Page 33 of The Summer of Wild

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"We're not going to lose the house," I tell Wilder. "Not yet anyway. I think my dad will do anything to hold onto it just to spite Frank."

"Your parents will figure it out," Wilder assures me. "They seem like nice people. They helped my mom out a few times with groceries."

I smile. "They did?"

"Yeah," he lowers his voice. "My mom was waiting for her food stamps card to come in the mail when we first moved in with my grandparents. She didn't want to ask my grandparents for money since they live on a fixed income, and they were giving us a free place to stay. Your mom was walking by with one of her dogs, and she saw my mom crying on the front porch. Jill didn't even know her, and she gave my mom a hundred bucks for food."

"You and my mom are on a first-name basis now?"

"Jill and I had a bonding experience the other day," he jokes. "Over Wild Cox."

"I can't believe you told my mom that story," I groan.

"Did she figure it out?"

"I hope not," I say as I twirl the straw in my glass.

"If you guys need cash for groceries or anything," Wilder plays with the fork on the table beside his plate, his eyes refusing to meet mine, "let me know. I owe you one."

"We're doing okay," I tell him. "But I'll keep it in mind in case something comes up."

Our food arrives and we spend the rest of our dinner at the country club in charged silence. To drown out the awkwardness, I scarf down my chicken fried steak and mashed potatoes while Wilder kills off his burger in a few bites.

"You ready to go?" Wilder yawns.

"It's only eight," I chastise him. "And you're already falling asleep?"

"I was up early."


The corner of Wilder's mouth tips up. "Adoring my dick in the shower."

I resist the urge to gag myself. "No more Wild Cox talk."

"You want dessert?"

"No, I'm stuffed."

"Good," Wilder looks around. "Because Karissa is heading our way. Must be time to go."

Oh, right. Wilder traded sex for our dinner reservation. I'm not sure why, but there's this scratchy, annoying feeling in my chest as Karissa runs her hand over his shoulder.

"I'm off. You ready to go?"

"Yep," Wilder jumps up. Guess he's not tired anymore.

I sneak a peek at Mr. Allred's table. He and Clementine are sharing a slice of chocolate cake. I grab my phone and take a picture of him spoon-feeding the woman he's so obviously cheating on his wife with.

"Blondie," Wilder whistles. "Let's go."

But Mr. Allred hears the whistle and glances around. When he spots me, our eyes connect and he looks uncomfortable. I know I should look away, but I can't. I can't look away as we stare at each other, neither one refusing to back down.

When Cash finds out about this, it's going to destroy him. I shouldn't care, but I do. I don't want Cash to get hurt. Even if he's hurting me right now.

I break eye contact with Mr. Allred and grab my purse off the table. Wilder and Karissa are waiting by the door as I hurry over to them.

"Everything alright?" Wilder says quietly.
