Page 95 of Alpha King

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He’s not in a robe. He’s freshly shaven and fully dressed, playing host to my parents and a few other Wolf Ridge luminaries. Something about Lauren coming back to the living breathed life back into him, as well. Lauren says he’s working again, and he’s started to get to know the people in Wolf Ridge. She and Lincoln are overjoyed at the change in him.

Asher’s staring up at the deck with a ferocious glare. I look back up to see what has his wolf riled. I don’t see Alpha Green, who Asher will probably always hate for banishing his dad. Who else, then? It’s my parents, Wilde’s dad and Rayne’s mom, Mr. and Mrs. James and–oh.

I study Asher’s scowl again.

Yep. He’s looking at Carlotta James, our former babysitter–the hot she-wolf who haunted all of our middle school pubescent dreams. She’s back after graduating from college, and word is she’s filling in at Wolf Ridge High for a human teacher on medical leave.

Huh. Interesting. I’m not sure what Asher’s hang-up is with her, but I intend to find out.

Lincoln is in a chaise lounge surrounded by a half-dozen she-wolves from Wolf Ridge High. We haven’t told him anything–not about his bear blood nor what I am–but we plan to when we decide he needs to know.

We looked for the old bear, but it seems he left Wolf Ridge. No one has caught his scent or seen him. Lauren told me about the last time she saw him, and we agreed it seemed like a goodbye. Like once he knew she was safe, he moved on.

“My turn!” Lauren yells from the rooftop and leaps.

“I said no more!” her dad calls out as she plummets into the water.

I catch my stunning mate, both of us plunging toward the floor of the pool together. I kick hard to swim to the surface with her in my arms, and the two of us mate mouths before we rise, so we come out of the water in a kiss.

We’re greeted by a chorus of “Awws” from the party-goers.

“That was magnificent, Pearls.”

She tosses her head, her teal eyes dancing. “So fun. Too bad it freaks my dad out.”

“You’re magnificent,” I tell her. It’s true. She’s incredible. Smart, strong, beautiful. Fate sent me the best possible match.

I never get enough of this girl. She’s in a lime green string bikini that makes it challenging for me not to have a continuous hard-on at this party. But then, that’s a constant around her.

My eyes are no longer a problem, though. My dad thinks Lauren’s bear blood might be part of what healed me, or it could have just been a good old-fashioned love healing. One heart finding its match.

Two damaged souls coming together to become whole again. No, to become so much more than we were before.

I carry her to the pool stairs and exit the pool with her still in my arms, earning another chorus of sighs from our friends.

“Your party is a hit, Pearls. You’re their queen now.”

She kisses me.

“You’re my queen.”

“Don’t think I’m ever going to call you my king, Abe Oakley.”

I grin at her. “Everyone already knows I’m the alpha king here.”

She kisses me again, her expression softening. “I love you, Alpha King,” she murmurs.

“You’re the reason my heart beats, Pearls. I live for you. I love you. And you’re mine.”
