Page 60 of The Summer of Wild

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"You're a ruthless host," he gives me a cheeky grin.

"Hey," I raise my eyebrows, "I don't let people live in my heart rent-free. Once they're all paid up, I like to kick them out."

"As you should."

"If you want me," I lick my lips nervously as I lay a hand over my heart, "there's room. I give you permission to stay a while."

Wilder tries to hide a smile, but the setting sun lights up his face. "Thanks, Blondie."

"How was your date with Hendrix?" I force a change of subject.

"She got drunk and puked all over my shoes before she fell asleep in a booth at the bowling alley," he laughs.

"Typical Hendrix," I tease him. "Drinks too much and then passes out." See, I knew he didn't get laid.

His smile fades as we near the lake. "I'm sorry I kissed you."

"Why did you?"

Wilder runs a hand through his dark hair. It's getting longer, and I know he's overdue for a haircut. "Because I wanted to."

I suck my bottom lip into my mouth and bite down. There's a lot I want to say. I want to tell him that kissing me, then going on a date with Hendrix was shitty and stupid. But it's Wilder. He's like a stray dog. He's jumpy and doesn't trust easily. Once he makes himself at home, though, he never leaves. So, I keep my mouth shut and decide not to push. Not tonight, anyway.

He parks near the dock as the sun hangs on the horizon. A family of four is packing up tackle boxes and a cooler as we sit in the car, neither of us moving.

"I know you're not heartbroken," I fill the quiet with noise. "But I wouldn't blame you if you were."

"Are you heartbroken?"

I tuck a strand of blond behind my ear. "I knew it was coming. When Cash stopped having sex with me, I knew."

"I'm sorry I made comments about that," he apologizes. I glance over at him but he's staring straight ahead. "If it made things harder, I'm sorry."

"I think fighting with you was the only way I got through those last two months," I fondly sigh.

His hand slides across the center console and he places it on top of mine. "We do fight a lot."

"It's just sexual tension," I mock him as the family cleaning up their stuff on the dock starts to head toward their car.

Wilder cocks an eyebrow as he gazes over at me. "You couldn't handle Wild Cox."

"The legend lives on," I shake my head.

"You ready to do this?" He removes his hand from mine and motions to the lake.

Pierre waxed everything. I've never been more ready. "Yes."

"If you need to keep anything on," Wilder clears his throat, "that's fine with me."

"I'm good," I smirk. "But if you're scared to take off all your clothes, I'll understand."

"I have nothing to hide," he winks.

The family files into their van as I tuck my bag under the passenger seat and clutch the towel I brought to my chest. I'm hyperaware of every move Wilder makes. He swallows hard, his Adam's apple bobbing as he does. Then, he grabs the door handle and pushes it open. When he does, butterflies flood my stomach and my mouth dries. I take a sobering breath before I get out of the car and take in the fiery sky. Candy apple red, tangerine, and lemony hues dance across the darkening canvas, the setting sun making the calm lake shimmer and glisten. Suddenly, all the butterflies leave and I smile.

"You coming?" Wilder calls a few feet ahead of me, the warm air tickling my skin.

I take several long strides forward in the soft dirt before I reach him. We walk side-by-side to the dock, not a single boat or jet ski in sight.
