful muscles moving beneath his tongue as the sharp taste of salt filled his mouth. Jake groaned as Micah lapped and nipped at his skin, and Micah sighed.

He’d never had access to another man’s body like this, never had permission to explore, and he was going to make the most of it. His hands worked into Jake’s hair, then caressed his neck and shoulders. The ripple of muscle, the silkiness of Jake’s skin under his fingers was intoxicating. All of it was turning him on, building a fever inside him that was growing hotter by the second.

When Jake had them anchored against the platform’s ladder, Micah let loose. His legs wove around Jake’s, bringing their cocks together with a delicious friction that made them gasp, then moan. He drove his hips forward, rubbing against Jake, and let his hands explore Jake’s torso. He played with Jake’s nipples, bent his head to run his tongue over the taut flesh, which had pebbled both from Micah’s touch and the coolness of the water. Micah flicked the tip of his tongue over the nub, fascinated by the feel of it and the way it made Jake squirm.
