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I gasp. “How do you do that?”

“I know you, Ambs.” I can tell he’s shrugging one of those big shoulders as he says it. “I have a Word document pulled up, so put the napkin away.”

“At least one of us is a responsible adult,” I tease.

“It’s easy to be a responsible adult when I only have to worry about myself,” he says. “You have a whole extra human to worry about.”

The simple but honest words bring tears to my eyes. Something about it makes me feel seen. For such a large man, Ford has a way of making me feel just as tall as he is. Of making me feel known.

It’s easy now to see that Theo never knew me, not really. From the ring he bought me, a simple solitaire with a white gold band, to the presents he gave me…designer handbags from brands I’d never even heard of before. And where Ford has always welcomed me into his family, Theo avoided bringing me around his.

I close my eyes and push thoughts of Theo from my mind. I stopped loving him the moment he didn’t want me and our baby girl. But all this marriage talk has that part of my life sneaking into my thoughts again, bringing back all those bitter memories.

Ford clears his throat, and I can hear the keys of his computer clacking. He’s probably typing a professional-sounding title for the document, something like Ford Remington and Amber Park’s Marriage Contract.

“So, first I think we need to discuss if anyone know the…um…circumstances of our marriage.”

Dropping the lip liner, I move from my tiny kitchen into the living room that’s only three steps away. A living room that’s also…tiny. I slump down on the worn, blue sofa I found at a local thrift store. “Honestly, I think it’s best if it stays just between you and me. You’re in the public eye so much, it would be too easy for word to get out. And can’t you go to prison for insurance fraud?”

Ford sighs. “How could anyone prove that? We’ve known each other since second grade, we have a thousand photos together, text messages, emails. It would be easy to prove our relationship.”

“True. But it would also be easy to see that we’ve never been…romantic with each other.”

“Alright. So, we don’t tell anyone,” he says, typing something again. “That means we’ll have to convince people…friends, family, teammates…that we’re really, you know…in love.” He’s stuttering and pausing so much, I have to stifle a laugh.

“Does pretending to love and adore me sound so difficult?” I tease.

Silence…nothing but silence comes from the other end of the phone.


He clears his throat. “Uh, sorry. I was typing.”

I think he’s lying, and I wish we were having this conversation in person so I could see his face, his expressions and reactions. I don’t want anything to be awkward between us. And that’s definitely my biggest worry about this whole arrangement.

“So far, I have that you and I are the only ones who know, and that we need to convince everyone around us that we’re really in love. Which won’t be difficult, because I’m an amazing actor,” he deadpans, making me laugh and disintegrating the weird tension I was feeling before.

Ford is a terrible liar, always has been. So the acting part of this will probably be difficult for him.

“You and Nella can have your own rooms, of course,” he says. “And I think, financially, we should act like a real married couple. You’re on my insurance, I pay the bills, groceries, vehicles, etcetera.”

“It’s not the 1980’s, Ford. You don’t need to pay for everything. And I’m not about to be a stay-at-home mom. Not that there’s anything wrong with that,” I add. “But I enjoy the creativity my job brings. I missed it so much during maternity leave that I started painting again.” I glance at the painting I did of a Pink Piano rose, and smile. “Hey, I thought maybe you could give me the number of your stylist, and I could apply at that chic salon we saw?”

“I can do that. But you have to follow your doctor’s orders and rest until they clear you to work again.”

I smile to myself, appreciating his concern. “Okay, deal. And speaking of doctors, I’ll need to get a referral from mine to a cardiologist closer to you. If I stayed in Ohio for the surgery, it would seem really weird…if we were married and all.”

“I agree. And since you’ll be my wife…” his voice falters on the word wife. “The NHL will allow me to take a few days off for a family emergency. So, I can be with you the day of the procedure and two days after. Unfortunately, that’s all the time I’ll have before jumping back into the regular season schedule.”

“That’s okay. I didn’t think you’d be able to have much time off, if any. Do you know anyone I could hire to take care of Nella during recovery?”

“I’m positive my mom would come help if we asked her. But if you’re not comfortable with that, I won’t mention it to her.”

I take a moment to ponder the idea. She would stay with us, thinking we’re married. The thought makes my stomach flip with nerves. The lying is going to be the worst part of this whole thing. Especially fooling Ford’s family, who has always treated me with kindness and respect. But it has to happen sooner or later, and I would trust her implicitly with Nella.

“Yeah, I think that would work. If she wants to, of course. No pressure.”

He laughs softly. “I’m pretty sure she’ll jump at the chance, Ambs. We’ll probably have to stop my sisters from joining her.”
