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“Oh! It’s the Dark Waterfall episode. My favorite.”

I smile at her, making sure to keep my gaze on her face and not any lower.

Thanks to Amber, I’ve seen every single episode of The Joy of Painting at least twice. Despite being a terrible painter, I always thought Bob Ross’s voice was soothing. Honestly, It’s just a good show.

We watch the episode while Nella eats, and time passes quickly. Amber brings a sleeping Nella up to rest on her shoulder and pats her back gently. Nella’s mouth is open as she sleeps, and I chuckle at how uncivilized she looks. There’s even some breast milk dribbling out of her gaping mouth.

“She’s gross, right?” Amber whispers, wrinkling her nose to get her point across.

“She’s not very ladylike. You’ve got your work cut out.”

Amber’s sleepy giggle makes my stomach flip.

She gets up and puts Nella back in the pack-and-play then climbs back into bed. I turn the TV off and get off of the bed. Taking a few steps toward the door to head back to my own room, I put on a brave face because I really, really don’t want to leave. I’m going to stare at my ceiling in my bedroom for the rest of the night.

“Ford, just stay.”

I turn to look at my best friend over my shoulder. She’s lying on her side, facing me, and releases a wide yawn.

“The bed is big enough for us both, and it’s not like we haven’t shared a bed a million times.” She smiles softly. “Besides, you’re just going to worry about my heart hole for the rest of the night if you leave.”

I sigh and walk back to the guest bed and climb in beside Amber. We’re facing each other, but her eyes are already closed. She looks beautiful in the dim light coming from the nightlight that she must’ve brought with her. I hadn’t thought of getting a nightlight. Her red hair looks darker now than it did in the bright airport lighting. I’ve always loved her hair color. The red always made it easy to spot her in a crowd. The bright red is still visible at the roots, but the dyed pink ends are a cute addition, and so Amber. A cascade of light brown freckles splays across her pretty face and pert little nose. I fall asleep counting them.




Nella wakes us up early in the morning, and I’m relieved when I roll over and see Ford looks well-rested. I hate that my health issues are causing him stress. Which I realize sounds ridiculous, since they are causing me stress. But Ford has enough on his plate, what with being the leader of one of the top teams in the NHL.

While Ford excuses himself to cook breakfast, I nurse Nella. I spend extra time soaking up our moments while nursing, knowing I won’t be able to nurse for several days before and after my procedure because of the medications.

When I come down the steps holding my daughter, I can hear the sizzle of bacon and the clanging of pans. It smells delicious.

As we come into the kitchen, Ford is too distracted to notice us. He turns the bacon and pancakes with a spatula, splattering some pancake batter on himself in the process. I know he hates being messy, so I’m expecting him to grab a towel and wipe up the mess, but instead, he puts the spatula down, reaches behind his head, and tugs the white tee off over his head. He turns and tosses it on the counter and continues cooking.

Perhaps it’s because I was with Theo for so long, and that’s why I’ve forced myself not to notice just how attractive my best friend is. But now Theo isn’t in the picture, and apparently, there’s nothing stopping me from ogling Ford’s pristine form guilt-free.

Goodness. Not only has he aged well, but I think he’s gained several pounds of muscle since last I saw him. His perpetually tanned skin is taut and smooth everywhere, with just a smattering of dark hair across his chest, then picking up again right above his belly button and trailing down…I shake my head, ending that thought immediately.

His honed muscles ripple and pulse as he flips the pancakes and moves around the kitchen. His abs flex when he reaches for something in the cabinet near the stove.

My mouth goes dry as I study him, wondering how someone can possibly be this fit. I guess it’s literally his job, but still, I feel suddenly self-conscious. Ford isn’t vain, but I wonder if he’s noticed how I’ve changed in the past year. A few more wrinkles, a few more pounds…and not of muscle. The stretch marks that make my once-flat stomach now look like a tiger mauled it. Thankfully he can’t see my belly.

Nella coos, drawing Ford’s attention. His head whips over to look at us and the most stunning smile stretches across his face. And there’s that chin dimple again.

I squeeze my eyes shut for a second, willing these thoughts away. Making things awkward between myself and the most important person in my life—besides Nella—is not on my list of things to do. Ever.

I don’t even know what’s gotten into me today. I’ve always been able to recognize Ford’s attractiveness, without being attracted to him.

Damn these post-partum hormones.

“Good morning, girls,” he says before turning back to the bacon and pancakes.

I swallow, trying to dampen my dry throat. “Good morning. It smells great.”

Nella coos again and I look down to see her staring up at me. Her fine, red hair is wild around her face, and her green eyes are shining. She’s always happiest in the morning.

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