Page 103 of Beyond Expectations

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“Every moment I have been away from you has been utter torture but I knew I couldn’t just come to you and say I’m sorry. I needed to show you.”

The smile that beamed across her face set off my own as I reached down to hold both her hands.

“There were changes that needed to be made to prove I mean my apology. I want to show you how much I love you and take the first steps in hopefully demonstrating that I am worthy. Worthy to be in your life—in your mind and hopefully in your heart.”

Again, she went to speak, but I stopped her as I cupped her face.

“As of yesterday, Chambers Industries is no longer interested in acquiring Cole’s. I’ve set up a department specially tasked with collaborating with businesses and going into partnerships instead of acquiring them. You opened my eyes and reminded me that it’s not just about my job and the company. This is just one example of how I want to learn how to utilize myself, my company, and my money for the better. It’s about making a real difference. I will continue to educate myself, listen to those who have a real understanding, and follow through with action and change—not just empty promises and kind words.”

I looked over her shoulder and nodded at Ruby, who made her way over and took the flowers out of Serena’s hands.

“And there’s one more thing.”

I thought I would be shaking and pulsing with nerves by the time we got to this moment, but as I gazed into her stunning eyes, I had never felt as right as I did right then. I reached into my pocket, took out the Harry Winston pear-drop diamond ring, got down on one knee, and took her hand in mine.

“You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. You bring laughter, joy, and happiness everywhere you go. Your intelligence and determination are only outshone by the love you have for all that you do and all those who are lucky enough to be in your orbit. I now know and understand just how short and precious life can be, and I don’t want to waste a single second of it without being by your side. I want to continue watching you fight for those who can’t and embrace those in need. You ensnared my mind under the hood of a car and encapsulated my heart in the boardroom. As I’m sure you’ve guessed, you are the princess in the story, but will you be the queen of my life? Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

Chapter 31


Tears were streaming down my face, and I didn’t think I had taken a breath in what seemed like forever. With shaking hands, I ran my thumb across his cheek, and for once, I was genuinely and utterly speechless. As I gazed into his beautiful eyes and saw the unshed tears, I did the only thing both my head and my heart told me to.

I nodded.

Instantly lifting me into the safety of his arms, Rhett crashed his lips onto mine and it felt like taking my first gulp of air after being held underwater. Cheers and applause brought me back into focus as he gently broke our kiss and slid the most beautiful ring on my finger.

“I love you, Serena, and I cannot wait to show you just how much every single day.”

This time, I stopped him from continuing.

“I’m scared I’ll wake up, and this will just be a dream. I love you so much, Rhett, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I can’t believe you did all this. How? When?”

I was still breathless when Eden and Amelia pulled us down as they continued screaming and jumping up and down.

“See, Rhett, we did it just like you said!”

Crouching down, he gave both girls a big hug, and just that image tugged on my ovaries. He whispered something in their ears, and they both turned and ran inside. Not long after, we heard screaming and hooting with excitement, and with the grin currently plastered on his face, I can only imagine what he’d gotten them.

From behind, Ruby and Olivia both screamed in my ears and crushed me in their arms.

“You both knew, didn’t you?”

My cheeks hurt so much from smiling, and my eyes felt like faucets as I couldn’t stop crying, yet these were tears of complete happiness.

“How on earth do you think he managed to pull all of this off?” Ruby screamed, and I was again reminded how lucky I was to have her as my best friend.

Roman came over, gave me a big hug, and offered his congratulations.

“There’s another surprise for you out front once you’ve hugged everyone and caught your breath again.”

Before I could ask him any more, I watched as he followed Ruby inside. I turned as Dad walked over and engulfed me in another bear hug.

“You knew too!”

“Of course I did. He called me about two weeks ago and explained everything. I’m not going to lie. Some of what I had to hear was tough to swallow, especially when talking about his family. It’s hard not just for you but also for me to wrap my head around someone being so different from their family, especially given how close we all are. But I know in my heart that that man loves you with his very being. You know, I never think anyone is going to be good enough for my girls, but I know he’s as close as it gets. He came down five times to help the girls put this together. Now he knows that if he ever hurts you, I’m going to be mad because I won’t be able to give you my hugs while I’m doing time for murder.”

I couldn’t help but laugh.
