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The grey-haired woman, whose name is apparently Barbara, smiles at Amber. “Well, good morning! Can I help you love birds find anything?”

I open my mouth to correct her, but it’s too late. She’s spotted the baby.

“Oh, lord! Look at this little doll!” Her voice goes all soft and motherly as she looks at Nella with twinkling eyes. “You guys are just the cutest little family,” Barbara gushes, smiling at me and Amber.

Amber takes it in stride. “Thank you so much.” She looks up at me and sighs. “Isn’t my husband a tall glass of water? I could just drink him right up.” She turns and winks at Barbara.

I can’t see my own face, but the heat I’m suddenly feeling would indicate I’m blushing. Hard.

Barbara giggles and loops an arm through Amber’s. “Well, I wasn’t going to say it. But yes! You lucky thing, you.”

Amber flutters her lashes at me, loving this entire spectacle.

“Listen,” Barbara says. “I own this shop, and I’ll give you guys 20% off everything today, just because y’all are so stinking cute.” She smiles and starts to walk away, waving over her shoulder. “Just let me know if I can help you find anything!”

Once Barbara is out of ear shot, Amber breaks into laughter.

I roll my eyes and cross my arms. “All day, every day I feel like I’m babysitting unruly hockey players…and you’re no better.”

She ignores me, back to rummaging through the throw pillows. “Okay let’s pick out your pillows and get out of here. I’m sure the candles are driving you crazy.”

I smile. It’s nice having a person in this world who knows me almost as well as I know myself. Someone who can sense the things I don’t always want to say out loud, someone who really sees me, even when I want to be invisible. Amber has a way of siphoning my thoughts out of my own head…except for my thoughts about her. But that’s probably a good thing.

She picks two of the simplest pillows in the pile, one a pale blue, and the other white with a subtle floral pattern. Amber hands them to me, and I hold one under each arm, feeling ridiculous. She selects two more, both similar to the other two, with blue details.

“These four are simple but will still add a little color to your house.”

I nod, surprised that I don’t mind the colors or patterns she chose. Amber starts toward the register in the center of the shop where Barbara is waiting for us. I lean in, making my voice low so only Amber can hear me. “You do realize I don’t need the 20% off, right? I could buy this entire shop with cash.” I’m not trying to brag; I’m giving her facts. She doesn’t have to pretend to be my doting wife to get me discounts. And money isn’t an issue for me, so helping her isn’t a big deal. I want to help her.

“I know, Mr. Money Bags. I was just having a little fun.”




Stepping inside the D.C. Eagles ice plex brings a smile to my face. Actually, a full-on cheesy grin. Being in the icy cold building, finding a seat on the bleachers, brings back so many good memories from when Ford played varsity hockey at our high school.

After shopping, we stopped back at Ford’s place just long enough for me to restock the diaper bag, grab some warm layers for myself and Nella, then head out again. Thank goodness Nella sleeps well in her carrier. My back is aching from carrying her around all morning, but that’s okay. I wouldn’t miss the chance to watch my best friend’s photo shoot for the convenience of putting her down for a nap in her pack-and-play.

Ford points me toward the stands behind the glass where a smattering of family members have congregated, then walks toward the ice where they have lights and camera equipment set up. Today’s photo shoot is for a calendar the team puts out every year. The guys pose with dogs and cats from a local animal shelter, and all proceeds from calendar sales go to the shelter. Ford loves dogs and looks forward to this every year.

I’m about to sit in the front, on an empty row of cold bleacher, when a pretty blonde starts waving at me. She comes toward me like she knows me, and I stare at her in confusion.

“You must be Amber!” she says once she’s right in front of me. She’s just a little taller than me and has shoulder-length blonde hair. Two other women trail closely behind her. One is tall and slim with short, curly hair. And the other looks like a Disney princess, with light brown hair and round, sparkly eyes.

“I’m Andie, Mitch’s fiancée,” The blonde woman says with a friendly smile, gesturing to herself, then juts a thumb behind her toward the Disney princess. “This is Mel. She’s married to West.” The petite woman smiles and wiggles her fingers in an awkward wave.

The taller one steps forward. She seems more serious than the other two, but she’s wearing a kind smile. “I’m Noel. I’m with Colby Knight.” She blushes and Mel nudges her playfully. Noel shoots her a playful glare then turns back to me. “It’s so nice to meet you.”

“It’s nice meeting you, too.”

Mel gets up close and personal so she can get a better look at Nella. “Oh, my gosh. Your baby is a-freaking-dorable.”

I chuckle, finding it refreshing how friendly these girls are. Ford isn’t one to share a lot of details about his friends. I know some of his teammates’ names, mostly from watching games on TV. But I didn’t realize I would meet some of their girlfriends and wives today.

“Thank you,” I say, looking down to discover that Nella isn’t even asleep. She’s just staring at Mel.
