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“Thanks, man,” Jake said, while Micah died a bit, then decided to hell with that.

“Fuck it.” Micah grabbed the packet from Jake’s hands, tore it open with his teeth, and squeezed it into Jake’s outstretched hand. “Oh shit,” he breathed as Jake’s hand closed over their cocks and began to stroke. He was so turned on, it wasn’t going to take much for him to go off. He thrust hard into Jake’s hand, unable to help himself.

“Yeah,” Jake whispered. “Oh fuck yeah.”

Micah desperately wanted Jake’s mouth on his, but Jake’s head was angled up and back, exposing the underside of his jaw. The only thing Micah could reach was his neck, so he did, licking the taut skin at the juncture of neck and shoulder, nipping at the sharp jut of bone at the base of Jake’s throat.

“Fuck, Mi, fuck,” Jake growled as Micah licked a path up his throat, teasing and gently biting the Adam’s apple that moved with each of Jake’s muffled curses.

Jake’s hand set a torturous pace, stroking and squeezing their cocks as if desperate to get them off as quickly as possible. Micah was trying to hold his orgasm at bay for as long as he could, trying to have Jake come first. But given the expert way Jake was handling them, his strokes rough and hard, Micah knew that wasn’t going to happen unless he found something to make Jake lose control.

Raking his nails down Jake’s back earned him a groan and a hard thrust. Jake’s cock slid over the top of his, and Jake’s fingers grazed his slit. Micah hissed at the intensity of the touch.

“Again, Mi.”

Micah did as asked, digging into the muscles of Jake’s back, while at the same time nuzzling Jake’s collarbone and nipping at the skin hard enough to make Jake yelp. Micah soothed the spot with his tongue, which made Jake moan, so he did it again, remembering Jake showing him how much he liked that bite of pain followed by a gentle touch.

Jake’s hand stroked and pulled and tugged, working them both. His hips rocked back and forth, pushing Micah against the stall door.

It suddenly wasn’t enough for Micah. He let go of Jake, toed off his shoes and kicked his jeans aside, then grabbed hold of the stall door behind him to hoist himself up so he could wrap his legs around Jake’s thighs. Jake grabbed hold of his ass, and Micah could finally move his hips the way he wanted, in a sinuous slide. He reached down and grabbed their cocks in one hand.

“Goddamn dancers,” Jake growled as Micah pulled him closer with his heels against Jake’s ass. “So fucking hot.”

They were both frantic now, their bodies moving together like well-oiled machines. Micah was vaguely aware of the rattle from the stall door each time Jake thrust against him, but it just turned him on more to think people could hear them, would know what they were doing.

“Fuck, Jake,” he cried out, his whole body seizing as his orgasm blasted through him. He felt his cum spilling white-hot over his hand and between them. Jake thrust against Micah’s hand again, then bent his knees and thrust upward, slamming Micah’s back against the stall door. His body tensed, mouth open on a silent scream as he, too, spilled between them.

They leaned against each other, breaths coming hard.

In the stall next to them, they heard someone groaning, a sound of relief and ecstasy, followed by, “Damn. Thanks, guys.”

It took Micah a moment to realize why he and Jake were being thanked, and he buried his face in Jake’s neck as Jake responded, “Hey, no worries, man. Glad to help.”

Someone in the outer restroom chuckled, and the water turned on in one of the sinks.

“Can you stand?” Jake asked.

Micah nodded. He was shaky, but his legs would support him. Jake let him down slowly, then made sure Micah slipped on his shoes and jeans and was steady before releasing him and grabbing a wad of toilet paper so they could clean up. Micah snuggled against Jake’s shoulder as Jake pulled his jeans back up and tucked in his spent cock, and he mumbled his agreement when Jake said they should probably call it a night.


Micah tucked himself against his side and fell asleep almost as soon as they got in the cab. It was a long ride back to Oyster Bay, and closer to dawn than midnight, yet Jake didn’t follow suit. He remained awake, watching Micah sleep, occasionally running his fingers through the silky strands of Micah’s hair, trying to figure out why he was different from any other guy he’d ever met.

Jake didn’t feel butterflies in his stomach, nor did he want to draw hearts and flowers everywhere. He never did. No matter how much he wanted to fuck a guy, he’d never once gotten giddy or thought Oh my God, he’s the one! like romantic movies told him he should. Even though those movies were all about straight couples, they still set the gold standard everyone seemed to see as the ultimate goal of relationships: you met someone you couldn’t stop thinking about, you did stupid things around them, which meant you were falling in love, then you got married. Even in the gay community, he’d seen enough guys fall head over heels—whether it was forever love or right-now infatuation—to know that’s what they were looking for, no matter how much they protested the heteronormative bullshit of it when they’d just gotten their heart broken. Again. Everyone wanted that happily ever after with a forever person.

Jake knew he wasn’t a happily-ever-after guy. Even if he didn’t understand why, that was the way it was for him. If same-sex marriage became legal, he wouldn’t be interested in marriage either. He knew it the way he knew he was right-handed or gay. It simply was. And similarly, he knew Micah was different from anyone else he’d ever met because he simply was. Even before they really met, when Micah had just been a guy standing in his dorm room, Jake knew he was different, knew they fit in a way he’d never experienced before. It was why he’d gone looking for Micah that night, why he hadn’t been able to stop thinking about him in the months since. He may not have said anything to Alex, but clearly, his roommate had noticed something was up.

Micah shifted next to him in the cab, curled closer, his breath ghosting over the skin of Jake’s neck.

What is it about him?

Since the moment Micah had looked out from the stage and seen Jake in the audience, the connection between them had been as real and palpable as if they were touching. When they were at parties, he felt Micah even from across the room. He knew when Micah changed positions even if he wasn’t in Jake’s direct line of sight. If they weren’t in the same room, he always found Micah, making a beeline to him like he was a fucking homing pigeon. And when they were together, like tonight, it was electric. Not just those moments in the bathroom—although, holy hell, that had been hot—but all of it. When they danced together, when Micah was the filling in the go-go-boy sandwich, when they just stood back to front, watching the drag performer. All. Of. It.

He knew what it was supposed to mean, but he also knew it didn’t add up that way for him. It simply wasn’t what he wanted or dreamed of, but more importantly, it wasn’t what he felt. Despite the incredible sexual energy between them, despite this unique connection—or whatever this was between them—Micah felt like a friend to him. A sexy-as-fuck friend who was all kinds of amazing in bed and out of it, but still, for some reason, none of that translated into the expected you-are-the-one, till-death-do-us-part, forever-after emotion.

However, he suspected it was adding up that way for Micah. He’d heard Micah’s declaration to Alex the day after the cast party and knew damn well Alex would have his head if he hurt Micah. That wasn’t Jake’s intention either, yet he wasn’t sure he’d be able to walk away even after the summer ended, no matter how much or how little sense it made to him. He wasn’t interested in a relationship, but neither was he willing to tell Micah the connection between them didn’t mean anything. In only a few weeks, Micah had become one of the most important people in his life, but he didn’t know how to talk to Micah about it. He knew he should before Micah started making assumptions and having expectations. Jake had been down that road before with Craig and knew how tricky it would be not to lose Micah if they didn’t talk. And losing Micah was something he wanted to avoid at all costs.

He wasn’t any closer to figuring out what to do by the time the cab pulled up in front of Micah’s house.
