Page 61 of Obsession

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“Let me grab stuff from my apartment, then we can go to your place.” Nathan’s arm felt good wrapped around me as the elevator descended. I didn’t know when it became natural to be with him.

It was only last night that we’d touched for the first time. And now it was as if we’d been doing it for years. I’d only known him a few weeks, but I was already forgetting what my life was like before him.

“Or we could sleep here.” I was dying to see his apartment. “I’m sure it’s just as secure as my house.”

“More.” I chuckled at his quick, honest answer.

“So let’s stay.” My hair brushed my shoulders as I looked up at him. “Unless you don’t want me to.”

“No, I—.” His throat bobbed as he swallowed like I was making him nervous. “I want you here.”

My head landed on his chest. His steady heart beat filled my ears. “I want to be here.”

The elevator dinged, and the doors opened to a mirror copy of the penthouse we’d just left except without the personal touches. There were no paintings on the walls. No throw pillows on the couch or family photos. It looked like a show house.

“I’m sorry. Do you live here?” I joked as I followed him further into the apartment. At least the city views were unmatched. The lights and stars twinkled through the windows. I could even see the water crashing on the beach.

“What do you mean?” He asked as I made myself at home on the couch.

“There are no signs of you here. No pictures or anything.”

He shrugged. “I don’t like a lot of stuff.”

“Fair enough.” I had too many things. I collected junk; books, cups, little trinkets. They all just gathered dust, but I enjoyed looking at them.

A few minutes later, he stood before me with a tablet in his hand. “Place your palm here.”

I did as he asked, my brow raised in question. The screen flashed a few times as it saved my fingerprints. “For the security system. You’ll be able to access any floor in the building. Though it’s common courtesy to tell my siblings if you plan on visiting, since elevators open right into the apartments.”

My lip twitched because he thought he had to say that. I had a feeling he made that mistake a couple of times. “Good advice.”

His brows furrowed as he walked away again. I hoped he didn’t think I was making fun of him. I loved his little quirks. They were unique and often sweet.

“Here.” My lips rolled together, hiding a smile as he handed me a tumbler cup. It was white with pink birds. He sat on the couch next to me, drinking from a regular glass.

“Did you steal this from my house, too?” The burn of the tequila coated my tongue as I sipped through the straw. I didn’t bother asking how he knew it was my drink. He just seemed to know what I liked.

“No.” He stared at me like he was gauging my reaction. “I bought some in case you visited. I wanted to have things to make you comfortable.”

My head spun, and it had nothing to do with the alcohol. Without even thinking about it, I crawled into his lap. His eyes widened in surprise as I straddled him. My fingers grasped the back of his neck to bring his mouth to mine.

A moan escaped my chest as his hands landed on my hips, holding me close. I was struck again by how natural it felt to be like this with him. I appreciated all the little things he did for me. All the tiny signs that showed me he cared.

How could someone like him be a criminal?

I thought back to what Alessandra had said, and I wondered what he would’ve been if born into another family. Probably worse off. I’d seen his brothers defend him. Witnessed how much they loved him.

How much affection I had for him. I didn’t want him to be different.

“Thank you.” I gasped when we broke the kiss.

“For what?” His fingers stroked along my cheek, brushing the hair from my face.

“For caring about me.”
