Page 53 of Obsession

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It was possible I was enjoying this too much because when Brad’s eyes widened in fear; I got another wave of lust. He might not know Nathan was a criminal, but he knew he had money. And money could get you a lot of things. Including out of prison if you killed your girlfriend’s ex.

Though Nathan and his brothers would probably make it look like an accident.

It should be unsettling how little I cared. But seeing a cop walk free after he murdered his wife and assaulted the doctor who tried to save her had my belief in traditional justice wavering.

Nathan stepped back, wrapping the same hand that had just almost killed Brad around my waist. My ex grasped his neck as he glared at him. “Is she really worth risking everything you have?”

His words were a direct hit, stealing the breath from my lungs as they whipped across my chest. If life had taught me anything, it was that I was never enough. I wasn’t good enough to get my parents’ attention. Strong enough to hack it as a doctor. Pretty enough to keep my fiancé.

I didn’t need Nathan to confirm what I already knew.

I tried to turn. To pull him with me as I ran away from Brad and his vicious words. But he didn’t move. His gaze focused on my ex.

“No.” That one word had my eyes burning. My hand slipping from around his waist. But he held me tighter. “She’s worth more.”



“She’s worth more.”

Nathan’s words were still playing over and over in my head. He gripped my hand as we drove through the city. I hadn’t been able to let him go since we’d walked out of the hotel. Even the brief moment while we’d gotten in the car was too long.

Did I really believe we were just about sex an hour ago? That I could ever let him go. I couldn’t. Not when he was the first person to make me feel cherished. Like I mattered. Like I deserved to matter.

But he’d said nothing since we’d left. Hadn’t explained what he meant. Why he was so insistent on protecting me from criminals. My ex. My parents’ indifference.

He hadn’t brought up what happened in the closet. Or if he wanted a repeat. He didn’t like people touching him. What did that mean? Because I was holding his hand now. And his thumb stroked the back of mine, sending tingles up my arm.

I knew he was unique. It was what I liked about him. How blunt he was. How real. He wasn’t like anyone I’d known. He didn’t pretend to be something to impress people. He was just himself.

Nathan gave me a small smile before exiting the car, then coming around to open my door. He vigilantly checked the street as he helped me to my apartment. I felt the heat of his hand as it rested on my low back.

My fingers trembled as I pushed the key into the lock. It was a mix of nerves, anticipation, fear, and lust making me shake. I let out a relieved breath when I stepped into my house. The alarm system beeped, and I quickly turned it off.

“Wait here.” I stood with the door still ajar as Nathan searched each room. None of the sensors had alarmed while we were gone, but he checked anyway. Something warm slid in my stomach as he went the extra step to take care of me.

In that moment, I decided he wasn’t going home tonight. Even if I had to lie and tell him, I was afraid. The truth is, I wasn’t ready for the night to be over. For the connection forming between us to be severed.

I didn’t want space or time to think. I craved more of him. All of him.

“Everything looks good.” Anticipation made my blood race as he stood in front of me again. His tie was undone, falling on either side of his neck. The buttons of his shirt were open, showing me a sliver of tan, taut skin. I wanted to put my mouth right there.

He stepped closer, moving to the right like he was heading towards the door to leave. “I’ll pick you up tomorrow for work.”

“Can you help me with something?” My teeth sank into my lip and I watched as Nathan’s eyes tracked the movement. My breasts brushed his arm as I slid past him, dropping my keys on the table before I headed down the hall.

Desire sparked on my skin as he followed. I heard his heavier footsteps as he walked into my bedroom. My nipples were already tight from that slight contact with him. I felt like if I didn’t get more soon I’d go crazy.

“Are you able to turn the cameras off in here?” His brows furrowed. “So I can change.”

He nodded, looking like I wasn’t affecting him. But I saw the rise of his chest as he took an unsteady breath. He pulled out his phone and tapped for a second. His fingers shaking on the screen. I loved knowing it was me who made him this way. “Done.”

His fresh scent that was mixed with a hint of something masculine, hit me as I closed the distance between us. My head tilted back and our gazes collided. I saw how the movement affected him. The pulse in his neck jumped as I looked up at him through my lashes.

“Could you unzip my dress?” His eyes widened as I slowly turned. I wasn’t being very secretive about my intentions. There was no doubt where I wanted this night to go.

But Nathan still respectfully unzipped my clothes before stepping away. The brush of his fingertips on my bare skin was enough to have me biting back a moan. I grabbed the fabric in the front, stopping it from falling.
