Page 133 of The Summer of Wild

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"I'm not sure there's a way to heal what's broken in me," Wilder shrugs.

"You should talk to Elowyn," I encourage him. "I know she's been texting you."

"Right," Wilder scoffs. "I should reply to the half-sister who stole my dad."

"I think you've always been better off without your dad," I tell him. "But having a sister, I mean, it's not so bad."

Even Queen Isla has her moments.

"What do you want to do today?" Wilder asks me.

"I was thinking," I grin, "we could have one last hurrah at the creek before school starts."

"You and me?"

"And maybe Cash?" I scrunch my face.

"He said he needs time, Ingrid," Wilder says gently.

"It would feel weird not to invite him," I raise a hopeful eyebrow. "I can be the one to send the text."

"Cash and I are literally sharing a room right now," Wilder reminds me. "And we have three classes together. We have no space. The creek would be too much."

"Oops," I laugh as I hit send on the text I already drafted to Cash. "I sent it."

"Ingrid," Wilder groans.

"He'll probably say no," I wave him off.

Cash responds to my Wanna go to the creek with Wilder and me? text instantly.

"He said he'll head this way in five minutes," I smile, triumphantly.

Wilder shakes his dark head at me. "You think he's really ready to hang out with us?"

"He hangs out with you every day," I twist to kiss him. "And he keeps me up to date on the Fanny front. The sooner we rip off the Band-Aid, the better."

"He's in a fragile state," Wilder endearingly explains. "I don't want him to—"

"We will make sure he has a good time," I interrupt. "I promise."

"You got a tattoo, too?" Cash crosses his arms over his chest as I toss a bag of towels into the back of my car.

"I did," I answer as I close the trunk.

"You never would have gotten one when you were dating me," Cash challenges.

"That's because your mom would have crucified me," I quip.

"Yeah," Cash chuckles, "she probably would have."

"It was a bucket list item," I hold out my wrist to show him the lightning bolt.

"What does it signify?"

I smile as I pull my arm back to my body. "Bottled-up lightning."

"I don't get it," Cash furrows his brow.
