Page 12 of Ruthless King

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The man stood, meeting me across the room. I held out my hand just as he took a swing at my jaw. I was so distracted by Molly’s condition that I didn’t even try to avoid the punch. I wasn’t sure what I was expecting to happen, but I sure as fuck wasn’t expecting to get pummeled. His fist landed with the force of a freight train straight to my jaw. I stumbled back a step before righting myself and squaring off in front of him.

I wouldn’t throw a punch back. I was a dick, but my father had taught me basic manners. I knew he was scared, and he had a right to be. No one would tell us what was going on, just that they needed tests and for her to wake up. Rubbing my jaw, I took another step back, trying to ignore the startled looks from everyone in the room.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have reacted that way. It’s just you said you were with our Molly, and well, she’s our baby girl, and if anything happens to her. The police assured us when we arrived it was an accident and you were not at fault.” I nodded, accepting his apology. If the roles were reversed, I’m sure my reaction would have been equally intense.

About that time, my eyes caught Jackson rushing in, Lucy and Tess hot on his heels. Tess’s eyes were red-rimmed, while Lucy’s blues were like ice. She was on a mission, and when Lucy Dawson set out on a mission, God help whoever got in her way. At least that’s what my brother said about her the other night at the bar. I’m not sure what their deal was. It’s apparent they have some type of history, but that was a conversation for another day. I watched as she marched to the reception desk and slammed her palms down on the harsh metal, the sound ringing out around the area. I could only hear her part of the conversation as the nurses were trying to remain respectful of the other people in the area.

After a few tense moments, she turned our way, her face a picture of defeat. “They said they would let us know something when she woke up.” She bit out the words like they were poison in her mouth. I sighed and explained that we had all been told the exact thing. Hippa laws wouldn’t allow them to tell us anything, only her parents, no matter how many demands we made. It didn’t make it any easier to hear, though. Jackson slung his arm around her shoulder. She scowled at him as he guided her to the row of chairs where Tess was slouched.

I fell back into a seat on the other side of the room, feeling the need to disconnect for a little while. That was the safe thing to do. It was the one thing I always did when the going got rough. I learned long ago how to remove myself from any situation without ever leaving the room.

I closed my eyes and tried to quiet the voices inside my head. This is your fault, just like it was your fault back then. You will never be free from your guilt. You couldn’t protect her. She’s hurt because of you.

My eyes opened at the sound of my name. “Courtland. What’s going on? How’s Molly?” My brother Knight placed a warm hand on my shoulder. Knight was an artist by all rights. He was sensitive and caring, a lot like Ben. He had just come in with Julia, Molly’s other best friend.

Straightening up in the seat, I suddenly realized how tired I was. Not just physically, though I had been up almost twenty-four hours, but mentally and emotionally, as well. “They won’t tell us anything. They’re running tests and hoping she wakes up soon.” My words were like a fruitless prayer, and they left a bitter taste in my mouth.

“Oh man, I’m sorry. Hey, we’re all here to support you with anything you need. Are her parents here?”

A wicked chuckle broke from my mouth. I rubbed my jaw. “They’re here, alright.”

“What’s so funny?”

“When I told her parents she had been with me, things didn’t go so well.” That was a fucking understatement.

“What do you mean?” He looked stricken, his words laced with concern.

“Well, let’s just say I got intimately introduced to her dad’s knuckles.”

Knight stood, stunned by my words. “He hit you?”

Another laugh, this one a little forced. “Yeah. He thought I was responsible, and maybe he’s right.” I was used to feeling guilt. For the last two decades, my entire life has been forged in guilt. I’ve made many poor decisions trying to numb the constant feelings of regret. Too many women, too many drugs, and too much alcohol. Nothing has helped, not even the thousands of dollars spent on therapy.

Just as I was about to stand, a man in blue scrubs came through the doors. He looked exhausted, like he hadn’t slept in days. He was tall and broad. Maybe a couple of inches taller than me, his face was etched in concern. His eyes skated across the room before he spoke. “Steel family.” Molly’s mom and dad stood at the same time I did.

I moved quickly in their direction, wanting to hear about her condition. When I stole a glance at Molly’s dad, his face was ashen, and I couldn’t help but reach over and clasp a hand on his shoulder as he held his wife’s hand. Everyone else in the room came to attention, captivated by the scene playing out in front of them.

We listened as the doctor explained that Molly was lucky to be alive. She had suffered a broken collarbone and a few broken ribs. She had a concussion, most likely from hitting the dashboard on impact. I listened and nodded absently as I tried to remain calm and not lose my shit.

The police officer who was there earlier said they had made an arrest in the hit-and-run. Apparently, one of the thugs Jackson had tossed from the bar got behind the wheel and plowed into us before crashing into a tree a couple of miles down the road. His blood alcohol level was three times the legal limit.

Red blurred my vision. I needed to punch something, anything. I needed to feel pain to remind myself I was still alive. “Is she awake?” My tone was harsher than I had intended. I cut him off mid-speech. He looked at me like I had two heads.

“I’m sorry. Is she awake?” I asked again, hoping to earn favor with the doctor. He explained she was awake but heavily sedated. She was permitted one visitor at a time and only for a few minutes. Of course, her mom and dad would be the first ones to see her, but I took my place in line. I wasn’t above throwing money around if that would make it happen any faster.

I sat with my head in my hands, waiting my turn to see Buttercup. I ignored several calls from Nick back in New York, sending them to voicemail. I didn’t give a shit. Molly was the only thing that mattered right now. New York and Nick could wait, although a small part of me wanted to call him just so I could unleash my frustrations on my unsuspecting friend.

When Molly’s dad walked out of her room and motioned for me to follow him, my heart surged in my chest. This was it. After four hours of uncertainty, I was finally getting to see firsthand how she was doing.

The brutal sounds of machines hit me smack in the face like a hammer when I entered the sterilized environment, but relief swiftly washed over me when I saw her. Except for a small bandage across her forehead, she looked the same. Beautiful and perfect in every way. As I approached the bedside, her eyes fluttered open, and she smiled that crooked smile that took my breath away. “Hey there.” She had difficulty speaking, and her voice was raspy, most likely from the pain meds.

“Buttercup.” That was all I could get out as my voice trailed off, choked off by emotions I thought I had long since buried. “I was so scared. I thought I had lost you.” She didn’t know how true my words were. Not knowing if she would be okay or not was terrifying. Now that I had laid eyes on her, some of my fear had disappeared, replaced by hope. We needed time to explore what was blooming between us, and I wasn’t willing to waste one second. When she spoke again, her words were like an anthem.

“I’m sorry you were worried. I’m going to be fine. The doctor said I needed to rest for a couple of weeks and then limit my activities. They want to watch for pneumonia because of my limited movement.”

Yes, rest. That’s what she needed, and that is what I would make sure she got. “So, no fooling around during this rest period?” I was joking. Well, halfway joking. She sensed the amusement in my words.

“No sex. But if you’re a good boy, I’ll let you touch my breasts.” She laughed. “And I will definitely make it up to you when I get my release.”
