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She would. I know she would. Which is why I adore her and she’s the best. More of a mother to me than my own mom ever was, and it kills me to lie to her. Although, we will really be married…so maybe it’s not entirely a lie?

I swallow the thickness in my throat and clutch the phone a little tighter. “So, we’re really doing this?”

A pause. “I’m in if you’re in.”

“Okay. I’m in.”




The moment I arrived home from our Canada trip, I hopped on a plane to Ohio. I hate feeling rushed, but we have to make this legal as soon as possible so her procedure will be covered. And Amber got a referral with a respected surgeon in Virginia, and her surgery is now scheduled for next week. Next week. If I’m being honest with myself, marrying this woman doesn’t make me that nervous, but her having work done on the most important part of her? That terrifies me.

The way my palms are sweating is almost enough to gross me out. I slide my hand into the pocket of my dress pants. My fingers find the old, gold coin that’s nearly smooth now from my hands feeling the lines and grooves. I run my thumb over it as I walk through the crowded Cincinnati airport and out to the parking lot to find Amber’s unreliable car. A car we won’t be taking to D.C. with us, a point I still need to make Amber aware of.

When Amber spots me, I swear I see her shoulders relax as she breathes a sigh of relief. And that fact that my presence can do that to her, give her peace, makes my own heart feel like it’s beating a little funny.

“Ford,” she says, her voice sounding watery. “Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes.”

Before I can stop myself, I wrap my arms around her in a tight embrace. She hugs me back just as fiercely, like she needed the hug just as much as I did.

She sniffs as I hold her, and I feel the tears soak through my shirt. “It’s all right. I’m here now.”

I swallow, thinking of a little joke I could make. Is this a time when a joke is appropriate? But then again, sometimes Bruce and Colby make jokes at the wrong time, and everyone seems to love it. I decide to go for it. “Or are you crying because I am here and I’m about to become your husband?”

Her tears turn to laughter and her shoulders start shaking. I blow out a breath, thankful I made her laugh and not the opposite.

She pushes away from me and looks up to meet my gaze. I’m momentarily struck dumb by her glossy green eyes and how I could lose myself in them. Looking into the depths of those emeralds is how I imagine it would be to frolick around a lush, green meadow would be.

“Yeah, poor me, marrying a handsome athlete.” She snorts ungracefully, but it’s adorable. “You do realize most women would cut off their right arm to trade places with me, yeah?”

I grimace. “That was…graphic. I’m not that great.”

She looks down, noticing that my arms are still loosely draped around her shoulders. “Is this okay? Hugging…touching?”

I laugh. “Yes, Ambs. I don’t mind hugs, not from people I know well. There are still touches I hate, like someone tapping on my shoulder.” I shiver at the thought, and she chuckles.

Amber moves away from me and reaches out to open her driver’s side door. “Well, it’s cold. And our time slot at the courthouse is in forty-five minutes.”

“Right,” I say, gently moving her away from the driver’s side door. “I’ll drive, if that’s okay.”

“Are you kidding? I can’t remember the last time someone chauffeured me.” She peeks in the back seat, checking on Nella in her car seat, before meandering around to the passenger side. “This married thing is the best.” She winks and I roll my eyes.

If she thinks me driving is spoiling her, then her eyes are about to be opened to a whole new universe. Because I’m about to spoil the hell out of this woman, the way I’ve always wanted to.

We arrive at the Cincinnati courthouse fifteen minutes early, which is good, because I had no idea how much longer everything takes with a baby. When Amber and Nella came to visit me in D.C., we didn’t have a schedule to follow, we just hung out. But today, we have an important appointment, and Nella is bound and determined to make us miss our own wedding.

She has been changed, nursed, and burped, and I can tell by the frown lines Amber is getting frustrated. She’s wearing a really pretty dress that I didn’t notice until she took off her coat. It’s a rosy-pink velvet, and it looks soft and warm for winter, but the material clings nicely to her body. The shoulder now has a large drool splatter on it from Nella, but not even that takes away from her beauty. Her red hair is up today, in some kind of whimsical braid that circles around her head.

“I’m so sorry, Ford,” Amber whispers, bouncing and trying to get Nella to calm down.

“Don’t apologize. She’s a baby, and we’re on her schedule.” I pause. “Can I try?” I ask, reaching out for the unhappy baby girl, her cheeks red and splotchy from crying.

Amber shrugs and hands her over. I place my hands right under Nella’s armpits and she dangles there, staring at me for about two seconds, before she starts crying again.

A happy couple comes out of the room where we’re headed next. They’re smiling and holding hands, then they kiss passionately, ignoring the hallway full of people.

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