Page 49 of Obsession

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Then she was pulling away, and losing her lips was like a death. I was never going to recover from what she was doing to me.

Her body was still pressed to mine. Her curves melding to me like we’d been designed to fit together. Her deep brown eyes flicked back and forth, assessing me. “Do you want me?”

“Yes.” The answer was instant. A primal grunt I couldn’t contain. “But I don’t know how to do it.”

Sex had rules. Social expectations and customs everyone knew. Certainly people my age should know it.

But I didn’t because I’d never craved anyone until her.

I feared I was already getting this wrong. But feeling her was so much more powerful than any worries. Which said a lot, considering I hated to be close to anyone.

So I told her that. Told her the truth. So she’d realize I needed her.

“I don’t like touching people. I don’t understand them, and I don’t really care to.” My thumb stroked her hip. “But with you, it’s different.”

“I want you to touch me.” Her body rolled into mine, and I knew she could feel the reaction I was having to her. My cock ached. The zipper cutting into my skin.

This obsession for her pumped through my veins. Controlled my mind. My reactions. My words.

“I want to. I want to be a part of you. I want you to take my cum. Absorb it into your body so you’re never without me. But I’ll settle for this.”

Lark gasped as I threaded my fingers through her hair. Her lips parted, and I surged in, capturing them again. Our tongues tangled as I took the kiss deeper this time.

I yearned to taste every corner of her. Make her as crazy for me as I was for her. I craved these feelings she created. Needed to explore them. See how far they’d go.

Her curls were just as soft as I imagined. She whimpered as I gripped them tighter, committing the feel of them to my memory.

“Fuck.” she said as we broke apart. “I think you’re pretty good at this.”

I dropped my hand from her hair. Circling to the front, I felt her rapid pulse under my palm. But there was another curiosity I had to satisfy. My thumb traced over the freckles on her cheeks. The ones I’d been obsessed with. “I studied.”

Her head tilted in surprise. “What?”

My finger followed the trail of freckles until it grazed over her bottom lip, still wet from our kiss. “I read the books you have.”

She blinked, more confusion pulling on her features. “You stole my romance novels and read them?”

Something nagged in my mind, telling me I’d made a mistake. But I couldn’t care as I touched her the way I’d been dreaming about. “Yes.”

“You know that’s weird, right?” But she smiled as her head turned into my palm. Her skin was so fucking soft. The softest thing I’d ever felt.

“Why is it weird?” I leaned forward, pressing a kiss to a freckle next to her mouth. “I want to be everything you need. Doing research is the best method to know what you desire.”

She shivered, and I catalogued her response. “You could just ask.”

“I don’t pick up on social cues. I wasn’t sure if you wanted me.”

My gut tightened as she stepped back. I needed her in my arms again. It was already becoming a fixation to feel her. I wanted to touch her all the time.

But a whole new feeling spread like fire through my body as she lowered to her knees in front of me. My heart hammered in my chest as she reached up for my belt. I was inexperienced, not naïve. I knew what she was doing.

I wouldn’t say it. Couldn’t risk I’d ruin it. That she’d stop.

Because just like the kiss, feeling her lips on my cock was a goddamn need. It was a necessity. I wouldn’t be able to live if I didn’t know what it felt like.

Lark looked up at me through her dark lashes as she pulled my zipper down. The sound seemed to reverberate in my ears. It was so loud I was afraid someone would hear. But I already knew I wouldn’t stop, even if we were interrupted. I couldn’t.

My cock sprang free, and she grabbed me. There was no hesitation in her movements as she gripped the base and stroked.
