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Those words seemed to be what Micah had been waiting for. No sooner were they out of Jake’s mouth, than Micah was in motion. He swung his left leg over Jake’s shoulder, his movements sure, all his weight balanced on his right foot. The position put his cock at the perfect level for Jake to take him, but as Jake started to open his mouth, Micah cupped his jaw, preventing him from moving. He didn’t get a chance to ask why before the leg draped over his shoulder pushed him forward. The ball of Micah’s foot was pressing against the edge of the mattress, giving him the perfect position from which to control Jake’s movement. Jake watched the muscles in Micah’s thigh flex as he leaned forward, letting the tip of his dick brush over Jake’s mouth.

“Shit,” Jake whispered. He stared up at Micah’s eyes, knowing his own were betraying how turned on he was, but he wasn’t interested in hiding it from the man above him. “Do it, Mi. Fucking take my mouth. Come down my throat.”

“Who’s the one with no patience now?”

Micah painted his lips with the precum leaking from his slit, and Jake whined. The sound surprised him. The night of the cast party, he’d thought he was offering Micah a chance to explore his sexuality, to learn what he liked and what he didn’t, and here he was, on his knees, discovering how much it turned him on to beg, to be used.

“Open for me, Jake. Keep your eyes on me.”

As he followed Micah’s orders, feeling Micah’s rigid length fill his mouth, watching Micah as his cock disappeared between Jake’s lips, Jake realized one more thing: he wasn’t just begging to be used—he was begging to be used by Micah, and that made all the difference in the world. It was Micah standing above him. Micah telling him what to do. Micah fulfilling a fantasy he didn’t even know he had.

When Micah began to thrust, the leg behind Jake’s back prevented him from going anywhere but back onto Micah’s cock. Jake stopped thinking about anything but the feel of it in his mouth and the way his own was throbbing in his pants. He was held in a viselike grip between Micah’s body and the leg draped over his shoulder, and it was turning him on so much, he knew he was going to come without anything touching his dick, without removing a stitch of his clothing.

The heel of Micah’s shoe dug into his shoulder blade, pushing him forward with a bite of pain that had Jake moaning around Micah’s cock as it slid to the back of his throat. He closed his eyes, reminding himself to relax, to breathe through his nose, and guard his teeth with his lips. Micah’s right thigh rested against his chest as he leaned over Jake, his powerful leg muscles flexing with each thrust. His hands grasped at Jake’s hair, pulling his head back and opening his throat even more as Micah used his position and leverage to fuck down into Jake’s mouth. Jake’s hands fluttered in the air, seeking something to hold on to.

“Open your eyes, Jake, and put your hands behind your back.” Micah’s voice was a growl, and Jake was helpless to do anything but what that voice told him to. “That’s it,” he praised as Jake’s eyes found his and the connection between them practically gave off sparks. “You ready for more?”

Jake nodded. Without additional warning, Micah thrust quicker, deeper. Jake’s eyes teared, his mouth filled with saliva that dripped out of the corners and down his chin. He was so turned on, he barely even noticed it, wanting more, wanting something to push him over the edge. With his mouth full and hands clasped behind him, he couldn’t do anything except stare up at Micah and hope Micah could see the need in his eyes.

“So good,” Micah praised, hips snapping forward, cock gliding through Jake’s lips and against his tongue. “Keep watching me. See how good you make me feel.”

Micah leaned forward a bit more, his right knee bending to get him even deeper in Jake’s mouth. There was movement, Micah reaching out, and sudden, sharp pain blossomed on his chest as Micah rolled one of his nipples. He panted, losing the tight seal around Micah’s dick as his mouth opened in a silent scream. Micah stilled his hips, gripped harder through the fabric of Jake’s T-shirt, then let go and teased gently at the abused flesh. It was all the stimulation Jake needed to send him over the edge, and he cried out as the orgasm hit. Wave after wave of pleasure washed over him as he climaxed, unaware until he felt the hot splash of liquid on his lips that Micah had jerked off and come all over his face.

“Fuck,” Jake gasped out as Micah slumped over him. He looked up, unclasped his hands, and put them around Micah’s waist, helping him keep his balance as he slipped his leg off Jake’s shoulder, then collapsed to the floor next to him. “That was the hottest thing I’ve ever done.”

“Yeah?” Micah leaned against Jake’s side, traced a finger through the cum on Jake’s lips. Jake captured his finger in his mouth, sucked it clean, and it was Micah’s turn to curse.

Jake looked down at Micah’s satisfied smile and nodded. “Yeah.”

“Good.” Micah snuggled into Jake’s side. “That’ll take the pressure off you fucking me tonight.”

Jake’s orgasm-fogged brain nearly exploded. “Wait. Really?”

“I was going to suggest it when we came upstairs, but you had other ideas. So yeah, tonight, after I recover. If that’s okay with you.”

Wrapping his arm tighter around Micah’s shoulders, Jake hummed. “That is very okay with me.”

* * * * *

They were both too unsteady for anything but a quick shower. Afterward, they curled up in Micah’s bed without putting on clothes. Jake pulled Micah into his arms, caressing his chest and shoulders as they lay against each other, lost in their own thoughts.

As often happened in the past weeks, Jake’s thoughts drifted to Micah and the intensity of their connection. He still didn’t understand it, couldn’t name it, and frankly, he was getting tired of trying to do so. He’d never cared about what was considered normal, or worried about finding the right guy. With a few exceptions, every guy he’d been with had been the right-guy-for-right-now, and as soon as the sex was over, he’d moved on. Repeats were messy and led guys to assume a relationship was on offer, so Jake avoided sleeping with someone more than once. If Micah hadn’t wanted more after the night of the cast party, Jake would have been disappointed, but he’d have accepted it and found someone else. Seeing a past fuck with other guys had never bothered him, so he assumed he’d have been fine if Micah did the same thing, although a part of him was thankful he hadn’t had to put that to the test.

Jake wasn’t into drama. In fact, that was a surefire turn-off for him. He hated getting caught in the blast of a guy who didn’t understand the ground rules and thought they could bully him into a relationship. Most got it, but the few who’d tried were always wrong, and Jake had no patience for the ones who tried to make it his fault. He was always upfront and honest about how he felt and what he wanted.

As he threaded his fingers through Micah’s silky hair, he thought it was good that Micah seemed the kind of guy who saved all his dramatics for the stage. He wouldn’t have to worry about how Micah would react when he left at the end of the month.

Unexpectedly, Jake felt a pang of regret that made him pull Micah closer, then wondered what the hell that was about. He looked down at Micah and saw he’d fallen asleep, which gave Jake a chance to study him while he puzzled over this new feeling and tried to work out if it meant anything.

He wasn’t sure. It definitely wasn’t kittens and rainbows and white picket fences. He wasn’t imagining a happily ever after with Micah. Sure, he wanted Micah like crazy, maybe more than he’d ever wanted anyone else, enough that he’d been willing to wait for Micah to be ready for sex. Not that it had been a hardship, which was kind of a first for Jake. He’d never been with a virgin before—they’d always seemed like too much trouble—and most of the guys he was with at home were far from virginal. He liked his guys to know what they wanted, was willing to go as far as they wanted, and never stuck around for a repeat. If a blowjob was all they wanted, fine. If Jake wanted more, he’d find a guy willing to give it to him, which was never difficult.

With Micah, he’d been willing to let him explore. Hell, he’d even told Micah to use him to figure out what he liked and would have been happy even if Micah had never gotten comfortable enough to ask for sex. And then, there was his willingness to submit to Micah, to hand over control to him. The connection between them made it possible for him to trust Micah in a way he’d never trusted anyone else, which made the sex off-the-charts. He couldn’t even imagine what it was going to feel like when he was inside Micah. He was getting hard just thinking about what would happen later, but no matter how good he wanted to make Micah’s first time, it was still just sex for him. Did he like Micah? Yes. He enjoyed everything they did together, especially the sex. Was it more? Did Micah make his heart beat faster and colors seem brighter and whatever other clichés people used? No. Which meant his feelings for Micah still fell into the friends-with-benefits category.

Satisfied that he’d worked out his dilemma, Jake drifted off to sleep and woke up several hours later with Micah draped across his chest. The sun was setting, but the only thing visible out Micah’s window was a steadily darkening indigo sky.

“It’s weird the sun doesn’t set over the water here,” Jake said, staring out the window.

Micah shrugged, and Jake shivered at the skin-to-skin friction.
