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Reluctantly, Micah reached for the towel. He handed it to Jake as he stepped onto the bathmat, then opened the cabinet to retrieve one for himself. Jake drew in a sharp breath at the sight of Micah’s ass and tight pink hole.

“I want to play with that,” Jake said.

Micah looked over his shoulder and coyly batted his eyelashes at Jake, wiggling his ass. “Play your cards right, and I might let you.” The blush that colored his face had Jake laughing.

“Slut.” Jake stepped from the shower stall. “Don’t forget, I saw what you were doing before.” When Micah’s face fell, Jake nudged him with a hip to let him know it was supposed to be a joke. Micah offered a feeble smile in response, and Jake pulled him close. “You know I’m kidding, right?” When Micah still wouldn’t look at him, Jake tipped his chin up. “What I saw was fucking hot, Mi. Don’t be ashamed of enjoying it.”

This time, Jake got a real smile. “I’ll try to remember that.”

He leaned in again and whispered in Micah’s ear, “I’m happy to help you out. All you have to do is ask.”

Jake laughed as Micah’s face turned crimson, and he let go, ruffling a hand through Micah’s damp hair. Even wet, the feel of it against his fingers was sensuous. He did it again, pushing Micah’s hair back from his face, and was rewarded with another radiant smile.

“You’re pretty when you smile,” Jake told him.

“Ass.” But Micah was smiling.

Jake nodded. “Most of the time. Now, where’d Alex stow my clothes?”

* * * * *

An hour later, they were on their way home with a stoned and fucked-out Alex sleeping in the large cabin and an invite from Emerson to a party in Manhattan that evening. Jake was looking forward to his first time in the City.

By the time they got back to Micah’s, Alex had recovered enough to join them on the flybridge, where Jake was enjoying the sight of Micah at the helm of the yacht. When Alex convinced Micah to join them for the party, Jake was pretty sure this was going to be the most epic summer he’d ever had.


The next two weeks passed in a blur of blowjobs and finger-fucking, jerking off together and frotting. Micah was loving it all. He’d never had as many orgasms in his life as he’d had since the night of the cast party. Anytime, anywhere, Jake was up for helping Micah explore his sexual side, and fuck, was he enjoying it.

Despite Alex’s repeated warnings, Micah knew he was falling for Jake, and he had several moments when he’d wondered if Jake was feeling the same. There was the fact that Jake didn’t hook up with anyone else when they went to parties, even though the first few times, Micah gave him plenty of room to say yes to the guys who offered. Jake had ignored them all in favor of dancing with Micah, which seemed a good indication of how he felt. Micah also hadn’t missed the way Jake tensed when guys asked Micah to dance. It was subtle, the way Jake’s lips thinned or he gripped his drink a little harder, but Micah noticed it. Felt it too, if he was standing close enough to Jake, which he often was.

And then there were small gestures, like Jake stealing a bite from Micah’s plate every time they ate together, or the soft touches that landed on his arm or back as they walked side by side, as if Jake wanted to make sure Micah was still within reach. A couple of times, when Alex wasn’t around, Jake held Micah’s hand, entwining their fingers and rubbing his thumb along Micah’s pulse point, making him shiver. What thrilled Micah the most, though, was how when they were out, Jake was almost always nearby. If they ended up on opposite sides of a room, whenever Micah looked his way, Jake was looking right back at him. Each and every time, Micah felt that incredible connection snap between them as if it were a living thing binding them together.

When they fooled around, Jake checked in to ensure he was okay with everything they did. He touched Micah as if he were the most precious thing Jake had ever laid his hands on, the connection blazing white-hot between them. In two weeks, they’d done everything except fuck, because Micah wasn’t ready to do that yet. They also hadn’t kissed, which Micah thought odd, but he loved everything else Jake did with his mouth, so he wasn’t complaining.

About midway through the month, Alex called Micah to ask if Jake could stay with him for a week. Alex’s very conservative maternal grandparents had requested a visit from him. His grandmother had broken her hip earlier in the summer, and it hadn’t healed enough for them to go to Europe as they’d planned, so they wanted Alex to visit them at their Greenwich home. Since Alex’s grandparents made Micah’s family look like free-loving hippies, taking Jake along wasn’t an option.

“I hate to dump him on you,” Alex said.

“It’s not a big deal. He’s here almost every morning anyway.” Which was true. Alex’s family didn’t have a pool, so Jake had taken to doing early morning swims at Micah’s and then making use of their home gym to get in a dryland workout. Most days, Jake also came upstairs and woke Micah in the most imaginative and toe-curling ways.

“Didn’t think you’d have a problem with it, Mikey, but thanks. I owe you.”

Later that day, Alex brought Jake over. They stowed Jake’s stuff in a room down the hall from Micah’s, but Alex’s smirk told him he knew Jake wasn’t going to get much use out of that room.

“Thinking you actually owe me. Big-time,” Alex whispered in his ear as the three of them went downstairs to watch a movie.

Micah shoved him, laughing. “I think I owe your grandparents, ’cause I don’t think you’re up for a threesome.”

Alex started to say something but closed his mouth and stared at him. Micah stared right back, realizing that, not only wasn’t he blushing, he wasn’t even embarrassed. He couldn’t wait to be alone with Jake.

“Just don’t get hurt, Micah,” Alex cautioned for the umpteenth time.

Micah rolled his eyes without bothering to offer his usual promise because he knew it was too late. Whatever happened this summer wasn’t even a choice anymore, and all he could do was hold on for the ride.

After Alex left, Micah asked Jake what he wanted to do and got a smirk in response.

“How big is your shower?” Jake asked.
