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“Ford.” She scoffs. “That’s not really what you signed up for here.”

I pause, making sure my voice is soft and even, not harsh. “That’s exactly what I signed up for. We’re a team here, Ambs. You don’t have to do this alone anymore.”

A tear cascades down her cheek, and she sniffs. I pull her into my chest too. Comforting both my girls at the same time. Amber leans against me, her hand coming to rest on my back. She seems comforted by my presence. Nella does not. The normally adorable and coo-ing infant, is really freaking pissed.

I sit down, remembering something Mom used to do with Felicity. Felicity was a horrible baby; it wasn’t her fault. She had colic and was just miserable, the poor thing. I lay Nella on my lap and start moving her legs like she’s riding a bicycle.

She continues writhing and fussing, but after a full minute, she starts to calm down a little. The poor thing seems really uncomfortable, her arms moving rapidly.

There’s a vibration on my thighs where her back is resting, and then warmth. Something wet, and very warm, is moving up her back and onto my legs. Ignoring it, I keep moving her legs. Once the vibrations from her rear-end stop, and she sighs, I stop my ministrations. I raise her up, to see my fears have come true. She’s had a blowout.

Amber giggles, and the sound almost makes me happy enough not to notice the disgusting smell coming from Nella’s diaper. A diaper that obviously didn’t do its job well.

“Oh, Ford. I’m so sorry.” Amber’s hand comes up to cover her mouth.

“What do I do now?” I ask. “She probably needs a bath.”

Amber looks down at my legs. “Yeah, and you probably need one too.”

Glancing down, I see my grey sports shorts are twin to Nella’s soiled pink sleeper. I’m glad I’m not wearing a shirt, because that prickle of discomfort that’s always followed by itching is creeping up. If I was wearing a shirt right now, it would be feeling too tight. Too rough. I close my eyes and count to two, allowing myself to take a deep breath. When I open my eyes again, Amber is watching me. Concern written all over her face.

“I want to help you, but I just need to change first. Okay?”

Amber nods. “How about I give her a bath while you take a shower?”

I shake my head side to side. “I just need to change, then I’ll give her a bath while you go back to sleep for a while.”

Bad smells aren’t my favorite thing, that’s no secret. But Nella doesn’t smell any worse than a hockey locker room. There’s no stench equal to hockey equipment that’s been worn by a bunch of big, sweaty athletes.

Amber hedges, shifting her weight from one foot to the other. “It’s really fine, Ford. Go shower.”

“I can handle a little poop,” I tell her, knowing she’s been up all night and needs some rest. “I’m going to change, and I’ll meet you in the guest bathroom.”

With a sigh, she follows me up the steps.

I duck inside my bedroom, change into a clean pair of shorts and throw on a t-shirt while I’m at it, then head across the hall. Amber is in the guest bathroom, sitting on a plush rug. She has Nella laid out on a towel and is stripping off her sleeper.

I kneel beside her. “I’ll take care of it. You go get some sleep.”

Looking at her face for the first time since practically falling down my steps earlier, I see the dark circles there. She’s exhausted.

“You’re sure?”

“Positive. I’m cleaned up and good to go.”

Nella babbles happily, whatever was bothering her tummy no longer causing any issues.

She stands and starts to walk toward the bedroom, then turns back. “You’ve never bathed an infant before.”

“Until three months ago, had you ever bathed an infant?” I ask, raising an eyebrow to drive my point home.

Amber crosses her arms, and my eyes drop, very briefly, to her ample breasts. Amber has always had nice curves, but some parts of her are definitely…more generous now. “Please wake me if you need help, okay?”

Glancing at Nella, I say, “We’ve got this, don’t we?” Nella coos, and I give Amber a salute.

Amber heads straight to her bed and rolls onto it, taking the blankets with her.

I stand and close the bathroom door so Amber can sleep, then start the bath water before crouching in front of Nella again and cleaning her up with baby wipes.
