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Mermae was overwhelmed with excitement. She’d always hoped to find someone else who could fly, but never truly believed she would. Kade was so sweet and kind. It was as if they were soul-mates. They felt the same on so many things. They just clicked, and she wanted to get to know him so much better.

Iain had done a lot less talking, but she still felt a connection to him, and his being a werewolf didn’t bother her at all. That thought alone astonished her. Up until tonight she hadn’t really believed such things existed. But seeing him wasn’t the least bit off-putting. He didn’t make her at all uncomfortable. And as a man, he was just as handsome as Kade, though in quite a different way. Both men were extremely yummy to look at.

Kade was about six feet tall, with sandy-brown hair and light brown eyes. He had the lean build of a runner, and a quick, but gentle wit. Iain was a little shorter and stockier, with a more muscular frame and dark hair and eyes. It was no surprise his fur was mostly black. They were both the kind of men that, had she met them at a party, she’d have been attracted to them. Having them arrive at her front door was a gift she simply couldn’t ignore.

“Can we do this on kind of like a trial basis? I mean, we just met tonight…”

“The fact that you can fly, that you’re just like me, tells me you’re our perfect match. But I can understand this has come as a shock to you. Hell, it was a shock to me too. So I’d be happy if you want to consider it a trial. To me it’s a done deal, but I’m content for you to have a way out if that’s what you want,” said Kade.

“I’ve never loved another werewolf. But I love Kade, and I believe I’ll love you. You’re everything I want in a woman. Beautiful, smart, and supernatural. You do understand it’ll be all three of us together in bed?” Ian added.

Mermae nodded. Oh yeah, she’d gotten that message right away. What woman wouldn’t melt at the thought of two men paying her attention, two men loving her, two men giving her orgasms?

Kade stood and offered her his hand. Iain joined him, still naked, his cock standing up straight and telling her louder than a shout that Iain, and it, were ready for action.

Wordlessly, Mermae invited them into her bedroom. It just seemed to be right, so perfect. Iain gently stripped her clothes from her, while Kade undressed himself. Together all three of them slid into her bed, and Kade kissed her. He’d already dropped a few light and gentle kisses on her nose, her eyelids, and her forehead, but this kiss was very different. His tongue surged into her mouth, tasting every inch of it, running behind her teeth and over the roof.

In return, Mermae sucked on his tongue, trying to tell him how much she enjoyed his touch. She wrapped her arms around him, drawing him closer to her as they kissed even more deeply, until finally they had to break apart to breathe.

Meanwhile Iain was kissing her feet, teasing her toes, stroking the arch of her foot, even placing soft kisses on her heel.

“You’re so stunning, Mermae. The gods have surely smiled on us this night to bring us all together,” whispered Kade as he slid a finger into her pussy.

She was already wet, and her muscles clenched on his finger. “I want you both so much. I can still hardly believe you exist. Someone else who can fly, just like me, and a werewolf as well, straight out of the movies,” she whispered in reply.

Iain lifted her leg high and kissed the sensitive skin behind her knee. “Trust me, you aren’t half as surprised as we were. I was beginning to think we’d never find our third. To be given such a perfect match is almost unbelievable.” He bent his head again, and began kissing his way up her leg, higher and higher, to where Kade’s hand still rested on her cunt.

Kade placed his cock at her entry. “I want you too. Tonight and forever,” he said as he pushed inside.

He felt so good, stretching her, filling her, but more than that, making her whole, complete, loved by someone who understood her and her supernatural ability. Someone who she could talk to about the things closest to her heart, at last. Someone she would truly love and live with forever.

Iain slid his legs under her body, pushing himself up higher until his cock was at her pussy entry too. Kade spread his legs wide, taking all his weight on his knees and shins, as Iain lifted up onto one elbow and used his other hand to push his cock inside her.

As Iain pushed in to join Kade deep inside her, her tissues simply expanded around them both. Her skin was tight, stretched, and her cunt fuller than she could ever have imagined, but it didn’t hurt. She felt cherished and possessed with two men inside her.

“Oh. My. God.” When they’d said they planned to fuck her together, Mermae’d never imagined they’d both be inside her cunt at the same time. That kind of together. She’d sort of pictured herself sucking one of them while the other fucked her.

Also, she reminded herself, they were partners first and foremost. So by taking her together like this, they were sealing their own bond as well as the bond with her. It was likely a pretty nice feeling to have their cocks sliding over each other inside her.

Besides, women pushed babies out of there every day. She shouldn’t be surprised at two cocks fitting in together. And it did give her the most exquisite sensations. They were touching her walls, and her cream was coating their cocks, filling her with joy at the wonderful carnality of hosting two men.

Kade was kneeling over her, nuzzling his face between her breasts, kissing her nipples, the valley between her breasts, her chin, her jawline, and her mouth.

Iain’s hands were on her hips as he wiggled the last inch of his cock deeper into her core. His hands were firm and possessive, claiming her as his, theirs.

The two men pulled their cocks out of her a little way, then pushed back in. Out, then in, always moving perfectly in time with each other. There was a momentary feeling of loss, followed by that delicious fullness, repeated over and over again.

Mermae lifted her hips into their strokes, loving everything about the way they both touched her, kissed her, made love to her. Kade and Iain were everything she’d ever dreamed of, and much, much more. For a start, she’d never imagined there’d be two men in her life simultaneously, far less that one of them was a werewolf. She’d scarcely ever dared to dream of finding one man who understood her. Now there were two.

Kade pressed kisses to her face, her neck, her shoulders, and her breasts. Iain was petting her hips, her sides, and her legs. All the while, the two of them stroked in and out of her core in perfect unison, bringing her ever closer to the peak of pleasure.

They began to move faster, push deeper, and Mermae flattened her feet on the mattress to accept even more of them. Soon, they pumped inside her once, twice, three times, bringing her to an orgasm that burst through her like a wildfire, igniting every nerve ending and racing through her body as she exploded in joy.

Less than a second later, there was a burst of heat deep inside her as cum exploded and filled her, their seed mixing with her cream.

“I love you, Mermae. I didn’t even know you existed yesterday, but as soon as I saw you, I knew we were meant for each other.” Kade pressed kisses all over her face.

“Hell, yes. You’re my every dream come true.” Iain pushed Kade’s head to the side so he could kiss her lips as well.
