Page 52 of Obsession

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My heart tap danced in my chest. Tried to jump out and go to him.

I couldn’t spend another second in this closet with him. Turning, I opened the door without bothering to see if he followed. I had a foot outside when someone grasped my hand.

“There you are.” Brad’s voice had my head jerking up as he pulled me to him. Before I could stop him, he was kissing me. Touching me like he still had permission. I tasted bourbon on his lips and knew that’s what had given him the confidence.

My eyes widened in shock. My hands flew to his chest, but he gripped my biceps tighter. His kiss turned aggressive, like he was demanding something. Then I saw his gaze flick behind me.

The asshole!

He was doing this to get under Nathan’s skin. To stake some kind of claim over me.

I struggled harder to break the kiss, pressing my lips together as his tongue tried to invade. My nails clawed at his shirt, but he didn’t let go. His fingers dug into the bare flesh on my arms, hard enough to bruise. A whimper of pain escaped me.

Just when I thought I was going to have to make a scene by kneeing him in the balls, another arm wrapped around my waist from behind. Nathan’s body was warm and comforting as he yanked me away.

My back slammed into his chest as his other arm came across my body, above my cleavage. He caged me against him. But unlike Brad, it didn’t feel like a claim. It was protective, not aggressive.

“You’re okay, Songbird.” He whispered in my ear. My heart warmed at the reassurance in his voice. There was no malice. No fury that another man had kissed me. No jealous rage.

I was so used to being blamed; I didn’t know how to react. It wasn’t my fault. Brad had grabbed me, but I still expected a fight from Nathan. An argument that I should’ve stopped it. Should’ve seen it coming.

Just like I’d gotten from Brad and my parents when I’d been attacked.

Nathan’s thumbs stroked my hip and collarbone as he lifted his chin towards my ex. “How does my cum taste?”

My mouth fell open in shock. Never in a million years would I have expected Nathan to say something like that. I guess he was feeling jealous. But he knew where to send his anger.

I laughed as Brad’s eyes narrowed. He swept the back of his hand across his mouth. His furious gaze landed on me. “You said nothing was going on with him.”

His reaction had me burrowing closer to Nathan. I felt his stubble run along my cheeks and it sent a shiver down my spine. “No, I told you it was none of your business.”

“You cheated on me,” Brad spat, like he had any right to his anger.

“We are over.” My jaw clenched, and I jerked as rage coursed through my veins. Nathan gripped me tighter, like he was afraid I’d hit him like I had Matt. They both deserved it. “And even if I did, it would only be payback for what you did to me.”

“It’s not what you think.” Guilt clouded his expression, but I was so done with him. I’d been done long before I found those pictures. It was so over, it wasn’t necessary to say it anymore. I didn’t care.

I rolled my eyes before turning in Nathan’s hold to face him. “Let’s go home.”

His hands fell to my hips as he closed the distance between us. His lips brushed my forehead. “Whatever you need, Songbird.”

I didn’t spare a glance for Brad as I intertwined my fingers with Nathan’s and moved towards the lobby. I’d done my daughterly duty. It was time to leave.

“Lark.” My ex lunged forward, attempting to grab my free hand. But he didn’t make it a single step.

A growl rip through the hallway as Nathan grabbed him by the throat, slamming him into the wall. A picture shook, but there was no one around to care. “You will not touch her.”

His always calm voice had a hint of steel. A promise of pain.

It was inappropriate, but a burst of heat hit me. It spread throughout my body, pooling between my legs. If I hadn’t done it already, I’d drop to my knees and show him how much I appreciated his fierce protection.

It shouldn’t be a surprise that this turned me on. Seeing him choose me. Seeing him act crazy for me.

“You will not say her name. Call her. Or contact her in any way.” Brad’s face reddened as Nathan tightened his grip. “You don’t deserve to breathe the same air as her. Lark is mine and I will end anyone who hurts her.”

He still managed to seem pompous as he tilted his head in a challenge. “And who are you to stop me?”

A smirk pulled on my lips as I moved to stand beside Nathan. My fingers ghosted down the arm that held Brad captive. “Oh, did I forget to properly introduce you? This is Nathan. Nathan Kent.”
