Page 25 of Beyond Expectations

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I reached for the talk button.

“Continue driving, Russell.”

My voice dripped with annoyance and frustration.

“No, wait…” Serena shouted.

Immediately, she climbed off me, readjusted her skirt, and fixed the buttons on her shirt.

Her eyes shot up to mine, they were open wide and full of panic. Her lips, which I had just been feasting on, thinned, and in the blank of an eye, those warm green eyes were cold with regret, and a mask of indifference slid over her face. And I knew that look would go on to haunt my dreams. I clenched my fists by my side, and it was all I could do to reign in annoyance at the ever-ongoing cock blocking that was happening to me.

Now more than ever, I knew her body craved mine as much as I craved hers, yet she kept shutting things down.

Once she finally put herself to rights, she turned in my direction, not yet looking into my eyes. She was just about to speak, but this time, I stopped her.

“Go. I understand. You need to be there for her.”

“No… I mean, yes, I do. But I would like you to come with me.”

Her entire face softened, and I could see the slight pleading that shone in her eyes.

“Excuse me? That may not be the best idea. I’ve never met her before. As you’ve already explained, she is going through a horrific time. The last thing she needs is a random stranger hovering around.”

“That isn’t true. First, you’re not a stranger. Your family is trying to buy her property.”

Guilt was the first of many uncomfortable emotions that went through me.

“Hold on, I didn’t mean that in a negative way. It would be comforting for her to meet someone from the company. Put a face to the name, especially at a time like this. It could be a good distraction.”

I could see that she meant every word. But my gut was telling me this was a bad idea.

She rested her hand on my forearm.

“Trust me.”

So, I did.

A little while later, sitting in a booth at the back of the eatery, I watched Serena run her finger around the rim of her cup of coffee. She was still talking to Mrs Cole, and it amazed me at just how many sides there were to this fascinating woman.

There was the alluring yet confusing woman at the garage, the no-nonsense attorney, and the sexy vixen who let her hair down. Now, I was drawn in by the support and tenderness she was showing to a woman who, by my definition, was her client but clearly meant much more to her.

Which was the real Serena?

The more I thought about it, the more I wanted to get to know all the different sides that made up this sensational woman.

Breaking my thoughts, Mrs. Cole placed a plate of food on the table.

“Thank you, Mrs. Cole, but this wasn’t necessary.”

“Don’t be silly. You’re a big young man, and you need to eat. And please call me Raya.”

I looked at Mrs Cole’s face, which was full of kindness, but the sorrow I saw in her eyes made me feel inadequate to be around her at this moment in time.

Then my gaze settled on Serena, and I didn’t know what I was looking for. Permission? Reassurance?

The delicious smells from the plate before me made my mouth water. Serena handed me a knife and fork, our fingers only making the briefest contact. Instantly, I looked up at her, and my eyes locked with the piercing green of hers.

She promptly busied herself and continued the conversation with Raya.
