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My sisters rush in to hug her, and I find myself once again wishing I hadn’t held back embracing her all these years. As a kid, I hated being touched. I’m still not a touchy guy. I could be with Amber, though.

“Oh, Amber, she’s a doll,” Felicity whispers, not wanting to wake the baby.

“She really is,” Farrah agrees.

“Thank you. I agree,” Amber says with a wink.

“Hey, you,” I finally say. I’m the only one in the room focusing on Amber and not Nella. No offense to Nella, but I could just look at her mom all damn day. It’s always been like that, my eyes navigating straight toward her like I’m a ship lost at sea and she’s dry land.

Mom scurries into the living room where we’re all still standing. Her apron is a mess, and her goggles are still on top of her head. “Amber!” Mom says, rushing in to give her a hug.

My family might be loud, brash, and a little dorky. But they treat people well, and I’m especially thankful they love Amber like family with all she’s been through this year.

“Wow, I’ve missed this house,” Amber says softly, then sighs. “It hasn’t changed a bit. And neither have the Remingtons.” She grins, eyeing my mom’s goggles and then my dad’s ugly Christmas sweater.

Dad chuckles. “It’s been too long, sweetheart. How’s your mom?”

Amber stills. I open my mouth to change the subject, my go-to for when a topic makes things uncomfortable. But Amber recovers, giving my dad a smile that doesn’t meet her eyes.

“I’m not sure. We actually don’t talk.” Amber glances down at her baby girl, and Dad’s eyebrows raise in understanding.

“I didn’t realize that. I’m sorry.” He clears his throat. “Well, we’re thrilled you’re both here.”

Mom nods in agreement, then ushers us into the kitchen where the Thanksgiving meal is ready and waiting, aside from the turkey that she’s about to trim with her electric knife. Everything is arranged on the countertop in a buffet-style. We’re not one of those fancy families who lay out a picture worthy spread in a formal dining room. We’re plastic tablecloths and buffets all the way in the Remington household.

Excited chatter fills the room as Mom cuts up the turkey and tosses the chunks into a big, foil pan. Dad watches with his arms crossed, always a little sour he doesn’t get to carve the turkey but knowing better than to interfere in his wife’s kitchen.

When Mom gives the all-clear, we usher through the kitchen, filling our plates with turkey, mom’s famous stuffing, green bean casserole, and all the Thanksgiving fixings. We take our seats in the formal dining room. Formal is a strong word since there’s a plastic tablecloth lining the dated table. It has a turkey-and-pumpkin print all over it. Also, we’re eating on paper plates. The nice, thick ones…but still paper.

Nella wakes up the moment Amber sits down to eat, but she’s quickly stolen by my oldest sister, who snuggles her happily while Amber eats.

“So, tell me what’s new with the Remingtons,” Amber says after swallowing a bite of stuffing.

“Well.” Felicity jumps in first, as usual. “You’ll get to meet my man today, Harvey. He should be here any minute.” She sighs dreamily, looking up at the ceiling. “He’s amazing.”

Amber waggles her eyebrows. “Oooh, Felicity’s in looooove,” she teases.

Felicity blushes, but the grin on her face tells me she doesn’t care who knows how smitten she is.

Amber turns to Farrah with a smile. “And where’s that hubby of yours?”

Farrah’s face falls for a split second before she plasters on a smile. “Connor had to work today. His company is closing on a really big deal.”

Amber nods, but I don’t miss the worried glance she shoots me. I notice my parents give each other a weird look, silently communicating, the same way me and Amber just did. Before anyone else can speak, the doorbell rings.

Felicity jumps up from her chair so fast, it almost tumbles backward. “That must be Harvey!”

She rushes out of the room to greet him, and Farrah’s comment is all but forgotten…by everyone but me.

Felicity returns, holding the hand of a young man with blond hair. He looks like the human version of an Australian Shepherd, with a happy-go-lucky grin, bright blue eyes, and his tongue half hanging out as he makes cow eyes at my little sister. My lips tug upward in a smile. How could they not? These two look so happy to be in each other’s orbit, you can almost feel it in your soul.

“Everyone,” Felicity says with a cheesy grin, “this is Harvey.” She looks up at him again and his smile is just as big as hers.

“Great to see you again, Harv,” Dad says with a smile, having already met Harvey several times, I’m sure. Mom gets up and hugs them both.

Harvey comes around to shake my hand, and I stand, towering over him. I’m not trying to be intimidating, it’s just that he’s barely taller than my little sister. But if a short king makes her happy, who am I to judge?

“Nice to meet you,” I say, shaking his hand firmly.
