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Chapter One

Mermae glided over the rooftops of the town, letting the updraft pull her wherever it wanted. She twisted and turned, loving the air blowing through her long, brown hair, giggling with happiness when she was buffeted and turned in the opposite direction from the way she’d been heading.

Every evening after her day’s work at what she believed must be the world’s most boring office job, she climbed onto the roof of her apartment building, checked no one was around, and launched her body into the air. Tonight’s adventure was better than most, with the gusts of wind playing with her and teasing her. Sometimes the air was so still she glided back down to the ground after only a few minutes. Tonight she’d been flying for an hour already, and the wind showed no signs of letting her go.

Mermae was born of normal human parents but had known she could fly from a very young age. At first her family had thought it was just childish imagination, but when she’d jumped off the top of the playground climbing frame and floated across the grass instead of falling, her mother had finally understood—and told her never to do it when anyone could see her. During her teenage years, Mermae had spent hours online trying to discover why she could fly. She’d never found a solution apart from the obvious one—there was supernatural blood in her ancestry somewhere, and apparently she was a throwback. She no longer cared. She just loved to fly.

Her everyday life was gray, monotonous, and boring. But once she was in the air, floating on the breeze, flipping through the updrafts, sliding along the downdrafts, all that faded away, and she was as light as the air she rode, filled with happiness and joy.

The only problem was, she couldn’t tell anyone about it. As she’d gotten older, her parents had explained that if she told people she’d likely end up locked in a mental institution. If she demonstrated she could actually fly, they’d lock her up in a scientific center, and she’d spend the rest of her life as a human experiment. Mermae had understood. The only solution to remaining happy was silence and secrecy. It was a little lonely, but she could do it for the sake of the pleasure flying gave her.

Finally the breeze died down. She was a long way from her apartment, farther than she’d ever been before, but she managed to ride the wind until she was getting too low and hurriedly landed in a park. It was about a two-mile walk, but she’d had such a great flight she didn’t care. As she landed, she thought she glimpsed something else in the sky, someone else perhaps, but when she stood on the ground and scanned the area, no one was around. Mermae shrugged. She must have imagined it. It must have been a bird or a balloon or something. After all, she’d never seen another person fly in her entire life.


Kade had done a double somersault in shock when he’d seen the woman with long, brown hair flying through the air. He’d found out he could fly when his best friend had dared him to jump off the garage roof, like Superman. Kade had scrambled up the ladder onto the building, jumped, and floated gently to the ground. His friend had crashed to the earth and broken his leg. None of their parents had been very pleased, and Kade had learned then and there never to say he could fly.

To see someone else flying was beyond amazing. It was the most exciting event in his life since the day he’d learned he could fly. He absolutely had to find out who she was and where she came from. He’d hovered behind a tree until she began walking and then had followed her as discreetly as he could manage. When she’d entered the apartment building, he’d run like hell so he could see what floor she got off the elevator at, and then he’d raced up three flights of stairs to see her exit the elevator and enter her apartment.

Only then did it occur to him she might have a husband and a couple of kids who knew nothing about her flying, and bursting in on her might not be smart. There was also the issue of Iain, his own partner. Oh, God, Iain. I must go tell him right now. Then we need to meet her, talk to her together.

Kade was a hell of a walk from his own apartment and had no idea where to catch public transportation home from here. He stood on the sidewalk for five minutes, but no taxis passed him. Fortunately, when he phoned for a cab, one wasn’t far away and arrived in minutes.

He burst into the apartment he and Iain shared and ran into the living room. Iain wasn’t there, so he skidded down the hallway and into the bedroom. Iain was sitting in bed stroking his cock. Kade’s own cock rose in response, but this was no time for sex. He bounced onto the bed and said, “Iain, I saw someone else flying tonight. A woman with long, dark hair.”

Iain’s whole face lit up in excitement. “Really? You did? What’s her name? Where does she live? Did she agree to meet with us?”

“I followed her home but didn’t want to go inside without you. You’re an integral part of my life, and you have to like her too, especially if we’re going to… But, I mean, she may be married with kids and stuff already.”

Iain’s dark brown eyes held Kade’s gaze. “She would only be married to someone like us. Someone a little different.”

“Hey, speak for yourself. I’m almost normal. I don’t howl at the moon and go hairy now and then.”

“No, you just jump off the roof and glide through the air like a bird!”

“Well, yeah, there is that. Come on. Get dressed. We need to speak to her. See if she’s The One.

Chapter Two

Kade knocked sharply on her door, took a deep breath, and hoped he could handle this correctly. He glanced back at Iain, who gave him an encouraging grin and a nod.

The door opened just a few inches, the chain-lock evidently on. It was her, and she had huge green eyes a man could drown in. Kade cleared his throat and forgot everything he’d been telling himself. “Hi, I’m Kade, and I can fly too. I’ve never met anyone else who can fly. And this is Iain. Can we please come in?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said. But her eyes were wary, and he knew she was interested.


Kade raced over to the stairwell, climbed onto the railing then jumped as high as could without hitting his head on the ceiling. He kicked his feet as if he were swimming and floated along the hallway back toward her.

When he stood on the floor, her face was split wide in a grin, and her door was open wide, too. “Come in,” she said simply.


They talked and talked for hours and hours. Iain let Kade and Mermae control the conversation. He wanted her to be calm and assured in the knowledge that she and Kade were two of a kind before he explained about his own… um… differences. He wasn’t an average sort of werewolf. That’s why he didn’t live with a pack. In fact, he’d been very much the lone wolf until he’d met Kade, a man who understood him through and through. A man who held the key to Iain’s future happiness.

Finally, Mermae turned to Iain. “There’s more to you, as well, isn’t there? You are more than just Kade’s partner. I can sense something different about you, too.”

Wow! Perceptive woman. She was truly a perfect match for him and Kade. Iain nodded. “Stay right there,” he asked. He moved to the far side of the room and stripped off his clothes. Then, with his back still turned, thought, Change.

Kade had told him he was an attractive wolf with almost black fur, gray feet, tail, and nose, and the same eyes, so dark a brown as to appear almost black. All he knew was that he wasn’t big enough to defend himself from a group of wolves who distrusted him for being different.

Mermae said, “Oh, you’re beautiful. What a handsome boy. Come over here, so I can pet you.”

That wasn’t quite what I expected!

He padded across the room, resting his head on her lap as her gentle hands stroked his fur, scratched him behind his ears, and rubbed his back just the way he liked it. With his nose on her lap, he could smell her. She smelled wonderful. So good. All woman. His. Iain surprised himself by whining his pleasure to her.

Kade and Mermae laughed. Then Mermae said, “All right you can change back. I don’t have a problem with you being a werewolf as long as you don’t bite me.”

Iain stayed in front of her as he changed back. “That’s just a myth from the movies. My biting you won’t change you into a werewolf. Your supernatural blood will protect you. If you don’t want to be bitten, that’s fine. I won’t bite you. But can I suck your breasts when we fuck?”

Kade gas

ped, and Mermae said, “I don’t believe I agreed to fuck either of you as yet.”

Iain sat on the floor, facing both Kade and Mermae. His cock was growing longer, and he thought it spoke well for his feelings. It was time to tell her the rest of his secret.

“Kade and I are bisexual. We’re more than friends.” He watched her face but she didn’t blink. She seemed to be highly intelligent, so she’d likely worked that much out for herself already.

“In my branch of the family, we mate in threesomes. Sometimes it’s all men, sometimes it’s two men and a woman, other times it’s two women and a man, or even three women. But it always takes three to fulfill our needs.”

Kade took up the story. “We’ve been looking for another werewolf to complete our family. I’d never ever seen anyone who could fly before, so I didn’t think I’d be the one to find our third partner. We both really like women and we’d been hoping our third would be a female. But for me to find a woman who could fly, it’s beyond exciting. Then to meet you, to see how beautiful you are, and how gentle and kind…” Kade’s voice trailed off as he swallowed hard.

Iain knew his partner was overcome with emotion so he continued. “You’re a damn smart woman, Mermae. I’m sure you can see what we’re driving at. We’d like you to join with us, to partner us, to make us into a family.”

