Page 39 of Obsession

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I’d always known there was something wrong with me. That I was different. It wasn’t just my hyper fixations. Or my aversion to touch. It was this.

I’d never desired anyone. Never saw the appeal of bodies rubbing together. Until now. Until her.

I couldn’t think of anything else. Couldn’t stop picturing what it would be like to have sex with her. I needed to know.

I leaned closer to the screen. My eyes widening as I watched her reach into her bedside drawer. My cock jumped in my palm. I squeezed tighter, trying to hold myself together as she pulled out a pink vibrator.

Contrary to what people thought, I was inexperienced, not stupid. I’d done my research and had decided sex wasn’t for me. But I knew what the act took.

But I wasn’t prepared for how it would feel to observe Lark as she pushed the vibrator inside her sweet cunt. To see her eyes glaze in pleasure. To watch her lips part.

With one hand, I zoomed in on her face. I pumped my cock again as I watched her expression. Memorized each small tremor. Each stuttered breath.

My body responded. The blood rushed through my veins. My muscles tightened. My cock and balls ached. My chest constricted as I struggled for oxygen.

The telltale signs that I was on the verge of coming. I bit the inside of my cheek, trying to slow myself down. I didn’t want to miss seeing her.

Then Lark parted her lips and moaned my name. It was like an explosion. My veins flooded with euphoria as I stroked myself hard, squeezing the base as my cum burst from me. The white sticky substance coated my desk and Lark’s book as I bent forward, moving faster.

I gasped for air as I watched her body shake. As she whimpered and rolled her hips. Finally stilling as the last of the tremors left her.

My body still shook as I collapsed back into my chair. I felt my obsession for her building. It flowed through me. Coated me like oil. I would never get rid of it. Her.

I was determined to make her mine, no matter what. As far as I was concerned, she already was. She just didn’t know it yet.

Obsession for me meant one thing… forever.



The ringing jarred me awake. I was used to middle of the night phone calls. Or lights flicked on while I slept in the on-call room. Hearing my ringtone now almost made me nostalgic for those times.

I lifted my head, grabbing it off the nightstand. Sleep was still clinging to me, but the second I saw Nathan’s name on the screen, it vanished. My heart slammed into my ribs as I shot up.

My fingers were slick as I tried to swipe to answer. Why was he calling? Did he know what I’d done only a few hours ago?

No, of course not. I shook my head as I brought it to my ear. He wouldn’t be calling for that. “Hello?”

My voice sounded hoarse from sleep. Or maybe it was the nerves strumming through my system. I cleared my throat, trying to sound normal.

“We need your help.” His smooth tone came over the line, but his words had me sitting straighter.

“Okay.” This was the deal. I should have expected late-night phone calls. It was silly of me to think he was calling for any other reason. It’s not like we meant something to each other.

“I’m coming to pick you up.” I was already standing to dress as he spoke. “Wait for me inside your apartment where it’s safe.”

I couldn’t stop the warmth that spread across my chest. We hung up, and I switched my sleep shorts for a pair of jeans. I remembered to put on a bra this time, but decided an old oversized sweater was still a better decision than a t-shirt or anything revealing. Nathan might be a nice guy, but I already knew not everyone who worked with him was.

* * *

The sun was just starting to rise as Nathan drove me through the city. It was only a few days ago we were taking the same route to ask his family for help in protecting me. The same night he’d saved my life, and I accused him of trafficking women.

But even then, the tension in the car didn’t seem as thick as it did now. He’d barely said anything since picking me up. He hadn’t glanced in my direction. And his knuckles were white as he gripped the wheel in the perfect ten and two position.

“So what’s going on?” I asked, trying to relieve the tension. I sipped my coffee from my tumbler, feigning a calm I didn’t feel.

“What—.” He cleared his throat. His gaze flicked to me as color bloomed on his cheeks. “What do you mean?”
