Page 111 of Groupthink

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Anervous, tingling excitement rang through me as I stared at modelesque Noah sitting in the booth across from me.

Just me and Noah. Again,I thought deviously.

I quickly corrected the thought.

Just me and Noah, my date’s-best-friend-who-is-totally-off-limits.

It was easier to think of him as some kind of zoo animal; a beautiful specimen for display only.

So far, I’d controlled my thoughts about him by just assuming he was gay. But from the way he was looking at me, and the… theenergyin his sand-colored eyes, I couldn’t help but feel that safety label on him waver.

But, I let my eyes trace his crisp, white button-down under his brown leather jacket. His perfectly styled strawberry-blond hair, carefully coaxed to the side and hanging over his forehead. His high cheekbones, his long, dark eyelashes casting spidery shadows down the sides of his face, his full lips…

Yes, surely, he was gay. There was no way a guy this beautiful could be straight.

Straight guys just didn’t care about their appearances that much.

The silence was stifling, the air between us filled with a nervous, nebulous energy. I needed to say something to fill the silence, oh God, I was so awkward without Sam here…

Right. I was Sam’s.

Sam’s… date.

We still hadn’t discussed labels. Not after yesterday, in the hallway, when Sawyer called Sam my boyfriend…

Didthat make him my boyfriend? Was I now required to be loyal to him, or else I’d be a slut? Were we on a date, or dating, or both? Where were the lines, exactly? It was too much to think…

“What’s on your mind?” Noah asked in his low, calm voice.

“What do you mean?” I asked, stalling for time.

“Your eyes. You look pensive. You’re thinking something, and I don’t know what it is,” he said quickly. Then, “Sorry, that sounds weird. Long day.”

“Greenhouse?” I asked.

“I don’t want to talk about work right now,” Noah said with a wave of his hand. “Get me out of my head and into yours.”

His heavy golden gaze landed on me, and I might as well have been tied to the seat. Desire pulsed through my lower gut and mixed with the guilt.

“I was just wondering if you were—”gay“Instagram-famous or something,” I finished.

He cocked a thick, dark blond eyebrow, but he didn’t grin.

It didn’t flatter him.

Not like Sam would be if asked that question.

“No. People ask me that all the time, though,” Noah admitted. “That girl I brought—”

“Is she your girlf—”

“God, no!” he said. Then, “—sorry.”

Relief unfurled in my chest. “No, I get it.”

He smiled at me, his teeth glittering white in the low light like a beacon.

I smiled back.
