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When I was flying so high

Trying to touch the sky.

When I needed you most

Needed a home

Needed somewhere

To call my own,

You were there for me.

You held my hand

And took a stand

Made me feel

I was worth more

Than I ever knew

I could be.

‘Cause we’ve still got that

Same old love

The kind that feels so nice.

It’s that same old love

Turning me round

Talking me down

Bringing me back to you.

It’s that same old love

Bringing me home to you.

Dillon closes his eyes on the final notes, places his hand over the guitar strings, and leans into the mic. “I love you, Ben.”

I’m up on that stage in a heartbeat, gathering him into my arms, kissing the shit out of him while the audience laughs and cheers and pounds on the tables.

I hold his face between my hands, can’t get enough of seeing him, holding him, knowing he’s coming home with me. “I love you too, Dill.”

We spend the rest of the night on the stage — I couldn’t cheat these folks out of what they expected, no matter how much I wanted to get Dillon home and all to myself — we sing together, improvise some stuff, basically have a good time. Dillon tells some stories about life on the road. I tell some stories about when we were on the TV show. The audience loves it. Of course, there are videos. And of course, they go viral, but, when I see them the next morning, the hashtags make me smile: #dillondestiny #billon4ever #weddinginviteplz #sameoldlove because I know it’s all true. Dillon loves me, and I love him, and we’re all in with each other. Forever.

Voir Dear

Voir dire

The process by which potential jurors are questioned to determine fitness for serving on a jury.

Meaning: to speak the truth.
