Page 110 of Groupthink

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Her face glowed with the ghostly light from her screen.

Sam and Grace slid into the booth across from us, and I watched as if in slow motion, Sam draped his arm over Grace’s bare shoulders.

Something tensed in my gut. Why did I feel tension? That wasn’t right—this didn’t make any sense.

I was filled with some kind of primal urge to drape my arm over Jillian’s shoulders, but I resisted. That would be too forward for my style—and also, I really couldn’t bring myself to do it. It was only a ploy to one-up Sam.

Sam, who was wearing a smirk like he’d gotten away with everything I’d ever wanted, even though I didn’t even have a good idea of what that was.

Grace looked happy and serene, a cute little smile curled on her lips. She glanced at Jillian.

“So, Jillian? What do you like to do?”

Jillian’s eyes flicked up to Grace like having to acknowledge something annoying, like a buzzing fly. “Hhhowh mhany fhollowhers dho yhouhhhave?”

A line appeared between Grace’s eyebrows. “What?”

“Hhinsta. Fhollowers. Hhhow mhany?”

I wanted to die.

Grace shrugged. “I dunno. My sister’s more into that—”

“Dhoo I knhow hher?”

Was it rude to shove someone out of their seat, tell them to leave, and never come back?

I couldn’t do that—I had to be agentleman.Not some sort of caveman that secretly thought about stealing my buddy’s girl, having her ride my cock, doing all sorts of dirty things together—

Grace shifted uncomfortably.

Sam picked up on it, perceptive as always. He turned to Jillian and said, “You know, Spoken and Mea Culpa are here.”

Jillian sat upright and her gaze landed on Sam with interest. “Whhait. Lhike, serhiously?!”

“Yep. I can take you to meet them,” he promised with a glimmer in his eye.

“Whhhen?”Jillian begged, sounding like a ghost between dimensions or something.

“Right now, actually. I need to get back there anyway. Noah, Grace, enjoy the show. All drinks are on me.”

And just like that, my bad date stood up and followed Sam into the darkness.

As soon as they were gone, it was just Grace and me.

Things lightened. The air seemed easier in the absence of everything that wasn’t said.

But then Grace’s catlike eyes landed on mine and the tension returned. Though this time, the air felt heavy with excitement.

There were things that were unspoken, all right. I had to tread carefully not to cross any lines.

Even though all I wanted to do was jump over this table and kiss her so hard she forgot all about Sam.

I wanted to kiss her so hard that she forgot her own fucking name.


