Page 11 of Ruthless King

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“Please what, Buttercup?” His voice sounded pinched, then he did something that surprised me. Instead of slamming into me like I wanted him to, he sat back and just looked at me. “Condom?”

He was asking me about birth control. I almost couldn’t find my words. I was so consumed with passion. “I’m on the pill.”

He smiled at my declaration. “Molly, what do you want? You have to tell me.” He couldn’t say it fast enough.

“I want…I need…your cock, please. I need you inside me.” Before I had finished speaking, he moved on top of me and lined up his cock at my entrance as my legs parted for him.

“Now?” He breathed.


He could only push in a fraction before I let out a quiet gasp. “Easy, I’ll take it slow. Relax.”

I knew he was probably huge, but I had never taken anyone like him. I tried to breathe through it. “It’s fine. I’m fine. Go on.”

He looked at me with hooded eyes, trying to gauge my honesty. “Sweetheart, if I hurt you, this will be no good for either of us. Trust me.” It was true. I needed to relax, but it had been a long time since I’d been with anyone, and my body was on fire.

“Okay. Don’t stop, just go slow.” Desperation coated my tongue. He gingerly brushed his lips across my cheek, his navy eyes never leaving mine as he slid inch by glorious inch until he was fully sheathed inside me. My breaths were shallow, and I knew I needed to concentrate on keeping them regulated. The last thing I needed was to be thrown into an asthma attack.

As if he read my mind, he paused. “Breathe, Molly. Please, baby.” I nodded in obedience. Just the sound of his voice could have brought me over the edge. Once my breathing was controlled, he moved slowly at first, then he picked up his rhythm, thrusting deeply and grunting his way into my cunt. He kept up his brutal pace, sweat pooling around his eyes, and then he gave one more powerful thrust, and the world seemed to stop spinning.

“Come with me, Molly.” As soon as the words left his lips, I was falling. Off a cliff. Into the ocean. Into space. Never had I experienced such a powerful orgasm; the intensity was earth-shattering. He went still, his body pulsing with mine as he emptied himself into me, wave after wave of pure pleasure rolled off me. From that moment, I was his mind, body, and soul.

After we had recovered from two rounds of the best sex of my life, we showered together, and he asked if I wanted to go with him to check on his parents. Knowing Courtland’s brothers, I was aware of their dad’s illness. Of course, I wanted to go, if for nothing more than to spend more time with him. I had never met his mom and dad, but I had gleaned enough from Knight to know they were a close family, and his sickness had taken a toll on all of them. That’s why it shocked me I had never heard them mention another brother. A cold, calculating, ruthless brother. I had been introduced to this version of him, but today, he’d shown me quite a different side.

Before we reached the King’s home, Courtland’s brother Ben called and invited us to meet at Jack’s Place for burgers. We stopped at his parents and checked on them. His dad was surprisingly well. So well, in fact, that they decided to join us at his brother’s bar. Jackson knew we were coming, so he had a table set up for us in the back, away from the noisy crowd. Julia was still in town, and she had been spending quite a bit of time with Courtland’s twin. When I questioned her about Weston, she just shrugged and said he was being a jerk. Apparently, he wasn’t as ready to put a ring on it as she was. Lucy was back from her modeling gig, so she also joined us. Tess was holding down the fort at Cooper’s Music City tonight, but Knight would meet us later for drinks.

“Hey, Courtland.” Jackson walked over with three pitchers of beer but stopped short before he reached our table. “Lucy Dawson.” His eyes went dark.

My fiery, red-headed friend rolled her eyes and shot back. “Jackson King.”

With that, he set the tray on our table. “If I’m not needed at the moment, I have some paperwork in the back.” He spun around and headed back to his office.

Everyone’s eyes ping-ponged between Jackson and Lucy, trying to figure out what was going on between them. When I shot her a questioning look and arched my eyebrows, she only offered a half-shrug like it was no big deal. I couldn’t tell if she was bothered by the encounter or intrigued.

We ordered our food and chowed down on the best burgers in South Carolina and consumed two additional pitchers of beer. Courtland’s parents were great. They were easy to be around, just like his three brothers. I couldn’t put my finger on why he was different. He wasn’t adopted. Maybe I’d ask Knight. Since we worked together, I felt more comfortable asking him about it than I did Courtland. Even though we knew each other in the biblical sense, something about him unnerved me.

It was well past eleven when we rolled out of the parking lot, heading to the Bluebird. I had fun tonight. It was delightful watching Courtland with his parents and siblings. He even laughed at Ben’s bad jokes. There was a bit of drama when Jackson threw a couple of rowdy patrons out on their asses. Other than that, it was a wonderful night. Courtland and I made plans to see each other again, and he asked me to go with him back to New York next weekend. That made my heart soar, and, for the first time in I can’t remember when, I was genuinely excited about my future and all it offered.

I could barely keep my eyes open as we made our way down Main Street. My apartment was only two miles from the bar, but I felt myself drifting in and out of consciousness, the soft sounds of jazz playing on the radio. Resting my head against the cool window, my eyes gave up and closed just before we made the turn onto my street.

“Fuck all.” Courtland cursed. Without warning, I was jerked from my slumber. I heard the screech of tires, and a strong arm came down across my midsection. Bright lights poured inside the vehicle as I was jerked forward, and the sound of screams pierced the air.

Then darkness…

Chapter 9


Molly. Molly, wake up.” Panic swept over me. I watched in horror as the EMTs worked to stabilize her. That motherfucker came out of nowhere. The police said he was most likely drunk. Maybe he was one of the dicks Jackson had thrown out of the bar earlier tonight. It didn’t matter, though. Nothing mattered except the beautiful girl who lay unconscious on the cold stretcher. “Will she be alright?” It was a question I was afraid to ask.

The paramedic’s answer was mechanical. “We can’t answer that, but the sooner we get her to the hospital, the faster we can make sure she’s okay. Until then, try to stay calm. Is there anyone we can call? Family members?”

Raking my hands through my hair, I paced back and forth between the cars, waiting for something but not sure what. I called Jackson, Ben, and Knight, and they were going to meet us at the hospital. Ben was bringing Julia, and Jackson said he would grab Lucy and Tess. Knight called her parents, who were already en route to Stone Creek General.

Since the rental was most likely totaled, I was allowed to ride in the ambulance with Molly. I tried to stay out of the way but couldn’t let go of her hand. It was warm in mine, our fingers laced together, hers tiny in mine. While we made our way the two miles to the hospital, I silently prayed to a God I hoped existed. Please, please don’t take her away. Not when I just found her. The drive felt like forever when I knew it was only five minutes. Knight met us outside and threw his arm around me when the paramedics whisked her away from me.

When the doors slid open, my eyes found a man and woman huddled in a corner. Molly’s parents. We walked further into the room, and the man looked up, unshed tears gleaming in his eyes. The woman was weeping quietly. “Mr. Steel, Mrs. Steel. I’m Courtland King. Your daughter, Molly, was with me tonight when we were hit.”
