Page 104 of Beyond Expectations

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That morning, I never could’ve imagined the day would turn out like this. I felt so lost, so broken, genuinely believing there was no hope for us ever to get back together again. There was never any question or doubt about whether I loved or wanted a future with him. I couldn’t bear the thought of being the wedge in his family. My mind drifted back to the words he said, and my heart felt like it was completely and utterly complete. I knew that any problems or battles that came our way, we’d face them together.

My eyes scanned the garden, looking for my fiancée. God, would I ever get used to that? I could see him being bombarded by hugs and kisses from my aunts, one of whom was overly handsy. Catching the slight fear in his eyes, I laughed as I made my way over to his rescue.

“I need you to explain to me how a woman as small and sweet as your aunt has the grip strength of a coconut crab. I’m pretty sure I’m going to have bruises all the way down from my arms to my ass.”

Lovingly, I guided us to the loveseat in the back of the garden for some privacy.

“Can you imagine what it was like growing up and having your cheeks pinched by her every time she said hello?”

Tentatively, he brushed his lips along my jaw before finally capturing my mouth. He kissed me with such love I could feel it in every cell in my body.

We kissed until our lips were swollen, and then he explained in detail how he came up with this plan and the difficulties he had persuading my nieces to keep it a secret. Turned out that dolls and toys weren’t enough. They bartered him into a trip to Disney Land, and that was only after he got them a whole wardrobe of princess dresses, riding lessons, and a damn pony each that he purchased and were living at stables a thirty-minute drive from there that they could go and visit any time they wanted.

He also spoke about how he’d met up with his mother and put everything on the table. She had to accept that I was the love of his life, and his future was with me, or she’d have no place in his life at all. It turned out his father had also left a letter to his wife. Both that and the sudden death of her husband were making her realize what was truly important. I wasn’t going to get my hopes up and think that she was a changed woman, but apparently, she had asked if, at some point, I’d like to meet up with her as she wanted to apologize to me in person.

His sisters never had an issue with me, and it made me smile when he said how excited they were for him. I couldn’t wait to get together to celebrate. He also produced a card from his back pocket that his nephew Kai had made, and for the first time, I knew everything was just as it was meant to be.


Hours later, I sat on his lap, running my fingers through his hair as we sat around the fire pit.

Whispering in my ear, he said, “Are you ready to make a move? I can’t wait to get you into bed wearing only my ring.”

As I gingerly ground my hips down on him, I could feel his hard cock beneath me.

Bringing my lips to his ears, I whispered, “Yes, future husband.”

With a deep groan that vibrated through his chest, he squeezed my thigh before gently lifting me to stand. After making our hasty goodbyes, I followed him out of the house, and parked out front was the car he bought at the auction. I couldn’t help the squeals that left me. After everything that had happened, I’d asked Ruby to return it to him. Although it was a dream, it was too heartbreaking not to enjoy it together. Even though I couldn’t currently drive as I’d had a couple of drinks, I still couldn’t believe he got me the car.

“Did you drive this here?”

As I climbed into the passenger seat, I almost crushed the cool box in the foothold.

“No, Roman did, as well as picking that up.”

Rhett got into the driver’s seat as I opened the box, and the sweet smell of peach cobbler filled the car. I grabbed the note that was tucked into the side.

Congratulations, my sweet dears. I wish you both a lifetime of true love and happiness.

All my love, Raya.

P.S. I wouldn’t mind trying one of those pastries from Paris.

I looked up in confusion as Rhett pulled the car away.

“What does she mean by pastries from Paris?”

Bringing my hand to his lips, he kissed first my ring and then every finger before answering.

“Well, I thought it’s only fair we bring her back something as she made us this.”

As excitement bubbled through me, I felt almost hesitant to ask.

“We… when… are we going to Paris?”

We stopped at the stop sign, and he pulled my face to his.

“I said I would show you how much I love you and I plan on doing that every day for the rest of our lives. So, what better way than to start right now in the city of love? Ruby packed a bag for you after you left this morning. The jet is waiting for us and you will be spending your first night as the future Mrs. Chambers beneath the stars as we cross the Atlantic.”
