Page 37 of Ruthless King

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After I poured another glass of wine, I slipped on black leggings and an oversized Juilliard sweatshirt. At exactly eight o’clock, my phone buzzed, indicating I had a text message. Knowing it would be Courtland, I immediately sprang to the door and flung the door open. Expecting his easy grin, I was met with a vicious scowl.

“Buttercup, what the hell are you doing?” His voice had a bite to it as he stormed inside and slammed the door behind him. I found it unsettling, considering how our day went.

Looking bewildered and a little hurt, my voice was a weak whisper. “What do you mean?”

He sighed as he raked his hand through dark waves. “Did you even check the peephole before you invited whoever was on this side of the door into your life?” He was pissed, but his countenance took on a gentler expression when he took in my reaction. Coming to my side, I crushed my head into his chest. “Molly, Baby, I know this little town is considered safe, but there are still people out there who want to prey on weak individuals, and I don’t really feel like getting arrested tonight.”

I looked up into his stormy blues and saw something I could describe but was afraid to name. I knew what it looked like. I had seen it in my mom and dad’s eyes whenever they looked at each other. I had seen it in my brother’s eyes whenever he looked at me. The look was love. Was that what I was seeing in Courtland’s eyes?

Pouring us both a healthy glass of wine, we settled on the sofa, and I suddenly felt that rush of heat I was familiar with whenever we were this close. I tamped it down and tried to ignore the scorching between my legs. “So, how was your meeting with Jackson?”

This felt good, us sitting together sipping wine and talking about our day. I could do this. He gave me a look that said he didn’t want to make small talk. His lips curved into a smile. Turning to face me, he took my glass, set it on the table, and lifted my hands to his mouth, brushing his lips lightly across my knuckles before looking into my eyes.

“Molly, I told you I’d give you time, and I will.” I’m not sure if it was the third glass of wine that had me twisting to meet his lips, but when I leaned in, and our lips touched, it was an explosion of passion that rivaled any Fourth of July celebration in the history of fourths. Our tongues tangled in a dance of lust and desire. His hands held tight to my hips, pulling me closer, and my fingers found his hair and tugged with the intensity of a starved woman who had just been served her first meal in weeks.

When it felt like the kiss would never end, I pushed against his chest, my breaths heaving under his intoxicating presence. “Courtland.” That was all I could get out.

Breathless, we both pulled back, and he stood first, not trying to hide his obvious erection straining against his zipper. “Buttercup, I’m sorry. I can’t be here and not have you.” He looked torn. “I need to go.”

Nodding, I stood and walked him to the door. Before he left, he turned back to me. “Molly, make sure this damn door is locked, and don’t open it unless you know who’s on the other side. End of.” I closed the door and leaned against it, smiling at his words. Score one for Molly Steel.

The next few days passed in a haze. I bounced from the music store to the hotel to Courtland’s parents’ home for practice. Julia made it to town, and she and I, along with Tess and Lucy, helped at the Bluebird to set up final decorations for the festival. Yesterday, we shopped for our outfits for Saturday night. Lucy bought hers weeks ago, so she gave all her attention to the rest of us, offering her fashionista advice. Julia brought a chic ivory sweater dress with her from the city, and Tess found a cute little black number on our second stop. I was the only one who couldn’t seem to find the right fit.

Contemplating whether or not I could just go naked, I pulled on my pink silk pajama shorts and white tank. I slid between the sheets and laughed at the image in my head. No, definitely not naked. I had just closed my eyes when my phone buzzed, signaling a text message.

Courtland: Hey, Buttercup. Are you asleep yet?

Me: Well, if I’m asleep, how would I be able to answer you? Lol

Courtland: Funny, funny. Do you have your dress yet?

Why was he asking about my dress? The festival was in two days, and I had no idea what I’d be wearing. Did I want him to know I was that pathetic? Probably not.

Me: I’m still looking for the perfect dress.

Courtland: You know the festival is less than forty-eight hours away, right?

Me: I’m well aware. Why are you worried about my dress?

Courtland: No reason.

Me: Did you want something? I mean, surely you didn’t just interrupt my almost-sleep with questions about my wardrobe?

Courtland: Ha ha, very funny. Just curious, I guess. Goodnight, Buttercup. Sweet dreams.

Me: Goodnight, Courtland.

Tossing my phone on the nightstand, I rolled over and closed my eyes, drifting off to images of bristly stubble scratching the inside of my thighs as navy eyes bore into my soul, setting it free.

Chapter 26


The Stone Creek Halloween Festival was tonight, and I had yet to find something to wear. I had scoured every shop in town and just couldn’t find anything that screamed the one. Leaning into my closet, I thumbed through the slim selection of clothing and wondered if it really mattered. Pulling out a couple of dresses that served me well in the past, I laid them on the bed and began searching the mountain of shoe boxes to find the perfect ones. I’d make that decision later, maybe after a couple of glasses of red.

I wrestled into my best pair of ripped jeans and a crisp black button-down. Grabbing a hair tie, I quickly pulled my blonde tresses into a high tail and slipped on my Ugg boots. As I made my way downstairs to the cafe, I spotted him sitting alone in a corner booth. When I caught his attention, he motioned me over.

“Hi,” I said when I was close.
