Page 116 of Groupthink

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Noah’s face glowed blue above the light of his phone.

I slid into the booth, my mind going a million miles a minute.

I was crazy.Crazy.I’d just had an encounter with my ex in the bathroom, who also wasn’t my ex, and for some reason, I was wet.

This didn’t make sense. Everything about this was improper and horrible, but wonderful and confusing and—

“Sorry, just taking care of some work stuff,” Noah said, tucking his phone back into his pocket.

“No worries,” I said weakly.

“Cheers,” he said, holding out his drink.

I raised my glass and clinked it to his,determinedto have a good time. For once, I was funneling my stubbornness to stay somewhere instead of running away.

As I sipped the bitter liquid, I held it there in my mouth, really tasting it. Reveling in it, instead of letting it pass through me as quickly as possible.

“I wanted to apologize for earlier,” Noah said, sincere regret in his eyes. “I could come up with excuses to why I said that— like it’s loud in here, crowds make me uncomfortable, et cetera, et cetera. But the truth is, I’m just off my game.”

“I wasn’t aware this was a game,” I said with the same confidence as earlier.

What the hell was wrong with me?

He balked. “Uh. It’s not. I was just being a dick earlier—”

“You were.”

“Well, sorry,” he said, as if the word tasted bitter in his mouth.

My brain chose that moment to remind me that Noah had seen me sucking Sam’s cock last night.

I wondered if Noah thought about that.

I wondered if he was thinking about that right now.

Heat flushed into my cheeks and I shuddered.

“Are you cold?” he asked.

“Yeah,” I said, setting the glass down with a heavyclunk.

“Here, take my jacket,” he said, shrugging it off.

I was going to protest. My politenesstoldme the right thing to do would be to refuse.

But I couldn’t. I didn’t.

I was horrible. I was acting like a slut.

But I didn’t care, and it feltgreat.

“Here—“ he said, handing it to me across the booth. “I’m getting toasty anyway.”

That makes two of us,my internal sass quipped as I touched the warm, heavy leather.

As I shrugged the jacket on, warmth flooded through me as his scent—spicy, clean, crisp, a hint of nutmeg—wafted into my nostrils.

“You bake?” I asked.
