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Alex nodded. “True enough. Look, all I’m saying is, have fun while he’s here, but protect yourself, okay?” When Micah didn’t respond, Alex repeated his request.

“Okay. I hear you. I promise not to fall in love with Jake Fielding.”

“What was that now?” Jake was standing on the lowest step in the pool where the water was about waist high. He’d lifted the goggles from his face and was grinning.

Kill me now, Micah thought, his face flaming again. “Nothing,” he snapped, aiming an eat-shit-and-die look at Alex, who was trying not to laugh.

* * * * *

Two hours later, they were out on the water, and Micah was glad to be at the wheel. It gave him something to concentrate on besides Jake, who was currently sprawled out on the bow, right where Micah had to look at him from the wheelhouse. His skin was turning golden, and he was still wearing that damn Speedo. It outlined everything Micah wanted to get his hands and mouth on, everything he now doubted he’d get the chance to explore.

If what Alex said was true, why would Jake want to waste his time with Micah? There was an entire city full of gorgeous men ready to do all the things Jake had talked about last night and more. Why would he give that up to be with someone as inexperienced as Micah? Shit. Why had he admitted all that to Jake? Why hadn’t he embellished his experience like he usually did?

By the time Micah guided the boat into the cove where he wanted to stop for lunch and do some swimming, he’d worked himself up so badly, he couldn’t even look at Jake. He was afraid he was going to do something stupid like get down on his knees and beg Jake to give him another chance, tell him he could do anything he wanted to Micah. So he stayed sullen and withdrawn, opting to say as little as possible for fear of what might come out of his mouth. When Alex called him on it, he shrugged and blamed his mood on post-performance letdown.

Jake eyed him over the remains of their lunch, which they’d spread out picnic-style on the bow, but didn’t say anything.

“Some of us haven’t been on vacation, you know,” Micah snapped, feeling an inexplicable urge to lash out at both Alex and Jake.

“Poor, Mikey,” Alex said. “Jake and I are hitting up some clubs tonight. You should come with us so you can work out some of this…tension.”

Micah looked at Jake, trying to gauge from his expression if he wanted Micah to accept the invitation, but Jake was staring at the water. Fuck it. “Sure,” he said, and then laughed when Alex choked on his soda.

“You’re going to come with us?”

“I just said so, didn’t I?”

Alex stared at him for a moment, then shook his head. “Cool.” He stood, stretched, and announced he was ready to swim. “Who’s joining me?”

Micah hoped Jake would stay behind. They hadn’t said a word to each other since Jake heard him blurt out that embarrassing promise to Alex by the pool and Jake had barely looked at him either. Micah couldn’t blame him. Here was Micah, telling his best friend he wouldn’t fall in love when he and Jake barely knew each other.

With a start, Micah realized the truth of that statement. They really didn’t know each other at all. They’d met for only a few minutes in Alex’s dorm room three months ago, and it’d been less than twenty-four hours…hell, it’s barely been twelve…since Jake found Micah and they’d…oh, God…they’d had the hottest night of Micah’s life.

A splash alerted him that someone had jumped into the water—Alex, who was now shouting for Jake to join him. Micah’s gaze sought Jake out as he balanced on the edge of the bow. Fuck, he was gorgeous. Micah’s body warmed as he thought about the feel of Jake’s body against his, Jake’s hands touching him, his mouth… Micah’s dick grew hard, and he shifted his ass on the deck, moaning softly as his erection brushed against the seam of his swim trunks. He pressed his palm against his trapped cock.

“Coming?” Jake smirked.

He’d been so lost in his thoughts, he hadn’t noticed Jake watching him. His face flamed, and he stood, turning to hide the way his trunks tented, but knowing Jake saw it anyway.

“I’m going to take a nap,” he said and stepped onto the catwalk that would take him aft to the cabin entrance.

“Hey, Mi?” Jake called after him, and Micah paused, then looked over his shoulder. The smirk Jake was still wearing faltered, then morphed into something softer. “Get some sleep.” Then that wicked grin was back. “You’re going to need all the energy you’ve got to keep up with us tonight.” With that, Jake launched himself into the air, doing that same somersault he’d done over Micah’s head the night before. Because he started higher up this time, he was able to untuck and enter the water smoothly, his body a graceful arc.

The water in the cove was crystal clear, allowing Micah to watch as Jake took several powerful strokes, sleek as a seal, before resurfacing. He raised a hand, waved, then took off in pursuit of Alex with a shout.

His hard-on had subsided, but Micah hadn’t been kidding about being tired. He made his way belowdecks to the cabin he always used when his family took trips. It was the smallest of the three, containing a single bed while the other cabin had a queen and his parents’ stateroom had a king. Micah fell onto the narrow bed and buried his face in the pillow.

He heard Jake and Alex splashing around and joking, their voices carrying clearly as they talked about school and ragged on people they knew from the dorms or their classes. They were both studying political science and economics. Alex was aiming for business school, and Jake had told him the night before he wanted to be a lawyer.

Just like that, his thoughts were back to the way Jake’s body had felt against his in the water, the way his skin had tasted on Micah’s tongue, the feel of Jake’s hand on his cock, the sound of him coming, the heat of it spilling over his hand.

He was hard again and flexed his hips, rubbing against the mattress. He groaned at the arousal pooling in his groin. Alex and Jake were still splashing around, their voices more distant now and joined by those of other people. He heard female voices too and assumed that would keep Alex occupied for a bit.

It only took a few seconds of debate with himself before he was pushing his swim trunks down his legs and sliding beneath the royal-blue comforter. He didn’t have any lube, so the first couple of strokes on his cock were rough. It wasn’t unpleasant, but not exactly comfortable either, so he got up and retrieved the lotion his mother kept in the head. It smelled of lavender, but it made his hand nice and slick as he took hold of his cock and gave it a few good tugs.

“Fuck,” he breathed out, his hand moving faster along his aching shaft. He thrust into his closed fist, remembering how he and Jake had rubbed against each other, cocks side by side. So good. Too good. Too soon.

Putting his feet flat on the mattress, Micah let his fingers trail downward. He cupped his balls, pulled on them, and rolled them in his hand, hissing at the slight bite of pain that just made him want to do it again. But he wanted something else, something he’d never done before.
