Page 62 of Obsession

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My heart tripped over itself as he leaned forward and kissed the freckles he’d just exposed. “I don’t think I had a choice, Songbird. You captured me. I was powerless to stay away.”

* * *

I felt weightless as Nathan lifted me off the couch. We’d decided on a relaxing night in where he’d cooked me dinner because I was hazard in the kitchen. After he’d picked a movie to watch; an obscure indie film that was also one of my favorites. I must have fallen asleep while listening to the familiar dialogue.

“Can walk.” I mumbled as I burrowed further into his warm chest. Being held like this was comforting. I felt safe. Loved.

“This is better.” He whispered, and his deep voice made my skin tingle even barely awake.

Then I was cold again as he set me on the bed. “Stay.”

It was an almost inaudible request, my arm flinging across the mattress, looking for him. My hand curled into his body, pulling us closer. His fresh scent surrounded me as I buried my face into his neck, slinging a leg over his.

“I wasn’t planning on leaving.”

“Good. I like being with you.”

“You’ll never get rid of me.” The vibrations of his voice lulled me back to sleep.



It was only a few hours later that my eyes were blinking open again. I could survive on short bursts of sleep; an old habit of working in the hospital. It was still dark, the city lights peaking through the curtains.

It took me a moment to realize the position I was in. My leg was sprawled over Nathan’s. My head resting on his chest, the steady rise and fall of it, helping me stay relaxed.

But it was my hand splayed across his bare abs that had my senses coming on full alert. An ache formed between my thighs and I had to resist the urge to grind on him like a cat. But I couldn’t stop my fingers from tracing the ridges of his muscles.

The contrast between his hard body and soft personality was such a turn on for me. The way he could buy me a tumbler one minute and threaten Brad the next. Or how he could drop to his knees and make me scream his name while still looking at me like I commanded the world.

It made me feel special in ways I couldn’t explain. I would never get enough of it. I could’ve laid there forever, but my bladder had a different idea.

Nathan made a noise as I slid out of bed, but didn’t move. I didn’t want to risk waking him up, so I walked past the adjoining bathroom, opting to find one in the hall.

While coming back from the bathroom, I noticed another door. It had a thumbprint lock like the elevators. I should walk away. It was an invasion of his privacy to go inside, but … I couldn’t help myself.

He knew everything about me, while I knew almost nothing about him. As I pressed my thumb to the panel, I told myself it wouldn’t work, anyway. But a second later, the door clicked open.

See, he wouldn’t have given me access if he didn’t want me in here.

The room was the same size as the main bedroom I’d left; it even had the attached bath and walk-in closet. But there was no bed. Instead, an L-shaped desk filled the space. There were more computer monitors than I’d ever seen.

Curiosity pumped through my veins. It made my heart beat faster and my hand tingle. Before I knew it, I was sitting in the large leather chair. My fingers hovered over the keyboard as I debated if I should turn it on.

But as if it sensed my presence, the screens came to life. They were blank, waiting for me to snoop. How could I deny them?

As I reached for the mouse, my arm bumped a paperback book. My mouth dropped open, snapping shut in annoyance as I found the romance novel Nathan had admitted to stealing from me.

The pages were soft and tinted. It was an old favorite I’d reread many times. I flipped through it, stopping at the piece of paper he’d used as a bookmark. My cheeks heated as I saw he’d just gotten past the first sex scene.

What I read didn’t embarrass me, but I was curious about his reaction. Did he touch himself while reading it? Picture himself as the characters like I sometimes did? I made a note to ask him about it later.

The idea of reading one of these books together sent a thrill through me. I wanted him to make a list of all the things that interested him. I yearned to be the person he explored them with. It was a possessive urge I had no right to feel. But it turned me on.

Setting the book down, I wiggled the mouse. A search engine appeared first. The last question Nathan had typed in was still on the screen.

How to show a woman you love her.
