Page 14 of Broken Hearts

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We got ourselves into the car at some point, but he didn’t start the engine for a while. Hal had something else on his mind and as soon as I knew what it was, I had the same thing on my mind as well.

Hal kissed me and everything that I was thinking, all the reasons I had in my head to not do this, were gone. It was like the other night, but there were no more excuses as to why we had done it. I wanted a kiss. He had given it to me out of the blue, and there was nothing that I could do about it. Now, my body was revving up for something great, and I couldn’t stand it. Hal must have known that I needed his touch because he was quickly pushing me toward something else.

We were down the road a way, before he started to touch me again. I jumped with the first touch, but accepted and welcomed all the rest of them. His hand was on my thigh, and I could feel it moving up my leg. I was shaking on the inside, so just that tiny little touch was enough to make me see things differently. I tried my best to hold off on how it felt, to keep it together, but then he started to touch me, and I was lost in the moment.

I leaned back, closed my eyes, and felt his thick fingers moving up my thigh. He was massaging my leg, making me feel like I was coming out of my skin. I swear I didn’t know what I was supposed to do with the feelings he gave me, but I was close to completion. When his hand tried to wedge itself into my pants, I opened it to let it happen.

To say that I wanted this would have been an understatement. It likely had to do with the fact that it had been so good when we were together before. There was no part of it where we had to get to know each other. We already knew enough and when he found the spot I wanted him most, I couldn’t hold myself together. It was too much, and I called out, even though I tried to hold it in. There was nothing that I could do about the sound, or the way he made me feel.

As we were turning down the road to the house that I hadn’t even purchased a month ago, I saw that it was now in flames. Hal slowed down as we got closer, both of us were looking at the flames. Hal’s hand came out of my panties and there was a moment where neither one of us said a word. I knew that this wasn’t good. It took a minute for it to fully hit me though. I was in shock, I think, and it was Hal that said that we should go.

“Go? Where are we going to go? All of my stuff is in there.” As I was saying it, part of the roof started to come off, and I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I was insured, but this wasn’t part of the plan. What was I supposed to think?

The only way to figure anything else out was to stay and ask questions. Hal didn’t want to though. He had a bad feeling and said something about how we were being watched and that’s why the house was burned while we were gone. I wasn’t ready to go down that road. I didn’t think that it was done on purpose. It was likely just because of a bad wire or something. It wasn’t because of anything else.

“Marilyn, you can stay with me until we get this figured out.”

I was glad to hear it. I was still numb; I hadn’t let it hit me yet. Hal said that he was going to take me back to his place and then go talk to the fire department. He didn’t want me there, thought I might be upset, but I insisted that I come back. I didn’t want to stay by myself anymore.

The bad part of it all was that I wanted him just as badly as I had a few minutes before. I was hoping that I would be able to push that thought aside, but I couldn’t. I was thinking about Hal and the two of us together, what we were just about to do. I wanted to go back to that time and that was a good price for me, so everything was going well. The problem was that his mind was elsewhere and mine wasn’t. I should have been thinking and stressing about not having a place to stay, but I really wasn’t. Instead, I was just as horny but just frustrated that I no longer had a bed to do it in. Instead of waiting around for something more, I went with him to his place.

“Why don’t we stay here for a while?” I suggested. I didn’t say that we should ignore them and all of that, but I felt it. I wanted to pick up where we left off. That was where my mind was.

“Marilyn, you can’t be thinking about that right now. Your house is on fire.”

I shrugged. “It’s not like I can change it. Besides, are you really going to tell me that you aren’t thinking about it too?”

He just shook his head at me. “When did you get so needy?”

I made a sound of aggravation. “It’s been a while, Hal; a lot of stuff has changed.”

Hal’s eyes were on me, and I think that he believed it. He wanted to go toward me, I could see it in his face, but he didn’t make a move. If he wasn’t going to, I was.

“Marilyn, seriously, we have to go over there and talk to the firemen. They need to know that there isn’t anyone in there. If you don’t want to go, I will, but one of us has to.”

I pouted but knew that he was right. I couldn’t believe that I had been so worked up. Here he was the man, and he was the one telling me to cool down because it wasn’t the right time. That should have told me something right there. I didn’t listen though. Since I wasn’t feeling good, I decided that I would go back with him. He was right, this had to be reported and our statement had to be made.

It was hours before we were back to his place and things were different. I could feel there was something going on with the house. They said it looked like arson, and Hal gave them information on my ex. He had it all connected, but I didn’t want to believe it. I wanted him to be wrong, because that meant that Jesse was more dangerous than I thought he was. Did Hal know that I was in that much danger? Was that why he had come to stay with me right away? I thought that he was just being overzealous, though now I could see that it wasn’t that way at all.

When it was over, I was tired, and we went to bed pretty quickly after that. I was in Hal’s arms, and I assumed that he was going to sleep as well, but I knew that I did. My head was full of what-ifs that weren’t helpful, But I didn’t know how to stop the thoughts that were racing through my head. It was impossible.

I fell asleep dying for Hal to make a move, but not knowing how to make one myself. I waited until I went to sleep for him to want me, but that was easier said than done apparently. He never made a move, and I went to bed with disappointment edging my dreams.

“I was thinking that we would go on a bit of a trip today,” Hal said to me as soon as I stepped foot into the kitchen. I asked him what he was talking about, and he said that since everything was up in the air about my house, I should go run off with him. It immediately sounded dreamy and the perfect opportunity for the two of us to be alone.

“Don’t you have stuff to do, work and all that?” I inquired. I hadn’t expected the offer, but I have to say that it sounded pretty damn good to me. I wasn’t ready to deal with insurance and more police and all the other stuff that was going to be required of me because of the fire. I didn’t know what all it was, but I wasn’t interested in dealing with any of it. I wasn’t too worried about danger, but I had Hal beside me, so that was a lot easier to cope with.

I didn’t know what would have happened or what I would have done if Hal wasn’t here. He was a lifesaver, and I was grateful again that he was the type that took me on as a project. I felt like a project at the moment, but I reminded myself that it wasn’t so bad. I was just freaked out a little bit, but Hal was with me, and everything was going to be okay. Getting out of Coloma for a while was exactly what sounded good to me. Not to mention, my mind went immediately to all of the fun that we could have. I was hopeful that he was thinking the same thing.

“Yeah, you’re right, let’s get out of here for a while.”

“Really?” Hal asked with a grin on his face. He looked surprised.

“What did you think, that I was going to tell you no?”

“Yeah, I thought that you were going to tell me that you were too busy. I am glad you can take some time off.”

“How long are we going to be away for?” I asked Hal.
