Page 111 of The Summer of Wild

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I loved it, I send back.

I have more.

I swallow hard as I stare at the words on the screen. What am I doing? I can't be hot and cold with her. Cash wants her. Cash has history with her. Cash will win in the end. He always does.

Send them to Cash, I write.

I took them for you.

He wants to get back with you.

An audible huff leaves her mouth before I get the next message.

He doesn't know what he wants.

What do you want, Blondie?

You. Only you.

I don't reply to her message even though I want to. I want to tell her I feel the same way, but I know something she doesn't.

My dad left. I watched him walk out the front door one day and never look back. Like it was as natural as breathing. I know how easy it is to leave. To get into the car and drive away without glancing in the rearview mirror.

I'm afraid that if things get too hard, I'll bail the same way my dad did.

And Ingrid? That's the last thing she needs. Someone else leaving her when she trusted them.

Chapter 29

The Video Reveal

I can feel Wilder's eyes staring at me through his stupid dark sunglasses. His gaze is burning into my shoulder as Cash pays for us to play mini golf, but I try ignoring him.

Which begs the question: if Cash got kicked out of his parents' house, why does he still have his truck and credit card? That's suspicious.

"Whew," Cash playfully wipes his forehead with his forearm. "They haven't canceled my credit card yet."

Oh. I guess that's why.

"Enjoy it now," Wilder yawns, "because it won't last forever."

"Nothing does, does it?" I glare at Wilder. I can't see his eyes, but I know he's staring back at me.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Cash interrupts our stare-down

"All good things must come to an end," I cryptically answer as I narrow my eyes at Wilder.

"Yeah," Cash frowns. "I suppose it does."

"You guys ready to golf?" Wilder interrupts the tense moment.

"Yep," I click my tongue.

No one talks after that, and I follow behind Wilder and Cash as they lead the way to the first hole. When we reach it, Cash tells me I'm up first.

Oh, joy.

I grab my pink mini-golf club and place the orange ball Cash hands me on the tee.
