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Ares calls out, “Ty, we don’t need him to come. We’re cool.”

From the corner of my eye, I catch Ty shaking his head. “No can do, Ares. We need the man tonight. This is straight from the record label execs. No excuses. He has to come. And he has to bring it too.”

Spinning on my heel, I cock my head, sure I didn’t hear him right. “Bring what, exactly?”

“The real you, not this boring asshole that you’re pretending to be so this chic will let you be in your kid’s life. Why are you even indulging her? Just hire a lawyer and you can see that kid anytime you want. You don’t have to kiss that bitch’s ass just so you can spend time with your kid.”

My fists ball at my sides as red begins ebbing into my vision. “Someone better get this fucking asshole away from me before I rip him limb from limb.”

“Low blow, Ty.” Ares gets between us, holding out his hands to keep us separated. He turns to me. “Lo, come on now. I know you’re pissed, but you can’t hit him. You know what’ll happen if you lay a hand on him.”

I do, but right this second, I don’t think I really care anymore.

He turns to Ty. “And you need to apologize STAT for calling the mother of his child a bitch.”

“I will not.” Ty puffs out his chest, trying to look tough. Which he’s not. “She is making you into a wuss, Lo. The label is done with the way you’re acting. You need to do your fucking job.”

“I just did. Didn’t you hear that audience? And the one from last night too? They loved us. I have brought my A-game to the stage and that’s what my job is. Not partying. Not drinking myself to near death. Not fucking sluts. I am a music artist. That’s what I get paid for.” I will not let this man, or any man, tell me that I’m not doing my job.

Ty holds his hands up in the air, as if he’s ready to surrender, but his mouth says otherwise. “Don’t kill the messenger. I’m just doing what they tell me to.”

“Hey, we’re more than happy to party for the label,” Reece says as he tries to help the volatile situation. “We’re all going out tonight. No one will miss Lo. Come on, Ty, let’s stop all this nonsense and get to the good stuff. You’re totally hashing our vibe.”

Ty waves his hand in the air, dismissing Reece. “They don’t care what the rest of the band does. The fans want to see Lo out there, making a scene, the way he’s always done. He’s the face of Shakedown, and he’s the one they want to see, ripping it up. Not you guys.”

“What the fuck?” I shake my head. “First of all, I’m done being your rodeo clown. Been there, done that for four years and nearly killed myself doing it, so I’m done and no one in the label can force me to do it against doctor’s orders or I’ll sue your asses to bankruptcy. Second of all, how dare you treat the guys as less? We are a band, a whole. These men are not just some random dudes. These men are musical giants. So, what the hell are you saying, Ty?”

“The media wants you, Lo. They like your look. They like your renegade attitude. It’s you they want, and it’s you they will get.”

“Too fucking bad. That excuse worked for four years. I’m done.” No one will make me do shit. Not anymore.

Chen clears his throat, making everyone look his way. “Let me get this straight, Ty. So, what you are saying is that we are only fillers? Lo’s accessories?”

“When it comes to the media,” Ty says, “they only see Lo. They don’t see you guys.”

“That’s fucked up. But okay, looks like we are going incognito tonight.” Ares jerks his head my way. “Go on and head out, bro. Don’t keep her waiting. This shit is not worth it.”

He turns to the guys who are all looking several shades of shocked, confused, and hurt. “Guys, we are going out and painting the town blue. And if we are not enough, too fucking bad.”

Ty is red in the face as he raises his voice. “No. I made promises. You have to come out tonight. There are girls waiting for you, Lo. A whole photoshoot kind of thing is going to happen. The label made some deals that we won’t go back on. You signed a contract, Lo. You know what that means.”

“Your ‘promises’ landed me in a hospital bed with a doctor telling me I have to quit drinking, so that’s what I’ll do. There is nothing in my contract saying I have to be a drunk whore.”

Then gesturing to my outfit that’s tight, black leather, my face that’s full of makeup, and my hair that’s dyed black, I add, “I am what you want me to be. While on stage. While doing interviews. That’s it. My personal life and my down time are my own to do whatever the fuck I want. And no way in hell am I putting my life in jeopardy or my little girl’s love at risk for your entertainment.”

“Then you might not have your contract renewed.” Ty’s words leave everyone in stunned silence.

Ares asks, “What about the rest of us?”

Shaking his head, Ty says, “If we don’t get back on the same level we were on before Lo began his boring act, no one will have a job when it comes to renewing contracts. He has to be the face of this band, the same way he’s been since its inception. So, maybe you guys, should think twice before encouraging this little rebellion of his. Or all of you will end up with nothing.”

“So, again,” Chen says, “we are nothing unless we have Lo? This is a one man show and we are just, what? Chopped liver?”

“You heard me.” Ty has his chin raised and a shit-eating grin on his face.

His trick of putting the band against me might have worked once. But I have a little girl and a beautiful future ahead to consider as an alternative now.

I look at Ares to see what he thinks about all this.
