Page 26 of Beyond Expectations

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I quickly cleared my plate of food. The pan-fried cube steak with brown onion gravy was a toast to Raya’s understanding of southern cuisine.

The two talked about the last few days of Mr. Cole’s life. The way Raya spoke of her husband told me she loved him. I tried to join the conversation but had not found the right words. They both tried to tempt me into trying the house specialty—the peach pudding—but I politely declined as I was already aware that after today, I would have to put in an extra hour in the gym. And not simply because of the food.

Serena’s phone rang, and she excused herself from the booth. I watched as she walked over to the glass front of the restaurant. My brain and body reacted as one as I was able to look and appreciate the stunning woman she was.

Raya sat herself down next to me, catching my line of sight.

“Feel free to tell this old lady to mind her business, but are you two an item?” she mused.

My arousal towards Serena and the embarrassment of Raya’s question caused my cheeks to heat.

“We are simply working together.”

The answer sent a pang of irritation through me.

“I know you two are working together, as you both explained earlier, and I have to say I am pleased to meet you. It would have been nicer under better circumstances, but it’s nice to meet at least someone on the other side of these negotiations.”

She pensively looked in the distance. All I could feel was sadness for this woman.

“I hope you understand why I haven’t accepted the offer. Your offer is more than generous, but my husband and I put everything into this place. This building doesn’t simply house our residence and employment. It’s all we have.

“Sadly, we weren’t blessed with children, so twenty-seven years ago, we decided to gamble. We upped sticks and left Atlanta to make this our home. Here are some of our best memories. Isaac said we should sign the deal, pick a location from a hat, and retire.

“But then he fell ill and working was the only way I could cope. I didn’t want to give up on here as I feared it would result in me giving up hope in his battle. However, now he’s gone, I’m scared of giving it up. What am I to do? What would I have left?”

Tears trickled down her face, and I reached into my pocket and handed her a handkerchief. Her words felt like a punch to my stomach. Guilt stuck to my skin at the thought that we were taking this away from her.

Yes, I had only just met the woman, and usually, I never let emotion cloud any business decision I made, but listening to her story made me start to think about things in a different light. And that was something that felt very odd to me.

“Mrs Cole—Raya, I am incredibly grateful that Serena enabled me to meet you. I’m so sorry for your loss, and I also apologize if our business involvement has caused any more strain or difficulty than you are already suffering.”

“Mr. Chambers, there is no need for you to apologize. I understand this is business. This is what you do. And had I met you a few months ago, we may have had a different conversation. Let me say this though - I was lucky enough to find my soul mate, and even though my eyesight isn’t the best, the tension and chemistry between the two of you is palpable.”

I couldn’t help the smile that crept across my face at her directness, and it amused me that despite the sadness she was suffering, she was still a strong and forthcoming woman.

“Despite your intuition being rather spot on, at least on my side, I have only met Serena a handful of times, and let’s just say I’m finding her very difficult to read.”

“I understand what you’re saying. I have known Serena for a few years. We met her at a Black rights rally in Washington and have been friends ever since. It was then a surprise to find out that by pure chance, she would go on to be the go-between, so to speak, in these negotiations. I have known her mainly on a personal basis. She is hard-working, driven, and kind, yet stern when needed, but she always fights for the rights of others. Things that have happened in her past, have pushed her to do what she does and how she does it. Keep in mind, it isn’t as if she consults with me about her romantic life, but I will say that if you like her or are interested, take a chance. As you never know what life throws at you.”

She cleared the plates on our table and took them into the kitchen.

I could hear Serena finishing on the phone and looked to see her watching Raya whistling away as she disappeared into the kitchen—a few things Raya said stuck with me. I could fully understand the importance of focusing on work. My passion and drive for work got me through every day.

The other thing that intrigued me was her comment about Serena’s past. When I first met her, she seemed so at home, so settled and comfortable, and how she appeared around her father, I didn’t get the impression of any trouble or strain. So, what was it that had caused Serena to be the way she was?

Just then, she returned to the booth and picked up her handbag.

“I’m afraid I have to get back to the office.”

I could tell something was bothering her, and just as I was about to ask what it was, Mrs Cole came and joined us.

“Sorry, Raya, but I must return to the office. I wish I could spend more time with you. I’ll be back in a few days, but you can always call me, okay?”

She walked over and hugged her. The look on Raya’s face showed me it was exactly what she needed.

We said our goodbyes and then returned to the car.

Russell held the door open for us, and Serena climbed in first. Yet again, I was aware of our proximity to one another and that we were once again alone, with too many things unresolved. I pushed down the privacy glass to tell Russell to do two drops, first her office, then me back to mine.
