Page 32 of Obsession

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There was only her.

I wanted to stay like this forever. I wanted more. The urge to lift her until she was in my arms blazed through me. Overtook everything.

I yearned to feel her petite body flush against mine. Needed to see if she was as soft everywhere. I craved the knowledge of what her curls felt like under my fingers. Of what her skin would feel like under my lips.

I could picture it in my mind. Her legs draped over my waist. Her hands in my hair. Her cunt pressed to my hard dick. An organ I’d pretty much ignored until her.

The vision shattered when the door opened behind her.

Surprise crossed her face. My hand fell as she whipped her head around to see who was entering her home. I was off the counter, pulling her behind me before they could step into the room.

Anger and something that felt suspiciously like jealousy ripped through my chest as her ex walked inside. Keys sat in his palm and that answered how he’d gotten in. Seeing the metal between his fingers made the slick green sledge spread through my veins. The significance of what it meant had my jaw tensing.

Brad’s eyes widened in shock as he took us in. Lark still dressed in pajamas, her hair a mess. Me shirtless, protecting her.

A smile twitched on my lips. I knew what I looked like. I’d trained beside my brother’s and had the body to prove it. The good looks that ran through our genes had also graced me.

Most people would consider me attractive. A threat. At least until I opened my mouth and freaked them out.

So I didn’t. I let him think what he wanted.

“Brad, what are you doing here?” Lark moved from behind me, taking a small step towards him. My fingers twitched to yank her back into the safety of my arms.

“Who the fuck is this?” He said, his chest puffing out in a show of intimidation. The move wasn’t lost on me, but I simply smiled. “Is he one of your students?”

It seemed like he was insulting us, but I wasn’t sure if it was directed towards Lark or me.

“What? No!” The skin on her cheeks reddened in anger. I found it enticing. I wanted to skim my knuckle across her face and see if it was warm. “You think I’d have a student shirtless in my home?”

“I don’t know.” He gestured at me. His only move in acknowledging that I was a person who could speak for myself. “But he looks young.”

“He’s not that young.” Her shoulders stiffen, and she turned her head to look at me. Her brows lowered over her deep brown eyes. “How old are you?”

A low chuckle escaped my chest at the worry in her gaze. “Twenty-eight.”

“Seriously.” Her lips parted, and the overwhelming urge to taste them had my stomach tightening. “I didn’t realize you were that much younger than me.”

“Eight years.” I shrugged. It seemed strange that I knew a great deal about her, while she knew very little about me. I’d have to change that.

That was how people formed bonds. The exchange of knowledge. Shared experiences. I wanted those with her.

Her eyes lit up as her gaze swept over me again. I wondered what she saw. If she thought I was too young to be having these thoughts about her. To be obsessing.

Our ages hardly mattered when she made me feel like this. When my mind and body longed to be around her all the time.

“So, what is he doing here?” Brad interrupted our moment. My teeth clapped together. His voice grated along my skin. It had my spine stiffening.

“The better question is, what are you doing here? We broke up.” Lark’s hands slammed down on her hips as she shifted in front of me. Like she was trying to protect me. She’d done it when Matt had been rude.

She was aware I could take care of myself. So it must be a display of affection. Warmth flowed through my veins, replacing the jealousy.

He moved forward, ignoring me. Or he tried, but his gaze slid my way. Annoyance flicked behind his eyes. “We were taking time to think.”

“No. We’re over.”

He came closer still. “Baby-.”

Something dark and possessive came alive inside me. A red haze coated my vision. A growl rumbled up my chest. “Don’t call her that.”
