Page 10 of Ruthless King

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Get a hold of yourself, King; she’s not yours. Not yet, anyway.

By the time the meeting ended, and I handed him the file containing his indiscretions of late, King Enterprises held ninety-five percent of Morgan International, and Victor Donovan was in the unemployment line. With his history of blackmail and payoffs, neither could afford another scandal, even if the elder Morgan was out of the picture.

It was past noon when my plane touched down at Charleston International. I checked in with Mom and told her I would be there tonight. She assured me there was no hurry. Damn you, Jackson.

This time, I was able to rent a car because I didn’t want to depend on anyone to cart me from place to place, especially since I knew exactly where my first stop would be. Plugging the name into the maps app on my phone, I settled in for the forty-five-minute drive, hoping she would be there. I probably should have called, but that would have given her an opportunity to bail. Things weren’t exactly great when I last saw her, so I needed the element of surprise on my side. I did, however, phone Knight, who told me she was working until six tonight. Great, the ball was in my court. Hopefully, she wouldn’t slam me with a technical foul.

Cooper’s Music City was bigger than I had previously thought. I mean, in this small town, I’m surprised I didn’t see it the first time I was here. It was a tall brick building nestled between a fitness center and a daycare. Music notes splayed out across the overhang, and the guitar-shaped door gave it a rock and roll vibe. As soon as I entered, my eyes searched for her.

At first, the only person I saw was my brother, Knight, and he was heading in my direction. When I reached out my hand to shake his, he bypassed it and threw his arms around me. “Court, how are you, man? I can’t believe you’re actually here.” Knight was ten years younger than me, but despite the age difference, we were as close as brothers could be.

After meeting Molly, I made the connection between her and my brother. They had attended Juilliard together, and according to him, she went to work at the music store not long after he began managing it. “Hey, bro.” My eyes shifted as I stared at him. He stared back at me, gripping my shoulders like he hadn’t seen me in months. Well, technically, that was true, except for the Facetime calls with the family that I rarely took part in.

“I’m good. Listen, is Molly here?”

He chuckled. “It’s good to see you too, Knight. Thanks for asking.”

“I’m sorry, I…”

“Just kidding, man. Yeah, she’s in the back. Hold on a second.” He turned and walked a few steps before speaking. “Hey Molly, there’s someone here who’d like to see you.”

When she walked through the door, I could see the hesitation in how her eyes drifted between us. Her green eyes, which were a window into my soul, turned warm as she sashayed over to where I stood. We hadn’t spoken since I left that night, and I was terrified she would harbor resentment toward me. I should have known better. Molly wasn’t a vindictive person, not like me at all.

When she spoke, it was the most beautiful sound I had ever heard. “Hello, Courtland.” I was captivated by her lips and the way they curved as she uttered my name like it was a prayer. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from her mouth.

“Well, are you going to say something?” She smiled, and I gave a half grin back. “I’m sorry. It’s just that when you speak my name, all rational thoughts go out the door.”

“Wow, you mean I rendered the great and powerful Courtland King speechless? Little ole’ me?”

I pinned her with my gaze. I couldn’t tell if she was mocking me or being genuine. When her mouth morphed into the most beautiful smile I had ever seen, I knew I was hooked. “Molly Steel, you are going to be the death of me.”

“Back at you, King.” She smirked, her eyes sparkling in the fluorescent lights.

Just then, Knight came up behind her and whispered something in her ear I couldn’t hear. She laughed at his words, which caused my stomach to twist. I know he was my brother, but he didn’t deserve her laughs. He hadn’t earned them. When she turned back to me, she was beaming. “Knight gave me the afternoon off. Do you want to get some lunch? I’m starving.”

I leveled my eyes at her, and in my most serious voice, I spoke. “Buttercup, I’m a starved man, but what I need to satisfy my hunger can’t be found in a restaurant.”

Grabbing her hand, I pulled her toward the door. When we reached the rental car, I pushed her against the door and crashed my mouth to hers. Ours was a desperate kiss, tongues dueling for dominance. Yearning, passionate, and punishing, I couldn’t help what came next. “Just so you know, Molly. Once we do this, you are forever mine. All mine.”

She let out a small whimper and nodded into my mouth as our tango of tongues continued.

King, you are so fucked…

Chapter 8


We barely made it to my apartment before we both exploded in lust. As soon as we crossed the threshold, Courtland kicked the door shut and lifted me forcefully against the wall. My legs wrapped around his waist while he plundered my mouth, our tongues dancing together in ecstasy. In my lust-filled haze, I could barely make out my surroundings. I was intoxicated by the sweetest drug imaginable, floating in a fog of desire. One hand held my ass to support my weight, while the other fisted my hair to angle my mouth where he had better access. Then, just as quickly, he spun around and walked us over to the sofa.

“Need… to get… inside you…. Now.” His breath was ragged, and he spoke in broken syllables, all the while thrusting against my belly. It was a plea for surrender.

A moan escaped my mouth as he carefully laid me down on my back and knelt at my feet before whispering kisses, beginning at my feet and continuing until he reached my thighs, alternating each leg. My head was thrown back, and I closed my eyes to his gentle assault as little whimpers burst from my mouth. When he reached one hand around to cup my ass cheek and squeezed, desire flared red hot inside me. With the other, he found the white lace between my legs. He slid my panties to the side, plunging two fingers inside my heat.

“Hmm. So tight and so, so wet. Are you wet just for me, Buttercup?” It was more of a growl coming from him. My mind was a kaleidoscope of colors, whirling around as I began a free-fall from the sheer magnitude of his fingers while they worked my clit. He tugged the front of my dress down, and his tongue found my nipple and sucked relentlessly. I thought I was literally going to die from pleasure. Could an orgasm actually kill someone?

He pulled his fingers away, sucking them clean, then wasted no time pulling my dress over my head and ripping the white lace away from my body. His clothes somehow ended up in a pile beside my discarded dress. I felt like I was going to explode if he didn’t get inside me soon.

“Courtland, please.”
