Page 47 of Beyond Expectations

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There was a long pause, and I watched as his hand slowly reached out tentatively caressing my face. The feel of his hand on my cheek made me weak at the knees. With the pad of his thumb, he wiped away a stray tear that fell down my cheek.

“You’re already helping. You’re listening to me. You are probably the first person ever truly to listen. I’ve never had that before.”

It was with the gentlest touch he brushed his lips across mine. Being so close to him, I could smell his heady masculine scent. That’s what tipped me over the edge. Deepening the kiss, I wanted to taste and savor him. His tongue massaged mine. The yearning for this man instantly awakened.

My hands reached into his hair, gently pulling him closer. His hands drifted down my body, and I could feel his palm on my ass through my leather skirt, making me want and need him more. I started to rub my hips against his and could feel his cock getting hard against my thigh, making him more rigid and engorged.

I could taste the salty tears on his lips. His groans of desire and the hot need from his mouth drove me on, and my eyes closed, reveling in the ecstatic feeling. I felt lost in him, lost in this moment and my connection with him.

All too soon, we were reminded where we were as his secretary knocked on the door and entered. Pushing myself away from him, I was panting, trying to bring my thoughts and breath back. Had the secretary seen us? Did she know what we were doing?

I was utterly embarrassed. I was there on a professional matter, not personal. I didn’t want her to think I was that kind of woman. Looking over at her, I expected to see a disgruntled, judgmental look cross her face. But instead, she gave me a warm, shy smile.

“I’m so sorry to interrupt, Mr Chambers, but I have Fiona from HR and her team waiting outside. They are scheduled for a teleconference here in twenty minutes and need to set up.”

Putting his hand on the small of my back, Rhett led me to the door.

“It was a pleasure seeing you again, Ms. Parker,” Charlotte spoke softly, but I genuinely felt she meant every word.

“Please, call me Serena.”

I extended my hand, and she shook it, once again gracing me with her smile.

Seconds later, we were standing by the bank of elevators.

“We should talk. Or….”

I could see the desire in his eyes. But everything felt so… overwhelming. And this wasn’t the time or place to talk. Or kiss.

“I should go,” I said, watching his face fall. “But if you don’t have any plans later, let’s talk over dinner or drinks.

His face lit up like a child on Christmas morning. I struggled with the thrill his reaction gave me.

“That sounds great. Why don’t we do both? I’ll make the reservations. What time should I come to pick you up?”

I couldn’t help but smile at how eager he sounded.

“Okay, how does 8:30 sound?”

“I’ll be there at 8:30 sharp.”

He pressed the call button for the elevator.

As the elevator doors began to close, I did my best to remain calm. I tried to keep my eyes down as the doors closed, but unintentionally, they wandered up his body. He unbuttoned his jacket, and I saw his prominent bulge straining against his slacks. Without realizing it, I bit down on my lip, trying to tame my desire.

To my utmost embarrassment, I looked up at him and saw that he had been watching me. The grin on his face said it all.

I didn’t leave the office until almost seven, so I had to grab a cab home to ensure I’d be ready.

Once home, I had the fastest shower and made sure my hair was kept dry under my shower cap. I’d had it wrapped in a chignon all day, so luckily, when I took it out, it fell in loose waves past my shoulders.

That was just going to have to do.

I was putting the final additions to my makeup when Ruby called.

“Hey, babe, what you up to?”

Putting her on speaker to continue getting ready, I shouted, “Umm, I’m getting ready for a date. And he’ll be here in fifteen minutes, so I don’t have time to chat.”
