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Cameron and I both look up, and I send invisible daggers of death at Min knowing she did it deliberately because of that stupid bet.

“There aren’t any actual rules about it,” Marney says. “I looked it up because…well… yeah…any sign of those drinks yet?” She looks over her shoulder as if looking for the waiter.

“It’s okay, Marn, I told him,” Cameron says, and Marney looks relieved. She mouths sorry in his direction, and he shakes his head at her.

Cameron nudges me with his leg, and I nudge him back. I’m really conscious of the fact we’re still holding hands, and that he’s begun tracing the lines on my palm with his thumb. I’m also conscious of the fact that I don’t hate this. In fact, I really like it, and I think I really like Cam.


Regretfully, we call it a night around nine because everyone needs to be somewhere tomorrow morning. I’ve still got Tyler’s hand in mine, so I hold him back as his friends and Marney make their way to the front of the bar and then onto the sidewalk seeming not to notice that we stayed at the table.

“I wish we didn’t have to go home,” Tyler says. He traces the back of my hand with his index finger, and the contact sends little jolts up my arm.

“I know. I feel like I’m back in school, and my parents are making sure I get a good night’s sleep.”

“It won’t help. As soon as the prosecutor starts asking questions, I’m going to be falling asleep no matter how many Red Bulls I chug.” I laugh, but Tyler looks instantly contrite. “I shouldn’t make fun of it. We’re deciding if someone should go to prison or not but fuck it’s boring.”

“Did you expect it to be like TV?”

We should be following our friends, but I can’t seem to make myself let go of Tyler’s hand or stand up.

“No,” he says, “but I didn’t think it was going to be so…pedantic.”

I laugh at his choice of words. “That’s what lawyers are like.”

“That’s right, you said your father’s a lawyer during voir dire.”

“It’s usually a get out of jury duty free card,” I say.

“I’m glad it didn’t work this time.”

I grimace. “I don’t usually say he does family law and estate planning.”

“Ah.” Tyler squeezes my hand, and when I look at him, he’s staring at me with those big, blue eyes. “Did something change your mind about jury duty this time?”

I squeeze his hand back. “You could say that. I was…interested in how this case would work out.” My phone buzzes, and I fish it out of my pocket with my free hand.

It’s a text from Marney telling me she’ll see me at home. Tomorrow.

When I look up, the sidewalk in front of the bar is empty.

“We’ve been left,” I say.

Tyler follows my gaze and grins. “Oops.” He turns back to me. “I’m not really ready to say goodnight. Maybe we could have one more round before we go?”

“I’d like that,” I say.

We linger over that last drink, hands still clasped, heads close together so we don’t miss a word of what the other has to say, legs brushing under the table. Neither of us wants to leave, but when the clock hits ten thirty, we know we have to. Reluctantly, we stand and make our way to the sidewalk where we both take out our phones to call for rides to our respective parts of the city.

Tyler’s standing close enough for me to feel him, but not close enough to be rude if I don’t want him in my space. As if I would have a problem with that. Our shoulders bump as Lyft tells me my ride will be here in three minutes, and there’s a part of me that hopes the driver will drop me in favor of a more lucrative fare, so I’ll have a few more minutes with Tyler to work up the courage to kiss him. But no such luck. The app ticks down to two minutes and tells me to be outside.

I turn to Tyler, and he smiles at me. It’s a shy smile, hopeful and a little bit nervous. He licks his lips, then raises his eyes to meet mine. They’re filled with the same emotions as the ones I feel racing through my body. Anticipation, fear, desire. My breath catches. I step closer, tentatively bring my hand up. My fingertips reach the line of his jaw, touch the rough grit of his stubble, then the soft skin just below his ear, and finally the silky strands of the curls that cluster at the base of his neck. He takes a step toward me, brings our bodies into contact, and tips his head back while I lean down to bring our mouths together.

Tyler’s lips are warm and soft, the sigh he lets out as they touch mine the sweetest sound I’ve ever heard. My heart pounds in my chest, and I feel the beat of Tyler’s echoing my own. His arms wrap around my waist, holding on as if he never wants to let go of me, while his mouth gently opens. The first touch of his tongue is electric, a bolt of lightning that skitters down my spine while it short-circuits my brain. I try to not to pass out or to crush him against me, wanting more contact, more of the incredible deliciousness of his mouth, more of everything.

We’re interrupted by the buzz of his phone, followed almost immediately by mine. Our cars are here. We part. Reluctantly. Tyler looks as dazed as I feel.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” he says, his voice husky.

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