Page 57 of Beyond Expectations

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“You are the most beautiful woman I have ever met.”

My mind, still scattered with senses and emotion, needed to lighten the mood.

“You’re not too bad yourself.”

His shy laugh made me feel closer to him than ever. Our bodies were wrapped and tangled with one another. Reaching down, he pulled the sheet over us and kissed me once again.

After a few minutes, his limbs became heavier, his breathing slower, and I knew he’d drifted into a deep sleep.

Looking at his gorgeous face, I felt unbelievably happy and content.

I enjoyed my time with Rhett. As my body gave into fatigue, it was with a cloudy head. Where did I want things to lead with him? Did I risk allowing myself to enjoy this? I could feel myself becoming addicted to this man.

Chapter 16


Iwas pile-driving through work like it was going out of fashion. My body vibrated, full of energy as if I could conquer the world. For the first time, I felt a genuine sense of freedom in God knew how long.

I stayed focused, especially during meetings. I knew it wouldn’t do any good walking around with a smile plastered across my face, especially as most staff were now aware of my father’s condition. I didn’t need anyone to think I was happy about my family’s heartbreak. But I could honestly say that if it hadn’t been for Serena, God knew how I would get through everything now.

She was like a beacon of hope for me. After the night at my place, I thought I wouldn’t be able to have a day go by without seeing her.

Sadly, our busy schedules often made meeting up a next-to-impossible task. We did manage to fit in an impromptu lunch mid-week.

I remembered watching how her hips swayed as she entered the restaurant. Unbeknownst to her, every man in the room was checking her out. That’s what made her even more attractive. She was not aware of just how beautiful and sexy she was.

Most other women I knew used their looks to their advantage and often as a weapon. But their beauty quickly faded. On the other hand, Serena went about her day, unaware of the attention she drew. Lucky for me, I was not only able to admire her from afar, but I got to devour her.

As we said our goodbyes at the restaurant, we both had to restrain ourselves. It turned me on knowing she wanted me as much as I did her.

At various points in the day, I thought back on the night she had come over. The feel and taste of her. The sweet way her body responded perfectly to mine. Those thoughts required me to prolong one or two meetings when my dick was too hard, thinking about her on her knees, spread open for me, on my bed. But it wasn’t just how much I was physically attracted to her. It was also how she made me feel. How comfortable I felt opening up to her and talking about everything and anything. I had spoken more to her than anyone else ever in my life, at least on a personal level. Something about her made me want to try new things. I found myself eager to impress her—something I didn’t think I had done since college.

Somehow, I managed to control myself and got through the next four meetings I had. At the end of the last one, I found Charlotte patiently waiting outside. My final meeting had run over, and I knew she was meant to have finished almost an hour ago.

“Is everything okay?”

I suddenly worried there might be something about my father.

“No, sir, everything is fine. Ms. Parker called while you were in your meeting and asked if you could call her back. And I wanted to ensure you got the message, as I know you sometimes leave without returning to your office.”

She was a Godsend of a PA.

“Thank you, Charlotte. Here go and enjoy a drink, you deserve it.”

I handed her a hundred dollar bill, and before she could protest, as I knew she always tried to, I eagerly returned to my office.

Grabbing my cell, I pulled up Serena’s number, and luckily, she answered on the second ring.

“Hey, have I caught you at an inconvenient time?”

“No, I’m just picking up some groceries. I tried to call earlier, but Charlotte said you were in a meeting. I wanted to ask if you had any plans for Saturday during the daytime?”

I quickly skimmed through my calendar and saw that I was meant to have a round of golf with some of my business associates, but I knew they wouldn’t mind me canceling rather than taking an ass-whooping through eighteen.

“Nothing important. So, what would you like to do with me?”

I tried my best to leave the double meaning hanging in the air. If only she could see the thoughts going through my head.
