Page 27 of The Summer of Wild

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I take a moment to look him over. We're crossing off Lonely Summer Bucket List Item #1 tonight. Dinner at the country club. Dress fancy. Wilder is dressed in black slacks and a soft green button-up that brings out the minty color of his eyes. Mint, with tiny flecks of gold in them. They're not horrible to look at.

"You like what you see, Blondie?" Wilder rolls his hips suggestively in my direction.

"You have to ruin everything," I groan, "don't you?"

"Why, Wilder," he says with a high-pitched voice, obviously mimicking me, "you look rather dapper this evening."

"Is that supposed to be me?" I raise my eyebrows at him.


"You should really work on that. I would never use the word dapper."

"You look nice, too," Wilder tilts his head to the side as his hazel eyes sweep over my body. I shift my weight from one foot to the other as his gaze lingers on my chest. I settled on a white, body-hugging lace dress I wore to Fanny's End of Summer party last year. It was the fanciest thing in my closet. My boobs, however, like to spill out of it.

"My eyes are up here," I remind him with a smirk.

He lets out an annoyed breath. "You ready?"

"No," I honestly admit.

Cash never took me to the Country Club. I wasn't allowed to attend any of the Allred family dinners there. I'm not sure how Wilder managed to finagle his way into a reservation for us, but in the four years Cash called me his girlfriend, he never let me hang around the elite group of people he grew up with. I always assumed it was because he was embarrassed by them. Now, I'm beginning to wonder if he was embarrassed by me.

"Are you okay?" Wilder steps closer, his face full of concern. Or it could be gas. Hard to tell. "You look like you're going to cry."

"Do you ever wonder if Cash was embarrassed by us?" I ask him.

Wilder shoves his hands into his pockets and looks over my head. "All the time, Blondie."

I hug my arms to my chest. "Is that why he broke up with me? Because I was embarrassing."

"I think you give Cash too much power over you," Wilder answers.

I narrow my gaze, agitated. "That's not what I asked."

"I'm not trying to hurt your feelings," he tries softening the blow, "but you broke up. Let him go. What's that stupid saying my mom always says? Something like let him go. If he comes back, great. If not, move the fuck on."

I smile, despite wanting to strangle the only friend I currently have. "Your Mom says move the fuck on?"

"No," Wilder grins. "But she really should. She's still pining over that loser Lee. It's been three years. She really should move the fuck on."

"Wasn't he married?"

He shrugs. "Yep."

"Alright," I concede. "How do I stop giving Cash power over me?"

"You can start by deleting Pam."

"I don't want to delete Pam," I pout. "She posts pictures of her cat and likes to knit."

"You don't have a cat," Wilder shakes his head.

"I could have one if I wanted to," I defend myself. "And, so what if Pam wants to check up on Cash every other day or so?"

"It's not healthy."

"I can keep tabs on Cash," I brush off. "I can handle it."
