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She slowly shakes her head. That’s enough of an answer. I ball up the envelope and throw it on the ground.

“Tarek,” she starts to say..

My head pulses. I’m going to have to think of something fast if I don’t want to look like a fool at the investor’s meeting next week. But what can be as good as my previous idea?

One of the security guards we hired comes up to us.

“What scraps did they leave?” I immediately ask.

“Spare parts, sir,” he replies. “I’d want to say that it’s salvageable, but it would be a lie. I can try to get in contact with the driver’s company to track the robbers. Although that may not show the results you want.”

I frown. “What’s the fastest you can report back to me?”

“Latest would be tomorrow morning.”

I nod sharply, dismissing him.

If that’s not the worst part, I can’t trust anyone in my office. I want to think that I made a company built on trust, but that’s crumbling before my eyes. Everyone’s a suspect now, even the employees that have been with me for years now.

“What do you want to do now?” Sloane asks cautiously, eyeing the balled up envelope.

“I’m not sure yet. I can’t think straight right now,” I say.

“I guess all we can do right now is wait until the other side makes another move.”

I don’t respond. The last thing I want to do is wait any longer. But I’m between a rock and a hard place at the moment.

“Let’s just go for now. I’ll leave someone in charge to investigate what they can.”

“Okay. Should we go to your office or…?”

“To the house.”

She nods and we depart. I pull in at home first, still brewing my anger. Sloane follows behind me, trying to give me space. I’m surprised she hasn't snapped at me yet.

She closes the door behind her as I serve myself a glass of water.

“Do you want to talk about it?” she asks as she follows me into the kitchen.

I finish the glass. “About what?”

She rolls her eyes. “I know you’re pissed off, Tarek. It looks like you want to beat the shit out of something or someone.”

“Well, I do, actually,” I retort. I slam the glass on the counter. “How do you think this makes me feel after putting my blood and sweat into that product?”

“I know,” she says. She puts her hand on my arm. “But this can be saved, I know it.” She frowns. “The plan was fine but it got compromised by the spy. Everything would’ve worked out.”

I sigh. “It was just a bad plan, Sloane.”

“Did you have any better ideas then?” she finally snaps at me. “All I’m doing is trying to help you as best I can.”

“Do you think I don’t know that? It isn’t working!”

She glares at me, her nostrils expanding as she breathes hard. She’s red in the face, and I realize that I’m scowling. I didn't want to get to this, but my anger took over.

Without another word, she grabs her things and storms out, leaving me standing in the living room.

