Page 48 of Obsession

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Another couple danced by, bumping into us.

“No.” Nathan jerked back as the word fell from my mouth. His expression shut down as he broke our embrace. The hurt in his eyes was like a slap to the face.

“I meant, not here.” I lunged, grasping his hand. “Come on.”

Heat pooled low in my stomach as I led us through the crowded ballroom. The temperature in the hallway was cooler, hitting my overheated skin. There were fewer people, but some still lingered. Leaning against walls, sitting on couches as they had conversations.

My fingers tightened on Nathan’s as I continued down the hall. The plush carpet masked the sound of my heels. I had no idea where I was going. All I knew was I couldn’t kiss him for the first time on a busy dance floor with eyes on us. And I couldn’t wait until we got home.

I needed him. Now!

Finally, I came across a door that was ajar. Pushing it open, we stepped into a linen closet. Towels and toiletries lined the walls. Nathan walked in behind me. I dropped his hand as I did one more quick look down the hall. Nobody was around as I snapped the door shut.

Anticipation tightened my limbs even as I slumped against the wood. He was so fucking gorgeous. His light brown hair perfectly in place. His lips were full and inviting. His jaw sharp. His blue eyes piercing. Looking at me like I set the sun in the sky.

His suit fit him like he was made to wear it. It showed the muscles I knew lurked beneath the surface. I wondered what else lingered there. And I was going to find out.

“I can’t do this anymore.” My voice was breathy as the tension between us seemed to magnify.

His throat bobbed as I stepped forward. “Do what?”

“Pretend that I don’t want you.”



“Pretend that I don’t want you.”

Lark’s words bounced against my skull. I heard them, but I couldn’t process them. It was new ground for me. Nobody had ever even wanted me around; let alone been attracted to me.

“You what?” My voice sounded like it was far away as she stepped closer.

Her hands landed on my chest, sending a shock through me that had my mind shutting down. Instinctively, my body responded. My arms shot out, gripping her hips.

I needed something to ground me. Something to tell me this was real; not one of my fantasies about her.

But feeling her warm skin through her dress only sent me spinning. Or maybe it was her sweet vanilla scent that surrounded me. Or the look in her deep brown eyes that lent truth to her words.

“I want you, Nathan.” Hearing her say my name had my cock hard in an instant. The blood rushing down must be why I felt like I was going crazy. Like nothing else in the world existed except her.

She ran her hands up my body until she grasped my neck. I didn’t know if she could sense it, but my heart was hammering. My chest rising and falling on unsteady breaths.

“I want to know how you taste.” She lifted up on her toes until her cheek brushed mine. Until her breath was ghosting across my skin. “How you’d feel buried deep inside me. If you’d let go when you come.”

My fingers flexed on her hips. I could picture everything she said. I wanted it. Needed the answers as much as she did. But I didn’t know how.

How to start. How to express it. What to do.

But Lark did. She tilted her head back until our lips brushed. Then I wasn’t sure if it was her or me closing the distance, but suddenly we were kissing.

Her mouth was soft and demanding. The blood roared through my veins. It seemed to boil as her tongue swept along my bottom lip. I needed to taste it.

Instinctively, my mouth opened. A groan tumbled up from my chest as our tongues glided together. Her flavor exploded in me. It was my new addiction. I would never get enough of it. Of her.

Any fears or worries I had about this being awkward vanished. Kissing her was the most natural thing I’d ever done. There were no voices second guessing in my head. No concern that I would say something wrong.

It was fucking perfect. Freeing.
