Page 43 of Broken

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“Does he know that Justice is an assassin?”

“I don’t believe so,” Echo said with a sigh.

Oh, shit was going to hit the fan when that tidbit of information came out and Ice was not going to be the one to deliver it. The brothers could sort themselves out on their own.

Ice reached over and linked their fingers together and after a quick searching look, Echo turned back to the ocean as they finished their food.

Ice watched as the sun sank lower before displaying a beautiful sunset over the Indian Ocean.

“I met a friend today.”

“Friend? What friend?”

“I’ll just say he’s in our line of business.”

Ice gritted his teeth. He tried fighting the green-eyed monster that churned his gut, but quickly lost the battle. “What else was he?” he said from between his teeth.

Echo’s eyes snapped to his and the man’s lips twitched. “Jealous?”

“Hell yes, I’m jealous.”

“Don’t be. I never stabbed him.”

Ice gaped and laughed, clutching at his side.

“Oww, fuck! My side.”

Echo was up and out of his chair, leaning over him, and Ice grabbed and pulled the assassin onto his lap.

Right where he fucking belonged.

“Were those love bites?” he teased through his laughter, and Echo grinned and kissed him.

“You’re corny.”

Corny he may be, but Echo shouldn’t underestimate him.

Now that they were together, Ice would end anyone who came between them.

One week later—First week of May

Ice felt somewhat content.

Sitting beneath the bright sun with the sand between his toes and a brand new, fully loaded, Ruger thirty-eight auto pistol in his lap, he sipped at the last of the tea in his glass.

At that very moment, he could say he was a happy man, but in all honesty, he had to wonder at the changes in Echo the past few days.

Ever since the breakdown and screamed words, I’m broken, Echo had been different. The assassin was starting to come out of his shell.

It was surprising, but maybe Echo was beginning to trust him just a little bit?

Yet, could Ice honestly trust anything right now? After the knifing, evading, and shooting Echo had done, how sincere could he suddenly be? Ice would need to wait and see, as much as he hoped Echo had turned a corner and that their relationship was moving in the right direction, he was going to save his hopes about their future until more time passed.

Echo dropped into the lounge chair next to him and handed him an open bottle of beer.

“No more ice tea?”
