Page 3 of The Phoenix

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He did.

While Indigo twirled a springy curl around her finger, her heart drummed against her ribs. Her toes curled into the dewy grass. She swallowed hard. Oh, yeah. His package was king size, double X, mondo. And fricking erect.

Her breath caught in her throat when he froze. An I’m-hotter-than-shit cocky grin spread across his handsome, chiseled face. He swung his gaze in her direction, his crystal-gray laughing eyes capturing the light of the sun, glittering like sharp chips of smoky glass. Day-old stubble shadowed his square jaw as if he’d been too busy to shave this morning.

Indigo popped her hand off the branch, letting it snap into place. No way he spotted her. She wiggled her fingers to conjure Oskar, her gryphon and all-around best bud. “The nerve. Nobody comes to my river. Whassup with that?”

Resting on his sizable haunches, Oskar blinked. His thick lids were languid as they lowered and raised.

“Hmm. He’s hot. Right? But this is my river.”

The gryphon bobbed its head.

Indigo re-donned panties, her skirt, bra, and tee, having stripped for a cool dip earlier. Once she was clothed, her resentment of the intruder grew. A gentle whirlwind spun at her feet. It gathered speed until a stormy vortex wound up her body, whipping loose strands of hair around her face. Moving outward, it stirred bushes and leaves, the wings of flying birds fluttering. In the center of its force, Indigo plowed through the thicket, angry, the ancient amethyst necklace which hung between her breasts bouncing against her thin T-shirt.

She pulled up short on the banks of the river. Fists on hips and splay-legged, she challenged the trespassing bather. “What the hell are you doing here?”

As the Guardian of Time, Indigo was the only being who visited the River Am, who could see the past, present, and possible futures in it. Hell. She thought no one else could even find it.

The stranger, undaunted by the squall swirling around her, raised dusky lids, targeting her. He swooped his thick dark lashes up and down her body. Her skin sizzled as he took her in from her long black hair to her bare feet with their Pop-of-Pink toenails. Fortunately, she’d had a mani-pedi recently.

The male had the nerve to let loose a low wolf whistle.

She tightened her brows, his invasive appraisal making her boil. She wasn’t certain whether it was from anger or lust.

The intruder’s lips warped into a charm-the-pants-off-you grin. “I didn’t know you owned the property. Do you, witch?”

“You might say it’s a rental.” Indigo drew a deep calming breath, her chest expanding, her necklace pulsing with each inhale-exhale. She examined the nails on her left hand. Damn. The polish on her pinkie was chipped. Back to the salon after she bagged and tagged the trespasser. While he continued to ogle her, making no move to leave, she waved a fist through the air. “Okay. No. It’s not my prop, but everyone knows this is my river. So get lost.”

He cocked an egotistical chin. “What makes it yours?”

“I’ve been coming here for centuries. I alone read the River Am.”

“You don’t say. Centuries? For an old broad, you’ve aged nicely.” He sauntered out of the water, not one bit ashamed of his bobbing, huge, erect penis. As he climbed the bank, droplets sluiced off his hair, onto his shoulders, and down his chest, rolling onto muscular thighs and calves. When his bare feet touched grass, he paused. “Eyes up, witch. You’ll make me blush.”

“Hmph.” She continued to ogle him out of spite. Or uncontrolled lust. She preferred to believe it was spite. The damn guy was steel wrapped in muscle covered in flawless skin packaged in a virile bundle of masculine beauty from his big feet to his arrogant mouth and thick hair. He’d obviously won the genetic lottery, probably adding to his luck by pumping iron.

Her eyes settled once more on his most succulent attribute. Pointed in her direction while proudly displayed between spread legs, his giant joystick twitched. Holy Gahya. He was hung like a questing beast. On steroids.

Letting her feast on his bounty, he said, “You have me at a disadvantage.”

“Nothing disadvantaged about you,” Indigo muttered as she bit her lower lip. Oops. She’d not intended to compliment the intruder.

He glanced down at his swollen erection. “You’re right. I do have a big advantage.”

“I’ve seen bigger.”

“That’s a lie, witch. You’re drooling.”

Am I?

Indigo swiped a hand across her mouth. “No. I’m not.”

In her past, Indigo had romped with her fair share of randy males. Not recently. Not for two decades. She’d been busy, or bored, with the whole sex scene. Yet here, a sexy stranger tempted her. Hell. She was due.

But he was a jerk who trespassed on her territory. “Don’t you have some clothes to wear?” she asked.

“Toss them to me. They’re next to you by that tree.”
