Page 66 of The Summer of Wild

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"Hey!" Mom chirps as she walks into the kitchen, scaring the living daylights out of me.

I gasp in response and hit the bowl in front of me. It tips over and a trail of milk trickles into my lap as Mom tries to hide her laughter.

"Didn't mean to scare you, Ingrid," she chuckles and covers her hand with her mouth.

"Could you grab me some paper towels please?" I groan as milk soaks into my cotton shorts.

Mom reaches for the roll and tosses the whole thing at me. "Your father and I are headed to brunch with the Crockett’s, then we're playing Bridge."

Geez, Mom and Dad are getting old.

"Brunch and Bridge?" I raise an eyebrow. "You're turning into Grandma and Grandpa."

"Watch it," Mom points a finger at me. "We'll grill burgers for dinner tonight, so you're on your own for lunch."

"As long as Isla doesn't crash my solo party this afternoon, I'll be good."

"Be nice," Mom raises an eyebrow at me. "She's still your sister."

"I love her but I don't like her," I declare as I stand and walk over to the sink. I deposit the remnants of my breakfast into it.

"You two have never gotten along," Mom exhales. "Even as girls."

"She's selfish," I shrug, my wet shorts sticking to my legs.

"She's just different from you."

"I love that you see the world through rose-colored glasses, but I'm going to take a shower before I say something I might regret. Have fun with Betty and Boris."

"I'll tell them you say hi," Mom calls after me as I jog up the stairs.

I shut my door, and strip off my soggy shorts. I toss them into the laundry basket the moment my cell phone vibrates on the vanity. I cross the room and see it's a Snapchat notification. I decide to ignore it and pull my shirt over my head. As I do, I hear a knock on my bedroom door.

"Yeah, Mom?" I say.

The door creaks open and Wilder's face comes into view. Not the person I was expecting.

Quickly, I hide what I can of my naked body with the T-shirt in my hand.

"Uh," Wilder covers his face with a hand. "Your mom said to just come up."

Oh, Jill. You knew I had to shower. What were you thinking?

"I-It's fine," I choke out. "It's not like you didn't see me naked less than 13 hours ago."

Wilder stands awkwardly in the doorway, unsure of what to do.

"Um," I clear my throat, "can you come in and shut the door? I don't know if my parents are still here."

"They were heading out when I was walking up," he explains.

"Oh," I frown as I clutch the T-shirt tighter to my chest.

Wilder closes the door and shoves his hands into his pockets. "I've been thinking."

"You're going to do this now?" I laugh nervously.

He runs a hand through his hair. "I... well, I was sort of hoping to get this off my chest."
