Page 58 of Beyond Expectations

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She let out a small laugh.

“How would you like to join me at the Sunningdale Car Show? I usually go with my dad every year, but he can’t make it. I thought to myself, who else do I know that appreciates great cars, tasty food, and great company?”

My girl had good taste. The Sunningdale Car Show was amazing. Not only was it an excellent place for car enthusiasts to view and show off their cars, but they also had a silent auction, which I usually monitored online. Another date with Serena and the possibility of finding something to add to my collection. How could I say no?

“Sounds great. What time shall I come and get you?”

“It starts at midday, so shall we say ten?”

“Perfect. I look forward to seeing you then.”

“I’ll be ready at ten sharp.”

I couldn’t help but laugh as she used my words against me again.


Saturday came around in no time. I’d decided on having Russell drive us there first because I wasn’t sure if we were going to be drinking but also because there was a chance I’d be making a purchase.

When we picked her up, she said she was surprised I wasn’t bringing one of my cars. Little did she know I was more than content with her on my arm and every man dying with envy, showing her off.

By the time we arrived, the show was well underway.

There was every car you could wish for, from a vintage Sunbeam 30 HP 90 Tourer to every Ferrari and Aston Martin from the early 1960s.

I bumped into a few family friends and business associates but only spent the required time making pleasantries without seeming rude. I was somewhat taken aback when we bumped into an old friend of my grandfather’s, Mr. Fitzgerald. He had been my grandfather’s best friend, lawyer, confidant, and go-to guy. He greeted us both and briefly reiterated his sorrows as he had not long learned of my father’s deteriorating health. His wife extended a warm welcome to me but outright blanked Serena. I didn’t know if she fully clocked onto it or put her down as being a grumpy old lady. But her behavior got my back up.

Serena excused herself as she had just seen a family friend. I was about to do the same when Mrs. Fitzgerald’s dainty arms rested on mine.

“I am sorry to hear about your father. As you know, we have known him since he was an infant. We see him as one of the family. Our families have always been close.”

She paused and then looked me square in the eye. “That is why I feel the need to express my concerns.”

“Your concerns about what exactly?”

“I know you’re a young man, and I’m sure you have a flurry of women desperate to land a ring on their finger. But as I’m sure your mother taught you, don’t let yourself be swayed by the wrong kind of woman.”

“I beg your pardon?”

I wasn’t sure how I managed to hide and keep my voice down.

“I can appreciate that she is an attractive young lady, but surely you can see that families such as yours that have strong, long lineages in our society must maintain certain standards.”

I couldn’t believe what I heard. What century does this woman live in? It took every ounce of my patience to rein in my growing temper.

How dare she?

“I appreciate your concerns, but I can assure you Serena is a remarkably successful attorney of law with impeccable grace and standards. Many would say I do not live up to her moral standards. After all, as you said, I was a free and single man for quite some time and did a lot you would disapprove of,” I condemned.

“But she isn’t one of us,” she snapped.

“You mean she isn’t white?”

There was no way for me to control my anger anymore. I pulled my arm away from the woman I now utterly detested. Her husband did his best efforts to make amends.

“Rhett, I’m sure you’ve misunderstood what my wife is trying to say.”

His pleading tone did nothing to calm me. Mrs. Fitzgerald turned her nose up and looked away, despite clearly wanting to say more.
